Saturday, October 14, 2017

Just a Rant

On Thursday, I met with a dog trainer who taught me a few tricks to use on training my new dog, Annie, to walk with me. I have mentioned that my concerns are her excitement and aggressiveness on our walks. It turns out I didn't know the dog has "alpha" tendencies and I'm the one who needs to be the "alpha" in our walks. Keep her beside or just behind me and always in control. He said that when the dog is out in front of me, it is the protector and sees other dogs as either "prey" or "predators."

Does this look like an alpha dog?

He also taught me how to handle her when we meet up with other dogs, however, my policy to avoid such situations are the right and best way to handle this. Sometimes the situation is unavoidable. Such as was the case this very morning.

As we were walking this morning, I'm keeping my eyes straight ahead and looking around to be sure of what is going on around us. Sure enough, I spotted a big, black dog ... did I mention VERY BIG dog some distance away at the park and unleashed. Just as I turned Annie around to go back the other way, I saw the dog begin to run to us and I yelled STOP! Maybe I shouldn't have. But there was no person with the dog.

As the dog came closer, all of a sudden there was a man who noticed us and I observed he was carrying a leash. He began to walk toward us. By this time, his dog was about one foot away and I had Annie under control so I grabbed my pepper spray and SPRAYED! It worked! That dog turned around and I have to admit I yelled at the man, "How dare you?" There is a leash law and it amazes me that other people think their dogs are good and would not hurt anybody. Just being friendly! HA!


  1. ah....yes....leash laws....our little town is well known to hand out tickets and the police are always on the look out. I wish they would a better job of the cat issue in this town....just saying.

    My husband trained German Shep. in the Marines, which bought us the love of the dog. Our Coffee was trained by the three of us and you are so right, they have to know who the alpha is. I do believe though, Coffee thinks we are his people, and therefor, he trained us, lol. Just saying. ANYWAYS, You have to remain steadfast in your training. Always, always remain confident. You are his owner and not the other way around....but don't listen to me, as our Coffee thinks he is the owner, wink. (being funny)

  2. Good for you for giving the man his comeuppance! Why do people think the rules do not apply to them when it comes to their animals?!

    I am happy your trainer gave you a deeper understanding of your Annie's personality and temperament.

    Have a wonderful weekend. xo Diana

  3. That's pretty scary. Molly gets three walks a day as we live upstairs at the Villa. She is always leashed and is a little ambassador. She is sometimes too friendly. We have only had one incident, and the other dog was on a leash, but the owner was not holding it close..Molly showed her true colors that she stand her ground if pushed.

  4. I have to say you are braver than me!

  5. We have a least law in our town to and I very seldom see one off least, when I do it makes me feel the same way you do. Some people don't like to follow the rules.

  6. Nonnie, I like to tell people , "my dog won't bite" are famous dog owners words. All dogs will bite...we just are not so sure when. I am with you...if the man had his dog on a leash he would have stopped it from running at you. Most people will turn on anyone who says anything about their dog. Honestly. I am surprised you didn't have to use the spray on the owner. LOL. Stay strong, blessings, xoxo, Susie

  7. My rant might not ever be over if that had happened to me. Good grief, what was he thinking! Bless you!

  8. Glad you had the pepper spray! Also glad you didn't have to use it on the owner of the big dog! I've watched the Dog Whisperer so am familiar with the alpha dog thing and the human needing to be the alpha. Even little dogs... She is such a cutie!! Keep working with her.

  9. Oh my! So glad you and Annie are okay, and that you had the pepper spray. Yes, that is my "pet" peeve...people who don't keep their pets under control at all times. Wow. I know that was scary. So glad it turned out okay.

  10. We live in a gated community also with a leash law. I happened to look up in time to see a woman walk right in front of my windows, at the edge of my flower beds. I knew she was walking a dog. I ran to the door in time to see the unleashed dog water my plants and them move to the neighbors. I was furious! Dog owners who think their pet (and perhaps themselves) is entitled to do what would normally warrant a 911 call disturbs me greatly. So glad you told the owner what you thought and hopefully, the spray will teach both him and the dog a lesson.

  11. That was a scary incident. As a young child, we had a neighbor who chained their dog. He was a huge German Shepherd! Oneday I was playing in my fenced in front yard and he broke those chains and headed right for me. My neighbor and good friend of my parents saw him and he was just coming from work and put his steel toed boot between me and the dog. He yelled at the neighbor for treating her dog so horribly and I was shaken for a long time. I have a dog walker who allows the dog to water my plants on the front yard. I would love to turn our daughters huge part Mastiff and Shepherd on them but we don't want a lawsuit and my hubby works for a hige law firm! Some people are so selfish. UGH! I tghink there should be laws to be parents as well as pet owners.
