Today marks the 26th year since Dear Heart and I met.
A day for which I will always be thankful
and still remember as though it was yesterday! ;-)
Having been widowed for one year and X-tremely lonely,
my friend, Sandy, invited me to attend her church which had a singles group.
(I WAS the single adult group at our small church)
On Sunday nights, several of the singles would head over to a
country western place for some fun and to do a little two-steppin'
now this was a shocking thing to my Mom who
could not believe that Baptists would dance on Sunday nights!
So, I reluctantly headed over there early to take a few lessons.
(Country Western dance had not been part of my repertoire, doncha see?)
After seeing my choices of partners at the lessons, I found myself an
obscure place to hide and keep away from the "weirdos."
Sandy informed me that I had a bad attitude and how another friend of hers
had actually met her husband in a "place like this." HA! I said.
After being invited to dance with a few exuberant dancers,
(maybe a few too many?)
a nice-looking man came over and said, "Would you like to dance with me?"
Oh yes! He was a sweet talker indeed and talked all the
time as he guided me around the dance floor.
Felt like I had been 2-steppin' all my life.
We danced and danced and went out for a bite to eat together.
After giving him my office phone number, we said our good-byes,
(not telling him where I lived.)
and then I drove home at breakneck speed.
hoping he wasn't a crazy who would follow me home
He called the next day. We set a date.
In a few days, he called again, asking me to go to a movie
with him and "his boy."
Okay! Now this is crazy.
Only a few weeks before,
as I sat at a red light staring at a man and his son in the truck ahead of me,
I distinctly remember my prayer,
"O God, that's what I need. A man and a boy."
All I can say is, God works in mysterious ways, doesn't He?
He knows, He hears, He cares.
Those eyes still spark with a sweet mischief.
You gotta love a guy like that!
Turns out, the little boy had a sister.
So, second date finds me with Dear Heart, his son, and his daughter.
Two of the best kids. Ever!
I not only got the cake, but the frosting AND sprinkles too.
If you have time to listen, this is Willie Nelson singing
I Could Waltz Across Texas With You.