Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Strawberry Fields Wednesday Medley

Sitting in a strawberry patch, picking and eating as I try to fill a basket sounds like a delightful thing to do on a warm (not hot) summer day. Terri has come up with another great Medley for us, so all of you know the routine! Go get the questions here, answer, post and link up on her blog!

1.  Given all that information on this National Strawberry Day, do you have a favorite recipe for strawberries? 
I like them dipped in dark chocolate, but only ever did that myself once for a baby shower. Yummy. The other would be trifle … or maybe strawberry shortcake!
Would you share it with us? Here is a link to the recipe.

Many years ago, we loved a strawberry cake that I made several times. Hmmmm. Will have to look for that.
2.  Some people think the smaller, northern varieties are sweeter than the larger berries that grow in the south and in California.  What are your thoughts on that? 
I never thought about it. I do love a sweet strawberry and now that I think about it, I have noticed the small ones usually taste better. 
3.  There is a Strawberry Festival right here in Plant City, Florida (next town over from Lakeland) and it is a huge event that lasts 11 days with headliner acts each day.  Have you ever been to a Strawberry Festival? No
4.  Strawberries are grown in every US state.  Have you ever grown them in your garden? 
Not on purpose. However, we had wild strawberry vines growing in our flower bed at our old house. Our neighbor had a bird feeder between our houses and the birds were always there and needless to say, they left their deposits, which resulted in the strawberry vines. 

5.  Strawberry is the only fruit that has seeds on the outside, and technically it is not a berry but rather a fruit, and would you be surprised to learn that strawberries belong to the rose family?  Do you have any strawberry trivia to share with us?
Not really. The last time I watched the BBC production of Emma, the strawberries they picked at Mr. Knightley’s were beautiful and left me craving a juicy strawberry. I also had a favorite dark blue skirt with strawberry print and a red top with a 🍓 on it! I really enjoyed wearing that back in the 80’s!
6.  Tell us something random about your week!! 
It is a fairly routine kind of week with Bible studies, grocery shopping, etc. I have been invited to join a book club and wondering whether I really need to make another commitment. Having never belonged to a book club before, I’m not sure I want to commit to reading 📚 that I didn’t choose. 

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Carbs, The Music Man and Ice Hockey

What do those three things have in common? Nothing. It's just what my recap is about!

Since the unwanted pounds are not melting away, I decided to try what seems to work for our son: Low carbs. Sylvia has had great success and so have others. So I began on Friday. With each new day comes a new temptation, but I have done pretty well. However, low carbs mean no bread and that’s no good!

So I checked out Pinterest to find a recipe for the cloud bread I saw the other day. Double whammy! It called for softened cream cheese, nope! And right next to that recipe, what do you think popped up? Baking powder buttermilk biscuits! A pot roast was in the oven and almost done, so I decided to try the biscuits. I would be good, I told myself. It’s been years since I made biscuits and the thought of buttermilk biscuits was causing me to salivate.

They were gooooood! I didn't take a photo, but in addition to being very light and tasty, they were pretty!!

Tomorrow, back to the low carb thingee! 😃 I found this link to be very helpful since I have never been up on carbs. I just eat what I like!

The past few days and the weekend was full. Last Thursday after BSF, I went to visit a woman who has been very weak and lonely since her husband passed away late last summer. She is much older than me, but we got to know them a little when we went to Israel with our church many years ago. I took her some lunch and we had good conversation. So glad I finally got a chance to be with her and encourage her. I understand that loneliness. Alone in the house ... the empty bed .. alone at the table.

Friday it rained all day, but on Thursday evening at dinner with Fred and Alice, I kind of committed to checking out the estate sale they were helping with. It was a nasty day to get out of the house, but it was interesting looking around that huge home filled with everything imaginable. The late owner was not so much a hoarder as an addicted shopper. Is there a difference? She was only 42 years old and apparently had an addictive personality as she had been addicted to prescription drugs and alcohol, as a result of back pain. That is just so sad to think about.

