Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Wednesday Medley

It's a very windy and wet Wednesday here and time to join Terri for another round of the Wednesday Medley! Thank you, Terri! You can find the questions right here, answer them and join everybody for the fun.

Today is National Good Samaritan Day, observed on March 13th and is also known as Good Samaritan Involvement Day. This is a day for unselfish actions to help those in need and to celebrate kindness.

The term “good Samaritan” comes from the Bible parable where a Samaritan helped a stranger who had been robbed and beaten and left to die by the side of the road.  The Samaritan not only cleaned the man’s wounds and clothed him, but took him to an inn where he paid for the man’s care.
The term is used today to describe those who perform acts of kindness for those in need, especially those who are strangers.
Make an effort to help someone who is struggling or having a problem. Use #GoodSamaritanDay to post on social media.
I will do my best to find somebody in need and help them out!

1. When did someone come to your rescue and can you tell us about it?

Our friend Fred helps me out quite often with things around the house. He certainly helped me get the motorcycle and the shed taken care of not too long ago. They weren’t so much of a jam as they were huge problems that kept me awake at night. 

There is one time I remember after DH had his quad bypass when he wasn’t supposed to be exerting himself. But of course he never paid attention. Here is a very short version of what happened. 

After purchasing a classic 1975 Harley with a sidecar, DH discovered it had some mechanical problems which he thought he could fix. So he hoisted the thing up to work under it and asked me to stand and watch while it is jacked up on the driveway to make sure everything goes all right. Now I was willing to oblige this request until I stood there about a minute thinking what exactly would I do to help him if the jack slipped? That thing weighed a ton AND since Dear Heart recently had a quad-bypass AND was taking blood thinners and other medications, any wounds are dangerous as we witnessed with his experiences with a grinder, a tiller, and trip to the emergency room. He is also not one to lay still (lie still?) while he is working! As soon as he had finished working unsuccessfully, I informed him that would be the last time EV.ER. for me to stand by ready to call 911! 

Would you believe it? About five minutes later, a complete stranger pulls up in our driveway, wants to check out the "cool" motorcycle and, before you know it, he tells my sweetheart that he is a motorcycle guy and can help him work on it. He is so clever that he pulls the motorcycle over the water thingee in the front yard so it doesn't have to be jacked up. He crawls under, does a couple of tweaks to the thing and, voila! All done. I gave him and his dog cold water, they sat in the shade, and then left. 

The very Good Samaritan that day was really an angel dressed as an Ordinary Joe.
2. When did you help someone out of a jam and can you tell us about it?

I’m a little embarrassed that I can’t think at this moment of having helped someone out of a jam recently. I always try to help people, but it is pretty much little things ... not what I’d consider a big jam or coming to their rescue. Before everybody had cell phones, I would stop on my way to work to offer rides to ladies who were in need. It seemed fairly safe seeing as how it was always during rush hour when they appeared to be on their way to work and needed help. 

3. What are your thoughts on being a good Samaritan? I think we all should be. Some states (like Florida) have even passed Good Samaritan laws so you don't get into trouble with the law for trying to help someone.

4. Thursday is National Pi Day. It's a fun play on the date 3.14. Will you have some pie to celebrate?
I have it on my calendar to bake a chocolate pie. 

5. Did you know that Pi is the most studied number in mathematics? Are you good with numbers? 

No. I do not like math, so it was surprising in my first job as secretary to controller of an insurance company that I would be handling the mortgage loans owned by the company … double entry bookkeeping. That was huge for me! Give me a formula and I can figure it out, but really, let somebody else do it. My brother and all Jay’s family have a gift for numbers. 

6. Tell us something random about your week.

It is a fairly quiet week. On Monday I attended the Memory Support Group meeting which was most encouraging and I took as many notes as I could keep up with. The speaker was so interesting, I could have listened as long as he could have gone on. He shared a lot of good information, most of which I knew, but being reminded helps you to put things in perspective. Tuesday I actually made myself go shopping because I needed to replace a pair of black slacks and, since Chico's was having a 40% off, I bought a few things and came out pretty good! They gave me an extra 10% off because for the third time they had lost me in their system. That was very annoying, but I patiently waited for them to make the correction. So I immediately went to the closet to pull out some things I never really wore and will take them to give away. Tomorrow I'm having lunch with friends and Thursday taking the dog to the groomer. She's been fairly expensive this week as she just had her dental cleaning also! Yikes! 


  1. Love your answer to #1! I need to work it into our budget to get Lici's teeth cleaned.... whew what an expense! Have a great Wednesday!

  2. I love the motorcycle story,Connie. That was definitely an "ordinary Joe" angel in disguise.
    Love that you were the "numbers" gal at that company in spite of not liking math. lol
    Have a wonderful Wednesday- xo Diana

  3. Loved your "angel" story. You gave me a couple chuckles with lay/lie and water thingee. I never know whether its lay or lie either, so I'm guessing we both missed that grammar lesson. Now, the water thingee still has me buffaloed. How fun to have shopped and found some bargains. I'm dreading needing to do that for spring as I'm really not much of a shopper. Enjoy the rest of your week.

  4. Love a good Chicos sale, I rarely buy anything in there full price, they are always having good sales. Enjoy your chocolate pie!

  5. I love the'ordinary Joe's story. I have one of those husbands who wants to do everything himself and feel like you about what to do in an emergency as I stand quite helplessly by. I guess we all need those angels in disguise to come along. Glad you found some nice things at Chico's. I wonder if there's one in Wausau.

  6. I soooo loved your 'angel' story! Dunno what it is about men, but I can sure relate.

  7. You have had a busy and expensive week.
    I love the Good Samaritan story with your husband and the man who stopped to help - a miracle?
    I am sure you have helped many people on your path - you have been someones angel too.
    Love, sandie

  8. I love your answer to #1! What an awesome story!
    It sounds like a good week so far! Loved your answers! Happy Wednesday!

  9. You really did have a Good Samaritan stop to help with the motorcycle! Truly a God thing! I love stories like that! Thanks for joining the Medley today! You got a good deal at Chico's!! We have one at our Lakeside Village but I never go in... they don't carry my sizes but they do have great jewelry!

  10. Wonderful story of the Good Samaritan. So thankful for those special "angels" who show up at just the right time. I know we've experienced that in our lives many times. I only wish I could say I've been the Good Samaritan for others, but I can't remember when. Sometimes people view us that way when we don't think anything about maybe that is the key...we do what we believe we should do, and to us it isn't a big deal, but to another it may mean the world! Something to ponder. Glad you found some good bargains when shopping. That always feels good!! I hate to shop, esp. for clothes. I often just give up and go home with nothing, so when I do find something right, I celebrate! Praying for you with your situation regarding the "memory support", etc. May God continue to help you and give you wisdom and love and patience. I know He will.

  11. I read the post after this. Did you know your comments have been disabled? Anyway, I agree with everything you wrote there and want you to know that you are not alone! Hugs- Diana

  12. I liked the motorcycle story. I was rescued by a Good Samaritan once when my car broke down and it definitely felt like a God thing. I hope you're doing well. So glad you were encouraged by your speaker this week. Hope you're doing well!
