On Eagle's Wings

On Eagle's Wings
He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:29-31


Wednesday, March 8, 2017

My Not so Perfect Hodgepodge

Joining in the Wednesday Hodgepodge with Joyce. 

1. What is one area in your life where you're a perfectionist.

Except for my little corner of my living area, and my husband's favorite little corner, I like for my house to be in order with everything in its place. Really had trouble thinking where I am a perfectionist, although my sister and her family all claim that I am. Maybe someday they will clue me in on how they came to that conclusion. Probably more than my being a perfectionist about anything, I am just a fussy lady about some things.

2. What's something you find perfectly ridiculous?

The protests that continue and the hateful exchanges and name calling over differences. Please, can we not live our lives in peace like civilized human beings?

3. What's a skill you've developed by way of that old fashioned saying, 'practice makes perfect?

The bread making I have been practicing lately. Not there yet, but on my way with practice. One other skill I have perfected is the perfect steak for us pan-seared in the iron skillet and finished off in the oven!

4. What's your idea of a perfect breakfast?

A veggie omelette cooked to perfection, crispy bacon, fresh strawberries, pineapple and blueberries, whole wheat toast with blackberry jam, and tomato juice.

5. What's a trip, holiday, vacation, or day outing you've taken that you'd rate a perfect 10? Tell us why.

Our train trip through Europe was one of the absolute best ever! It was several years ago, so my memory isn't "perfectly able" to recall all the places we saw. We started off in London, touring all the great places, then took the Chunnel train to Paris, enjoying a few days there. Following that we went to Zermatt, Switzerland, a cozy little town for a few days, and rode up to the Matterhorn.

From there we took the glacier train enjoying all the scenery of the Alps dotted with farms and going over beautiful bridges and pristine lakes on our way to Venice, Italy. In Venice, we saw all the sights including St. Mark's Square and took a ride on a gondola. A very exciting storm blew in while we were there, actually it was a tornado. Flood waters rose up to our knees and we were evacuated and taken by boat in the storm back over to the mainland. Pretty exciting stuff that made CNN and the newspapers the next morning.

Then, we took the very luxurious Orient Express overnight from Venice to Rome where we finished off that fabulous vacation. Whew!

All in all, we have been blessed to have enjoyed many perfect vacations that I rate a 10. We've done the Journeys of Paul trip through Greece and Turkey, visited Israel twice, toured Austria and Germany on a Sound of Music tour as well as other many other great vacations in Canada, Mexico and almost all of our United States.

6. What quote or saying perfectly sums up your life right now? If you can't do perfect, how about one that comes close?

Life is hard sometimes ... but God is good.

7. How would you spend $300 today?

Flowers and plants for the back yard.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

It has been my desire to serve somewhere in my community that wasn't church related. It came to my attention about a community project called LOVEpacs. The LOVEpacs vision is that communities experience God’s love by serving together to provide food for children in need.

So Monday night I went to the grocery store with two other ladies to pick up 350 loaves of bread and then go unload them and pick up boxes of food to deliver Tuesday morning to one of the local elementary schools. The LOVEpacs are provided during long weekends, breaks and in the summer. These boxes will be given to feed children next week when they are on spring break and won't be able to have meals at school. Great idea and I'm in.


Elizabeth "Libby" Day said...

I just want to shout "WOW!" while reading about all your amazing trips. What memories you have stored up to pull out and play with. I also want to give you a hug and say "You go Girl!" regarding your new project. How meaningful that must be. Sure enjoyed my visit with you today. As you will see on my blog, I'll be in your part of the world this weekend. I bet your grandkids would love it. The play is at the Addison Theater.

Ingrid said...

I love making bread because it's so easy and it tastes so good ! Of course it is with a machine and I just have to push the button.

Theresa said...

Amen to #6! You are quite the adventurous traveler. Sounds like you've had a lot of great vacations. Lovepacs is a wonderful idea. Looks like you've found the perfect way to serve your community.

Melanie said...

What amazing trips! I have to say that I'm a perfectionist and have to have order. I always enjoy your answers to the Hodge Podge every week. Have a great day.

Mrs.T said...

Loved your answers and your #6 in particular! I couldn't agree more with your #2 -- indeed, why cannot people behave like civilized human beings? And your perfect breakfast ... sounds absolutely wonderful!

Susie said...

Nonnie, I some times wonder what happened to my daughters..One is the best housekeeper ever, one is ok other than clutter on the kitchen island.One is half way messy...and one would rather be on the road than ever clean house.OMG her kids are just like. LOL. I have my clutter spot and so does Ted when we are home...but it's easy to fix if someone comes by. My favorite trip was waking up on the cruise ship to rooster crowing in Jamaica, as we neared the port. Blessings, xoxo, Susie
p.s. I loved your trip.:):)

maddie/cadesmimi said...

I agree with your thoughts on #2. Wow, you've been on some great vacations.
We do a similar program for feeding hungry children here. It's sad that there's a need for this. I've also heard some sad tales about some children having to hide their bags of food so the adults won't eat it. Can you imagine?

Kathy (Reflections)

Debbie said...

Good morning! I thoroughly enjoy your hodgepodge! Couldn't agree more on your number 2...I am soo done with it all. Your breakfast DOES sound perfect! And goodness those trips! How blessed you've been. But I am really loving your random answer and your new way of serving. My son's church has a very similar problem and it is soo good to see.

Joyce said...

Your trip sounds so nice! I still want to do a train trip. A friend did one recently across Canada and loved it. I'm glad you've found a place to serve. I cannot stand to think about children going hungry.

Harvest Moon by Hand said...

The Alps look like they would be amazingly beautiful to visit! The photo is spectacular! The LOVEpacs you're doing are such a great idea. There's a program like that locally in Minnesota here and we were told that many of the kids would not have a meal to eat all weekend - or a very limited amount of food - if it weren't for the food that is sent home with them on Fridays through this program. Think of all the young ones who won't be hungry thanks to what you are doing!

Aritha V. said...

I love nummer 4. That is so cute. I'd never eat such things in the morning. Tomato juice, brrr ...

Dianna said...

I loved reading here today, Nonnie. I especially enjoyed reading about your marvelous vacations...and about the LOVEpacs project that you are serving in. Great stuff...oh...and I also loved that you'd spend the $300 for plants to put in your backyard! :)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Great answer for #2, enough already! Great answer about your bread and practice makes perfect. That was one amazing trip you took....wow! That is a lovely project in your random. Enjoy your weekend.