Anyway, we don’t need any extra “stuff” in our house, but I did find three brand new pair of nice sunglasses, mine having broken just the day before, and the price was so low it seemed to make sense to have a couple of extras for back-up! Other purchases included a tablecloth which now will go in the goodwill bag, two necklaces, and a really nice print (now wondering where in the world I will hang it)!

On Saturday, we drove up to Sherman to see my old friend star in the local production of The Music Man! She was Marian the Librarian and did a fantastic job! I knew Jennifer was a soprano, but wow! She could certainly hit those high notes. We got to visit with her afterward. (Why didn’t I think to take her a bouquet of flowers?) Everybody in the show did very well and now I think I am going to buy tickets to see the musical Annie in April and take Kate with me.

After church on Sunday, we went to watch the Allen American ice hockey team play Utah! Really, it wasn’t about ice hockey, but rather it was to see Kate and her classmates sing the Star Spangled Banner before the game. They sounded wonderful and we were so proud of them all. We had so much fun!

Moi, Amy and her Mom, Cindy

This is Us!!

Just a few random photos at the game.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

A Pet Lover's Wednesday Medley

Terri has some fun questions for all of us pet lovers! If you love your pet, grab the questions right here and share with us some of your special moments with your beloved furry friends! (Or unfurry, as the case may be!)

National Love Your Pet Day

On February 20th, pet lovers everywhere observe National Love Your Pet Day.  This holiday is a day set aside to give extra attention to and pamper your pets.  This is a good day to focus on the special relationship that you have with your pets.
Did you know that most households in the United States have at least one pet?  While there are more cats than dogs in the United States, more households have dogs than cats, but not by much. Pets are not limited to the canine and feline categories.  There are quite a few who prefer the companionship of birds, reptiles, fish or rats.  Whoever your pet companion is, we are sure you will enjoy spending a little extra time with them on National Love Your Pet Day and reap the benefits, as well such as stress relief and lower blood pressure. So on February 20 (and every day) show your appreciation to your pets!
Bring your pet a special treat, take an extra long walk or give them more attention on National Love Your Pet Day.  Whatever you decide to do, spoil and appreciate your pets!  Use #NationalLoveYourPetDay to post on social media.
Within our research, we were unable to identify the creator of National Love Your Pet Day.
1.  Have you ever had a special pet in your life?  I have had many special pets. Will you tell us about it?
I love all the dogs I have had as an adult. Growing up, I did not care for the dogs Daddy brought home for us as I was afraid of them. However, after I got married, my husband and I were in a pet shop and I fell in love with a sweet miniature dachshund. All my feelings for dogs changed and so I guess Max was especially special because he helped me to discover a love for animals. I still have a healthy fear of certain dogs, but generally like most animals. 
Jason with little Roxie

Me with Max and Liesl

2.  Did you grow up with pets in your home?  
Daddy brought dogs home for us, however, they were never in our home. He grew up in a farm environment which said dogs belonged outside. 
What did it teach you? That he was wrong!
3.  Do you ever wonder what animals are thinking? 
Oh yes. I watch my pets process certain things. They know the routine and if I deviate, I wonder if they are thinking, “she messed up" or "give me a break!” "please let's go for a walk"! Once I watched my little dog Liesl when she was older and couldn’t jump up on the sofa like she had in the last. She stared at the sofa, turned around, ran through the house and got a running start to jump up on the sofa. I think she thought it through, but I could be wrong. My mom sat on her once and we both heard her say, “hey”! 
Who says dogs aren't thinking?

Thinkin' I'm gonna catch one of those silly wabbits one of these days!

