Two’s company, three’s a crowd. That’s what they say anyway and I know what they’re referring to, but, “crowd” is usually what most people enjoy at Thanksgiving and Christmas gatherings. Our crowd on this past Thursday was three. My brother Phil, his wife Susan, and me. Everyone else was scattered around with other relatives or separated by distance. And although they were missed, still it was OK.
We had a very nice dinner which I, for the most part, prepared and Susan added the vegetables and cleaned up the kitchen. They had just returned from Branson for a quick visit to celebrate Susan‘s birthday and a time of getaway for them before my brother has hip replacement surgery this week.
While they were gone, I kept their dog, Howie. He was somewhat disoriented at first, but he came around and made himself quite comfortable here.
I think Annie was also disoriented and wishing she were still the main dog here. (Kind of funny to see the luxurious bed Howie has compared to Annie's plain little bed. Hmmmm.)
On Friday, I began to bring down from the attic my Christmas decorations. I discovered the lights weren't working on my larger tree, so I decided to get over to Hobby Lobby and get a new (and smaller) tree. What. Was. I. Thinking!??? Clearly, I was only thinking about the tree because I completely forgot it was "Black Friday." Ugh! Crazy traffic and the parking lots were full. Amazingly enough though, I selected my tree, got through the checkout line, and had my tree in the house within 30 minutes. That is the difference when you live in Tulsa as opposed to the Dallas metroplex.
I have another tree like this which is my Jessie Tree and I will put an ornament on it each day of Advent. I look forward to this as I read the Scripture for that day and look forward to Christmas.
I’ve already listed in a previous blog most of the things I’m thankful for. The thankful list goes on and on and is never ending because we are so richly blessed. But now another Thanksgiving is in the books and we are moving into Christmas to see what that brings. Life is good, and as I reflect on this past year In a new season of life and a new location, I am amazed at all the wonderful people who have come into my life and how very much I have to be thankful for in this place. For all these things, I give thanks. So hard to believe next week it will be two years since Jay passed.
This time two years ago, we had just returned from Branson and were celebrating Thanksgiving with a bigger crowd. I’m so glad we had those times together.
“The faithful love of the LORD never ends! His mercies never cease.
Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.
I say to myself, 'The LORD is my inheritance;
therefore, I will hope in him!'"
(Lamentations 3:22-24 NLT)
One thing I am learning from our friends like yourself and a few others who have also lost their beloved spouses in the past year or two, never take anything for granted. Make every moment count. Take pictures of your family while they are together for we never know but that it will be the last picture with everyone together. Cherish each moment and thank God for all He has done. I enjoyed your post and the sense of peace you seem to have in this new stage of your life. I know it hasn't been easy for you, but it is obvious that God has led you each step of the way and that He is with you in every new experience. You are a wonderful testimony of His grace. Thank you for sharing this with us. Your tree is lovely! I am amazed you did all of that by yourself. God bless you my friend.
The time is going fast, isn't it. Two years for you, a year for Barb, and almost a year for me. Hard to believe at times, but we are all three doing well and have our faith in God to thank for it. Your tree is so pretty. I just started mine. Pictures will follow. Yes, there is much to be thankful for!! xo
It sounds like you had a nice low-key Thanksgiving with just the three of you. Smaller is nice sometimes. We usually have 30+ for holidays and this year there were just 8 of us and it was great.
It's nice that you were able to take care of their dog while they were gone...and that he settled in okay.
I hope you have a great Sunday-xo Diana
Wonderful pictures and post. Sometimes smalleris good. Looks like to had really good time though small. The doggies are cute.
We were just reading those verses in Lamentations this week. So thankful
for New Mercies every morning!! God is Good!
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It's wonderful that you have such a supportive family and are able to celebrate Thanksgiving with loved ones.
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