My Mother
A sweet, simple, naive, kind, gentle, loving woman.
So many adjectives to describe her. My Mama.
She was teacher, defender, the one who made lots of sacrifices for my sister, brother and me.
She spent hours making our clothes, cooking, doing backbreaking work under poor conditions without the conveniences we now have.
She could stretttcccchhhh a dollar, as they say!
I can honestly tell you I never heard my mother complain.
She literally rescued me from our burning house
when I was a baby.
In my life, I strayed many times.
What she taught me about Jesus brought me back to the right path.
Her examples of prayer and faith,
faithfulness and loyalty stand out in my memory.
What others said about her?
She always had a smile and a kind word for others.
She had a reputation for never gossipping.
(She did have a sneaky side, though! ;-)
We found out one of the funny things she did sometimes was pull out our
roller skates after we had gone to school ... and skate on the driveway!!!
We found that hilarious.)
Selfish kids we are when we are young.
I remember at the end of the day,
all she asked from us was for someone to rub her feet.
(Wah, we didn't always "feel" like doing that.)
She passed away 25 years ago after one of the most courageous fights
against cancer I ever witnessed.
How I miss her. It would be a privilege to be able to rub her feet again.
The joy of her life in her last years were her grandchildren.
It was a disappointment to us that she did not get to see them grow up.
Have I made her sound too perfect?
She wasn't.
But she was the perfect Mom for me.
I look forward to seeing her again one day.
February 19,1931 - August 28,1987