4.  Sometimes a pet gets out and doesn't return for a few days. What do you think happens to them when they go on a walkabout? 
One of our schnauzers got out and when I found her, she was just going on the walk that we always took together. Freedom! Thankfully, the couple of times our little dachshund Liesl got out, she was found and taken care of until we could get there. Signs posted in the neighborhood helped to find her. I was fanatical about making sure the gate was shut and locked.
5.  With cats and dogs being the most popular pets, what is the most exotic pet you have personal experience with (didn't have to be yours)?
Our son Jason always had some kind of pet and he was a little careless with them. One day the corn snake got loose. It couldn’t be found anywhere and everybody was in a panic about the snake’s whereabouts. Grandma and Grandpa had just been for a visit and when they got home, Grandma opened her suitcase to find a big surprise!! She slammed it shut, called to say the snake had been found and took it to the nearest vet. So glad she had a strong heart and a quick mind!
6.  Please tell us something random about your week so far...
We attended the memorial service for cousin Lawrence who was killed last Friday in the motorcycle accident. It was a wonderful tribute to a very fine man. He had retired many years ago as a battalion chief with the Dallas Fire Department and about 15 Dallas firefighters traveled from Dallas to  be there to do the “last bell” tribute to Lawrence. (In the "last alarm" ceremony, the bell tones rang out, symbolizing the end of his good works and the collective honor bestowed on him by his fellow firefighters.)

One of the firefighters, dressed in his Scottish attire, played Amazing Grace on the bagpipes and all of the group saluted his casket! It was very moving and was a wonderful service. He was truly an amazing man. After his retirement from the fire department, he went on to work in other places retiring from each of them after long tenure. How many people do that? He loved to work. I loved how his pastor summed up all the wonderful things about him ... a man who loved God, his family, his work, and took great joy in just enjoying life and the days given him!!! I know they all will miss him.
Driving back home was nerve-wracking as it was pouring rain all the way. I was thanking God for the prayers of my friends and that we made it home safely. The interstate was crowded with the big trucks and I just have to say, I'm glad to be home! That's not my idea of how to enjoy a rainy day.
The rest of the week! Breakfast with the guys, preschool, Bible study, and Saturday we are going to see one of my old (younger) friends be Marian the Librarian in a community production of The Music Man. I’m excited to hear her sing as we used to sing together on the praise and worship team at church. 
Sweet Jennifer!

Please, pretty please! Can we walk today?

She has it made!

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Life is like a Vapor

Friday was the day we finally were able to make our little day trip down to meet DH’s cousins. Although he is a native of the Dallas area, he spent his first seven years living in a small town halfway between Dallas and Houston. Most all of his relatives on his mother’s side lived there and he stayed with his grandparents on their farm. Thus, he spent a lot of time with his cousins then and over the years following they remain close. We don’t see them that much anymore because everyone’s lives are so busy these days, but I think all of them are realizing we aren’t getting any younger and it’s much better to meet together over BarBQ and potato salad, than over the fried chicken and potato salad after a funeral. The sad truth is, that is more the norm.

So we made the drive down on Friday morning and met for lunch. We talked about the usual things, family, kids, grandkids, health, surgeries, a few things about the past, but not that much. Someone asked DH’s cousin Judy what her husband Lawrence was doing today, where he was. “Oh, he rode his motorcycle down to Galveston for lunch and he’ll be back this evening. He loves to get on his bike and just ride over to different places, have lunch, and come home before evening.” The conversation then turned to his adventurous nature and, of course, I had to tell a few of DH’s motorcycle tales.

After a couple of hours, we said our good-byes as I wanted to beat the rush hour traffic in Dallas. We had been home maybe 30 minutes and I texted the photo I took of the cousins together.

Mike, Ray, Judy, Jay, Mary Anne 

My phone rang in response to my text and it was cousin Ray calling to tell me they had just found out that Judy’s husband had been killed instantly on the highway in Nacogdoches. Unbelievably shocking and unexpected news. Strangely enough, the accident occurred even as we were speaking of Lawrence at lunch.

Folks, we wake up each day and thank God for our life, asking Him to lead us and guide us, then go on about our business as usual, thinking we know what our day holds. We cannot know for certain how it all will play out, as I learned many years ago myself, but this I know: we can know and rely on God’s love for whatever comes our way. Let’s be ready when He calls us to whatever the day may bring. Lawrence and Judy’s pastor posted these words this morning how he was missing his friend.

