Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Wednesday Medley Celebrating Siblings

Wednesday Medley this week is all about siblings! You don't have any siblings? Terri says if you are an only child, substitute an aunt, cousin, or a friend if you want to participate! Grab the questions right here to answer on your blog and link up with Your Friend from Florida on Wednesday! No rules … just fun!

National Siblings Day (also referred to as Sibling Day) is observed on April 10. It is a day created to honor our brothers and our sisters.

Siblings. They are sometimes our best friends or our worst enemies. At times, siblings will provide us with our biggest competition, strongest encouragement and remind us of our most embarrassing moments.

1.  Stealing the questions from the National Day Calendar:  How many siblings do you have? Are you rivals or do you support each other in all you do?

One sister, Roberta, and one brother, Phil. We love each other. 

That hat!!! and haircut!!! Ha!

2.  Have you heard of the Birth Order Book?  What are your thoughts on the premise that your birth order affects everything you do in life?

I haven’t read the book nor do I know much about it. I will say some of the effects for my family would be that my sister and I being two years apart grew up and shared some things together that my younger brother did not. He was nine years younger than me and in some ways, he was an only child since he didn’t have a sibling close in age. 

However, he and I are extremely close in the sense that we are so much alike that my sil says we are twins separated by 9 years, i.e., we think alike, have the same opinions, likes and dislikes, pet peeves, etc. I just wish I was as smart as he is. I do think because he came along later and was a boy that maybe he enjoyed some privileges my sister and I did not, but I believe I can honestly say there were no favorites by my parents and I don’t think there was any jealousy on our part. 

I’m the oldest. My sister says I am a controller. That’s all I’m going to say about our birth orders. I think my parents did a good job of being fair, giving all they could to us with a sacrificial love that did not give us everything we may have wanted, and that each one of us have been successful in relationships and our work ethic and most of all, in relationship with the Lord. 

3.  Is there something that you still do that drives your siblings crazy?
I will have to ask them. My sis may think I’m a little too fussy. My brother may think I’m too prone to dwell on my failures. 

4.  Are you closer to your siblings now than you were when you were younger? Yes  

5.  Would you dare to tell us an embarrassing story about a sibling?
Not too embarrassing, but maybe about my sister: we had a neighbor who borrowed often. One day she came over to ask for two eggs. Roberta gave her one egg and my mother asked why she didn’t give two. Roberta exclaimed "because those eggs have double yolks!"
Also, people were always commenting on how cute my sister was and one time when an older lady remarked, you sure are cute, Roberta replied, "well, you’re not!"

6.  Tell us something random about your week.

We went to Austin to visit our daughter. It was a beautiful drive there on Friday and I so wished I could take pics along the way of the bluebonnets and other wildflowers, but I was, and always am, the driver. Blankets and blankets of color covered both sides of the highway all the way down I-35. 

Bluebonnets in Ennis, Texas

Hill Country, Texas

The reports say that 2019 was the best year for bluebonnets since 2009!

Saturday was a very stormy day with lots of rain, so we stayed indoors and played cards and 42 until later in the day when the sun came out. We went to watch the girls’ soccer team from Brady’s school and it felt good to be out. 

On Sunday we were to return home and what a trip it was for me as more severe storms had come early Sunday morning and I was racing trying to stay ahead of the rain. Oh my though, the fog was with us all the way until it finally cleared just before Dallas. 

My sister and niece came on Sunday afternoon and we had a nice visit with them. Roberta wanted to treat me to dinner for my birthday next month.

It was a good weekend. After my sister left, I did two loads of laundry only to discover the washer had leaked out all over the kitchen floor and into the dining room. So thankful I got downstairs in time to see what was going on and sop up all the water! What a big mess!! The repairman came on Tuesday so we are back in business!

Happy Siblings Day!! I'm thankful for mine!


  1. What a week you had! Would you believe I have only seen the bluebonnets once in the all the years my daughter has lived in Texas? We say every year we are going to take a trip just to see them, but alas. Seems like this year would have been the time to go. So glad you made the trip safely and got to enjoy those handsome grandsons. Also, grateful you didn't have to deal with a greater cleanup than you did with the water. What a mess that could have been. Hope you enjoy the rest of the week without incident. LOL!

  2. Funny stories about your sister!! That first photo of bluebonnets with the red barn in the background and blue skies with puffy white clouds is a winner!! We have been in Texas a few times but always missed bluebonnet season. :-(

  3. I've always wanted to see those bluebonnets; guess I will need to travel to Texas at some point.

  4. I loved reading about you and your siblings! And those bluebonnet pictures are gorgeous!!

  5. So glad you had a fun trip to Austin. How long do the bluebonnets stay blooming. I will be in Houston in about 3 weeks and wonder if I'll be able to see them.

  6. I am also thankful for mine! Yours sound wonderful! HUGS! Annster's Domain

  7. Such fun seeing your sibling photos...and yes, you were looker in that hat! It sounds like you also enjoyed your siblings and it blesses my heart to hear that you are still close today. But those BLUEBONNETS...OH MY! What a sight that must be to see! I think I may need to put a visit to Texas in April on my bucket list!

  8. Love your stories about your siblings and the pictures. You were blessed to have a close family. I was the baby of our family, 4 1/2 years younger than my sister, and then my two older brothers were older than her, so I wasn't quite as close to them growing up, but we all get along great today. I just wish we could get together oftener, especially since my oldest brother now has leukemia and isn't doing real well. He lives in Ga., and it's not that easy for me to get up there. My other brother and my sister were both there last night, and I must admit I felt rather sad not to be there with them all, but it couldn't be helped. Anyway, I loved your pictures of the bluebonnets too. I would love to see them someday. I'm glad you had a good weekend, but I am sorry to hear about the washer leakage. That is never any fun to deal with. Wow. Glad you caught it before it did real damage. God bless you, dear friend, for all you must take care of.

  9. I am extremely close to my youngest brother as well. So glad you caught the leak before it did lots of damage. So very aggravating! Wishing you a good rest of the week!

  10. Love the one with the hat... and those blue bonnets... so pretty!! Have a great Wednesday!

  11. Your hat and hair are so "in" for that period and would look cute today! Thanks for joining the Medley today! I have really enjoyed seeing photos and learning about everyone's siblings today! Your kiddos are so cute. Love that photo of them with you!

  12. Those bluebonnets are absolutely beautiful!! Thank you for sharing the photos I really enjoyed seeing them. Great pictures of you and your family and so wonderful how close you all are. Hope you enjoy the rest of your week!

    Many blessings,

  13. Nonnie, I am thankful for my siblings...not so much growing up. LOL Six brothers and four sisters. Had to share everything. LOL. I loved seeing the pictures of your family. Those sweet young ones. I know you love them so much. Blessings to you, xoxo, Susie

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