Thursday, October 19, 2017

Happy Birthday to my Sister!

She made her entrance into the world and changed my world 66 years ago. Let's see, I got to be the only child for about two years and then I was blessed with my sister.

Pretty cute, huh? She didn't have much hair, and I
remember Mom saying how many people thought she was a boy!
No way that looks like a boy.


Happy Birthday party for my four year old sister and the only unhappy people in this pic were the two of us! She because her friend was holding her new birthday doll and me, because it wasn't my birthday.
She did finally grow some hair and I remember very well hearing people comment often about my sister's pretty dark curls. Her hair was long and Mom took care to fix Roberta's hair in those long curls.

Mom liked to dress us alike.

Even our little bears.

I love my sister. We share many sweet memories together and what one can't remember, the other does. Together we can pretty much piece together our history!

We don't dress alike anymore, but it's weird that 
somehow we end up with some very similar items in our closet!


  1. I love meeting your sister here...Happy Birthday to her!! Yes, I understand about we age, many think my sister and I look alike, but we never did as children. We still don't think we do...but we DO often wear the same outfit or something similar...and we never shop together or see each other often enough to copy each other, so it is really weird!!! But fun! Thanks for sharing this fun with us today.

  2. Awe I love this post! Happy birthday to your sister!!! These pictures are great and always good to reminisce. Have a great weekend.


  3. Happy Birthday to Roberta. You girls are all so cute in those cotton dresses ..I remember those. :):) You are both lucky to have each other. I love the family picture. Blessings to you Nonnie. xoxo, Susie

  4. Happy birthday to your sister - I am glad that you have each other!

  5. What a happy post!! I'm sure I would like your sister as much as I like you!!

  6. I love the photos! Happy Birthday to your sister.