“You never know what might happen from one day to the next. Really from one minute to the next. For years, I don't even know how many, almost every morning at seven o'clock, Lawrence would come to the church and into my office where we would just talk about whatever subject came up. Yesterday morning was no different except that it was the last time for me to see him alive on this earth. As he was walking out the door I told him to be careful on that bike. He turned, pointed to me and said, "I'll see you later!" And now, the next morning, it is seven o'clock and I'd sure love to see him walk in this door again. Gonna miss him in so many ways. Prayers for all his wonderful family and many friends. And yes my friend, I will see you later!”

We will meet up with you later!

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

A Valentine Medley

Terri is absolute right! Valentine's Day must be our Wednesday Medley today! Join in the fun. Get the questions here and post your thoughts on your blog!

Valentine’s Day began as St. Valentine’s Day, a liturgical celebration of one or more early Christian saints named Valentinus.  February 14th, Valentine’s, Day first became associated with romantic love during the High Middle Ages as the tradition of courtly love was then flourishing.  During 18th century England, this day evolved into an occasion in which lovers expressed their love for each other by presenting flowers, offering confectionery and sending Valentine cards.    


Get something special for your Valentine and use #ValentinesDay to post on social media.

Credit is traditionally given to Pope Gelasius for declaring February 14 as Saint Valentine’s Day around the year 496 to separate the church from the Roman celebration of Lupercalia, an ancient pagan fertility festival which occurred on February 15th.  

1. I think St. Valentine's Day is for everyone, whether you have a romantic love interest or not.  I received a Valentine card from my sister (thank you Patti!) - case in point.  It is all about LOVE, not just romantic love.  What are your traditions for celebrating Valentine's Day?
I agree with you, Terri. It’s all about love. We exchange cards and go out for dinner the day before or after. 

I haven’t sent out any valentines to friends or other members of my family, although I have in the past. I did, of course, send valentines to the grandkids and I will give DH a valentine, which I will make. A couple of years I sent out valentines early to Loveland, Colorado post office so the envelopes could be postmarked with Loveland. I don’t seem to be quite on top of things as I was long ago. 
2.  When you were in elementary school, did you decorate a shoe box and deliver those little valentines to all your classmates?   Perhaps in Sunday School?

Oh yes! How we loved to buy those cute boxes of valentines and make one for everybody in our class and then bring home all the valentines from our classmates. In high school, you could receive or have your valentines delivered by the school postmaster. 
3.  Do you enjoy playing Cupid?  Have you ever introduced a couple who really clicked? 
Well, I did introduce a friend of mine to DHs best friend and although they did hit it off, it wasn’t a long term relationship. I was glad to see they liked each other. I can’t remember playing Cupid to anyone else. 
4.  Which traditional Valentine's Day gift would you rather receive:  Chocolate, flowers, or a card with a personal message? 
I like any of it. Jay used to bring home little cosmetic/perfume/lotion items and he always made a homemade card for me. 
These are some the kids made for us last year.

A homemade card for my sweetheart!

5.  What is the best movie to watch on Valentine's Day? 

I can’t think of any movie I would watch. Maybe Pride and Prejudice? I never get tired of the 1995 version with Colin Firth.
6.  Tell us something random about your week!
It has been fairly routine so far. On Saturday I visited a messianic congregation, which I thoroughly enjoyed and will most likely visit again when I have the chance. I love hearing the shofar, singing the songs, hearing the Shema and the blessings in Hebrew, and it was a very good message. 

On Saturday evening we FINALLY got to attend one of the concerts for the season. We have missed every month since September, so we were excited about meeting friends for dinner and seeing the concert. The entertainment was a woman from Canada who is a female impressionist. She was very good and it was fun. Wow, could she sing! 

On Sunday after church, there was a dinner for volunteers and we feasted on meatloaf, mashed potatoes, gravy, salad, rolls and cake. There was so much food I brought home enough meatloaf for our dinner Tuesday evening! It was just as good last night as it was on Sunday

Monday evening we had our Monday night gathering and did a pot luck breakfast with a fabulous quiche, country potatoes, bacon, waffles, and apple cake. It was wonderful! 

This Friday I am taking DH to visit his cousins who live a couple of hours away. We have been trying to arrange this meeting for sometime and it looks as though it will finally happen.