Friday, April 5, 2019

Saturday: 9 and Secrets!

Secret Love (1953)

Unfamiliar with this week's song. Hear it here.

Rest in peace, Doris Day (1922-2019)
1) In this song Doris admits she's spoken to the stars, "the way dreamers often do." Do you often daydream? Sure! Usually while I’m watching TV. 

2) What's the last secret you kept? (It doesn't have to be romantic.) 
That both our nephews’ wives are pregnant. (Secret is out now.)

3) While "Secret Love" was one of Miss Day's best-selling records, and the song won an Oscar, she did not perform it at the Academy Awards Ceremony. She said she was just too nervous to sing it live before an international television audience and an auditorium full of entertainment professionals. When did you last suffer an attack of nerves? 

I’m not crazy about  speaking in front of a group, but I am getting better. I had a bit of an attack of nerves this week when I thought my credit card had been hacked, and also couldn’t get into my online bank account. 

4) Doris' well-publicized attack of Oscar stage fright was unexpected because she began her career as a band singer, performing before live audiences every night. But she reportedly did develop more phobias over the years, including a fear of flying. Is there anything that scares you now, as an adult, that didn't frighten you as a child? 

Maybe airplane trips, but I never traveled by plane until age 19. Not exactly a child, but I was ignorant of the dangers in that first flight. It was a company prop jet and we flew with one generator out and through a very bad storm from Oklahoma to Florida. I thought it was exciting seeing lightning in front of the plane, but at this stage in life, I would have been chewing my nails to the quick. 
 5) Doris Day made 39 movies between 1948 and 1968. She said one of her favorite things about filmmaking was working with costume designers on her wardrobe. Do you enjoy shopping for clothes? 

Let’s see now ... if the weather is good, my hair looks fine, I have make-up on, there are good choices and everything I try on fits. Oh sure, then I enjoy shopping for clothes. 

6) Doris confessed that when she had to lose weight for a role, she gave up ice cream. If we checked your freezer, would we find any ice cream? 
Oh yes!

7) In 1985 she hosted a cable show called Doris Day's Best Friends. She used the show as a platform to promote pet adoptions and animal welfare. Most of the guests were  celebrity friends who reportedly donated their salaries for appearing on the show to Doris' pet foundation. Did you more recently ask a friend for a favor, or perform a favor for a friend?
Seems too often I am asking our friend Fred for help with some small thing or other. He is most obliging. 
8) For more than 20 years, Doris co-owned the Cypress Inn in Carmel, CA. The Inn expects to continue on without her, and maintain the pet-friendly policies she introduced. Have you ever traveled with your dog or cat? 

Our miniature dachshunds went everywhere with us. Our dog Annie travels with us sometimes, but usually stays with our petsitters. 

Annie likes her petsitter!

9) Random question: What's the last thing you complained about?

My weight maybe. 

Not so random thought: Doris Day had a beautiful voice and I enjoyed listening to her sing. I remember as a little girl singing Que Sera Sera as I played on our swing in the back yard. We never went to movies, but after I became an adult, I enjoyed seeing her in the old movies from the 50's and read her memoirs. It was sad to me that her choice of husbands was not good and that she had been so trusting of Marty Melcher who lost all her money. She was decent and a very classy lady.


  1. Your answer to #5 made me smile because I can sooo relate!

  2. Oh my gosh, that picture on #5...truth!

  3. Loved the answer to #5 as well! So can relate! Have a great Saturday!

  4. Your answer to clothes shopping got me laughing out loud! I can relate!
    I just think Annie is the cutest little pup.She looks so sweet in that photo.

  5. YES!!! The clothing chart! That is me!
    My son loves Doris Day so much. I bet he knows that information about her that you shared, but I didn't. So sad. :( Thank-you for sharing. She will be missed for sure at our house. I loved your answers! Have a great weekend!

  6. Love that clothes shopping meme! To have a great pet-sitter must bring y'all so much peace of mind. (We've not yet tried that route.) Your Annie is adorable.

  7. I love Doris Day! Her singing was perfect same as her acting and she was such a nice woman! Wish we had more like her. I hope you are that movie that she made with Danny Thomas...don't miss it! I'll See You In My Dreams, that's the title.

  8. Is there anything that scares you now, as an adult, that didn't frighten you as a child?

    Yes. I am afraid of corners. They are everywhere these days. Inside the house, in every room, even outdoors there are corners. Streets have corners, shops, etc ... Corners are taking over the world.

    God bless.

  9. I liked your post script about Doris Day. I don't know that I've ever seen her movies but I knew who she was and I think my father liked her.

  10. I think your clothes comment made us all chuckle. How cute! Enjoyable answers to fun questions!

  11. We have great cat sitters. So great knowing they are cared for when we travel! I enjoyed reading your answers! Seems we all have ice cream in our freezers! Congrats on the growing families!

  12. Sorry I haven't been around it my grandson's graduation weekend and we had tons of company.
    Your pooch Annie is so cute.
    I really liked Doris Day - i thought she was a good person.
    I know she loved animals.
    I did not know she had developed phobias or didn't sing at the awards. You learn something new every day.
    I still sing Que Sera Sera! lol
    Love, sandie
