Friday, May 14, 2021

Friday Fotos

I remember in the past linking with someone for Friday Fotos, but if I remember correctly, it was discontinued. Anyway, I am posting photos today of the house that I moved into back in September. There have been many events happen between then and now, and I still haven't finished doing the things I should be doing, but life is happening and who really cares if I get all the pictures hung? Right? But Pamela asked me to share some photos of my house so this morning I went through quickly and took pics. I don't know how those photographers who style homes for sale get such amazing pictures ... it certainly isn't possible with an iPhone!

I posted a couple of pictures last week of my living room. When you first enter my house, the dining room is to the left.

The doorway you see in the pic above leads to my little kitchen and breakfast area.

It also leads to my library/office. 

This is the downstairs guest bedroom.

and guest bath

This is the upstairs guest bedroom.

It also has a full size bath, but I didn't take a pic of it.
It's very nice, though.

This is a large walk-in attic from the 
upstairs bedroom. The other walk-in attic has
the AC unit and hot water heater, insulation,
ducts, etc. all that necessary stuff.

This is my bedroom.

The entertainment center in the bedroom is housing
my printer and supplies are in the drawers.

My large and somewhat messy closet.

The guest bedroom also has a closet like this.
My brother says he has "closet envy."

This hallway leads from my bedroom to the guest room and back
to the living room. The door on the left is a half bath
and to the right of the picture at the end is the closet
under the staircase.

This is the patio room looking out at the back deck.

Large garage which also has a storm cellar below.

Front of the house.

I didn't include pics of the stairs, hall and laundry room. Pamela, I hope you enjoyed seeing where Annie and I live now. We really like it here, have wonderful neighbors and it's convenient to just about everything we need ... that is, except Texas.


  1. Beautiful. I am closet envy too, grin. Have a beautiful weekend.

  2. Oh, Nonnie (Connie!) I LOVE it! It really is a lovely lovely home!! How wonderful to have such nice big closets...yes, I also have closet envy! Also Attic envy! We do not have an attic or an attached garage, so all our storage stuff goes in the shed, which is of course detached and HOT. But we are glad to have it. I love your kitchen and I actually love your little den room looking out the back door. I would probably spend more time there, because I love to see outside! How nice to have a guest room downstairs as well as upstairs! And so many bathrooms!! What a wonderful home! You were blessed to find one so neat and pretty. Thank you for sharing it with us. I'm glad your post finally went through! I don't think it was you at all...many others were having similar problems last night. Yes, if you could have brought all your special friends and family from Texas with you, it would be perfect. But God is going to bless you there as well...wait and see!!!

  3. Connie, I really enjoyed the tour of your new home! It is beautiful and I have closet envy too!! I also have storm cellar envy! What a comfort that has to be! Your home looks so comfortable. I know you love it there! xo
