Wednesday, October 18, 2017

The Eyes Don't Have It!

Right now I'm experiencing problems with my left eye. Everything looks something like this.

I have had cataract surgery on both eyes and my eyesight is monovision. The left eye is for close up.

This is quite frustrating and for a person who loves to read and spends most of my day reading, whether it's recipes, instructions, a good book, cereal boxes, labels, my iPad or phone, this is BUGGING ME! I have an appointment with the eye doctor next week and am hopeful that if I just rest my eye until then, maybe the problem will correct itself. My eyesight has never been something I take for granted and to even think of the possibility of not being able to read is very scary.

What else is there to do if you can't read?


  1. Oh- I am so sorry, Connie. That is downright scary. I remember being asked one time which of my senses I valued the most and it was/is my eyesight. I hope it is alright before long. xo Diana

  2. Nonnie, I hope your eye will correct itself. I need a cataract surgery soon. I have my annual eye appointment next month and I will be talking to the DR about it. I do not sew or read as much I would like because of eye strain. So I am praying for you. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  3. Okay I have to have cataract surgery and I was thinking March - but you had both at the same time? What is mono-vision? Did you ask the doctor or tell him it is blurry? I will be interested and PRAYING! We want to be able to

  4. Oh my. I'm sorry to have no advice for you but I will sure be praying for a good outcome. Glad you have that appointment and I am hopeful it will be an easy fix. Hugs.

  5. Oh no...I am so sorry...I am far sighted and wear bifocals. This would be so frusterating....keeping you in prayer, Connie.
