Wednesday, February 13, 2019

A Valentine Medley

Terri is absolute right! Valentine's Day must be our Wednesday Medley today! Join in the fun. Get the questions here and post your thoughts on your blog!

Valentine’s Day began as St. Valentine’s Day, a liturgical celebration of one or more early Christian saints named Valentinus.  February 14th, Valentine’s, Day first became associated with romantic love during the High Middle Ages as the tradition of courtly love was then flourishing.  During 18th century England, this day evolved into an occasion in which lovers expressed their love for each other by presenting flowers, offering confectionery and sending Valentine cards.    


Get something special for your Valentine and use #ValentinesDay to post on social media.

Credit is traditionally given to Pope Gelasius for declaring February 14 as Saint Valentine’s Day around the year 496 to separate the church from the Roman celebration of Lupercalia, an ancient pagan fertility festival which occurred on February 15th.  

1. I think St. Valentine's Day is for everyone, whether you have a romantic love interest or not.  I received a Valentine card from my sister (thank you Patti!) - case in point.  It is all about LOVE, not just romantic love.  What are your traditions for celebrating Valentine's Day?
I agree with you, Terri. It’s all about love. We exchange cards and go out for dinner the day before or after. 

I haven’t sent out any valentines to friends or other members of my family, although I have in the past. I did, of course, send valentines to the grandkids and I will give DH a valentine, which I will make. A couple of years I sent out valentines early to Loveland, Colorado post office so the envelopes could be postmarked with Loveland. I don’t seem to be quite on top of things as I was long ago. 
2.  When you were in elementary school, did you decorate a shoe box and deliver those little valentines to all your classmates?   Perhaps in Sunday School?

Oh yes! How we loved to buy those cute boxes of valentines and make one for everybody in our class and then bring home all the valentines from our classmates. In high school, you could receive or have your valentines delivered by the school postmaster. 
3.  Do you enjoy playing Cupid?  Have you ever introduced a couple who really clicked? 
Well, I did introduce a friend of mine to DHs best friend and although they did hit it off, it wasn’t a long term relationship. I was glad to see they liked each other. I can’t remember playing Cupid to anyone else. 
4.  Which traditional Valentine's Day gift would you rather receive:  Chocolate, flowers, or a card with a personal message? 
I like any of it. Jay used to bring home little cosmetic/perfume/lotion items and he always made a homemade card for me. 
These are some the kids made for us last year.

A homemade card for my sweetheart!

5.  What is the best movie to watch on Valentine's Day? 

I can’t think of any movie I would watch. Maybe Pride and Prejudice? I never get tired of the 1995 version with Colin Firth.
6.  Tell us something random about your week!
It has been fairly routine so far. On Saturday I visited a messianic congregation, which I thoroughly enjoyed and will most likely visit again when I have the chance. I love hearing the shofar, singing the songs, hearing the Shema and the blessings in Hebrew, and it was a very good message. 

On Saturday evening we FINALLY got to attend one of the concerts for the season. We have missed every month since September, so we were excited about meeting friends for dinner and seeing the concert. The entertainment was a woman from Canada who is a female impressionist. She was very good and it was fun. Wow, could she sing! 

On Sunday after church, there was a dinner for volunteers and we feasted on meatloaf, mashed potatoes, gravy, salad, rolls and cake. There was so much food I brought home enough meatloaf for our dinner Tuesday evening! It was just as good last night as it was on Sunday

Monday evening we had our Monday night gathering and did a pot luck breakfast with a fabulous quiche, country potatoes, bacon, waffles, and apple cake. It was wonderful! 

This Friday I am taking DH to visit his cousins who live a couple of hours away. We have been trying to arrange this meeting for sometime and it looks as though it will finally happen. 


  1. Love those sweet homemade cards! Those are always the best ones. I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling like I'm just not on top of things this year.

  2. Aren't those little handmade cards the most precious. I'm impressed you still make your card for DH. Have a safe trip and enjoy the rest of your busy but fun week.

  3. I Agree..homemade cards are the best... I made cards to send ot the "grands' and they will make mine.. I always look so forward to getting them but they will be about a week late which is fine!Momma will sit them down around the table tomorrow and have them make the grand parents their cards... all part of their tradition!!!

  4. What a sweet card - that is so nice that you take the time to do that!!

  5. My granddaughter is excited about her third grade class party tomorrow. I love those little vintage valentine cards.

  6. I really enjoyed reading your answers!! How fun to be having a cousin reunion for your DH! I miss my cousins. Thanks so much for joining in today!

  7. Happy Valentines Day. Your answers and pictures were delightful. Love the picture of you and your DL

  8. Homemade cards are the best, aren't they? I love the one you made with the playing cards on them...such a cute idea! Happy Valentine's Day, Connie!

  9. I love those homemade cards!! So cute! Loved your answers! Happy Valentine's Day!

    You know I think even if you don't have a special Valentine - it is such an uplifting little holiday you can give a Valentine to yourself and a box of candy! lol I wish the kids would still be able to give Valentine's in the shoe box - it was so much fun. Love, sandie

  11. Love seeing your precious homemade Valentines. Those are the best. We don't do a lot for Valentine's, but usually just exchange cards and maybe go out for lunch sometime around Valentine's day. It's always too crowded on THE day, and we don't enjoy crowded dining... I do remember the special Valentine's boxes in school. That was always such fun. Loved writing the little cards to my friends. Those were such happy days. Glad they still do that, at least I hope they do. So much has changed. Glad you and DH can go visit some of his cousins. That should be a wonderful gathering. Happy Valentine's Day.

  12. I've enjoyed looking at the Valentines! You have a fun blog with all kinds of sweet things to enjoy! Hugs!
