Sunday, March 3, 2019

Sunday Musings

March really has come to us like a lion. Here’s hoping it will go out like a lamb and be a little lamb through the end of May. Spring is truly a sweet time of the year. 

We’ve certainly needed our coats these first few days of March. 
It is to be down to 21 frigid degrees tonight and probably the next couple of nights.

A friend who commented on this said: I will take Lucy any day! At least I know what she's conveying. Have no idea what most of the emojis are so they are lost on me. I DO know the smile!! 

Her comment begged the question from me:
What does this face say?

Just some good thoughts out there this week on Facebook. 
Yes, it is good for something. I find encouragement there every day from 
friends and family.

Many times.

Yesterday saw a big crowd of us making pbj sandwiches for the hungry kiddos! Our church is reaching out more and more and today I learned that we now will be having the opportunities to learn more about foster parenting and how we can help. Not all of us can actually be foster parents, but we can be of assistance to those who are with logistical needs.

This morning as I read my Bible and gave thanks, not for the first time, I thought about how good God has been to me from my beginning to this present time. It occurred to me that not one single day have I ever known lack of any good thing, always loved, always protected. Born into a family of faith filled people, taught about Jesus at an early age and growing in faith through the ups and downs, valleys, and mountaintops. I was blessed with an education that empowered me to be a responsible and productive worker. God has blessed me with loving parents and siblings, kind and helpful teachers, places of steady and productive employment, two faithful and loving husbands, the very best stepchildren and bonus grandchildren and so many precious friends throughout my life. And in between all these wonderful blessings, there have been times of sadness ... hardship ... sorrow ... losses ... loneliness, but in numbering my days, they are few and far between. But they had great value also!

"Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom."
Psalm 90:12 NLT

An approximate calculation of the number of my days to date is 25,550 days! Mercy, that is a lot of days!

"Bless the Lord, O my soul,
And all that is within me, bless His holy name.
Bless the Lord, O my soul,
And forget none of His benefits;
Who pardons all your iniquities,
Who heals all your diseases;
Who redeems your life from the pit,
Who crowns you with lovingkindness and compassion;
Who satisfies your years with good things,
So that your youth is renewed like the eagle."

Makes me want to jump up and down!


  1. This was such a delightful post, Connie. I enjoyed it so much. That face could be interpreted many ways, but I think I'll go with, "Take this you freezing temps!" LOL! Love it!

  2. Connie, this post is so uplifting and positive!! Thank you for the blessing!!

  3. Oh Connie, this was so wonderful. You have truly made me think about the number of my days that God has been with me all these years...approximately 26,320 days. Wow!! Oh, that's not counting the first 9 months of my life in the womb so add another 270 days = 26,590. Can't leave out those precious days inside our mother's womb! Every moment counts!! Thank you for sharing this beautiful post today. Loved it...and I LOVE LUCY and her emoji faces...and your face? Well...that's the look when I try to figure out stuff and my brain goes cookoo! LOL. So cute. Have a blessed day.

  4. A lovely, cheery post! I enjoy using emojis and I have about 4 I use in particular. Lucy was the original emoji! Loved watching her.
