Wednesday, February 20, 2019

A Pet Lover's Wednesday Medley

Terri has some fun questions for all of us pet lovers! If you love your pet, grab the questions right here and share with us some of your special moments with your beloved furry friends! (Or unfurry, as the case may be!)

National Love Your Pet Day

On February 20th, pet lovers everywhere observe National Love Your Pet Day.  This holiday is a day set aside to give extra attention to and pamper your pets.  This is a good day to focus on the special relationship that you have with your pets.
Did you know that most households in the United States have at least one pet?  While there are more cats than dogs in the United States, more households have dogs than cats, but not by much. Pets are not limited to the canine and feline categories.  There are quite a few who prefer the companionship of birds, reptiles, fish or rats.  Whoever your pet companion is, we are sure you will enjoy spending a little extra time with them on National Love Your Pet Day and reap the benefits, as well such as stress relief and lower blood pressure. So on February 20 (and every day) show your appreciation to your pets!
Bring your pet a special treat, take an extra long walk or give them more attention on National Love Your Pet Day.  Whatever you decide to do, spoil and appreciate your pets!  Use #NationalLoveYourPetDay to post on social media.
Within our research, we were unable to identify the creator of National Love Your Pet Day.
1.  Have you ever had a special pet in your life?  I have had many special pets. Will you tell us about it?
I love all the dogs I have had as an adult. Growing up, I did not care for the dogs Daddy brought home for us as I was afraid of them. However, after I got married, my husband and I were in a pet shop and I fell in love with a sweet miniature dachshund. All my feelings for dogs changed and so I guess Max was especially special because he helped me to discover a love for animals. I still have a healthy fear of certain dogs, but generally like most animals. 
Jason with little Roxie

Me with Max and Liesl

2.  Did you grow up with pets in your home?  
Daddy brought dogs home for us, however, they were never in our home. He grew up in a farm environment which said dogs belonged outside. 
What did it teach you? That he was wrong!
3.  Do you ever wonder what animals are thinking? 
Oh yes. I watch my pets process certain things. They know the routine and if I deviate, I wonder if they are thinking, “she messed up" or "give me a break!” "please let's go for a walk"! Once I watched my little dog Liesl when she was older and couldn’t jump up on the sofa like she had in the last. She stared at the sofa, turned around, ran through the house and got a running start to jump up on the sofa. I think she thought it through, but I could be wrong. My mom sat on her once and we both heard her say, “hey”! 
Who says dogs aren't thinking?

Thinkin' I'm gonna catch one of those silly wabbits one of these days!

4.  Sometimes a pet gets out and doesn't return for a few days. What do you think happens to them when they go on a walkabout? 
One of our schnauzers got out and when I found her, she was just going on the walk that we always took together. Freedom! Thankfully, the couple of times our little dachshund Liesl got out, she was found and taken care of until we could get there. Signs posted in the neighborhood helped to find her. I was fanatical about making sure the gate was shut and locked.
5.  With cats and dogs being the most popular pets, what is the most exotic pet you have personal experience with (didn't have to be yours)?
Our son Jason always had some kind of pet and he was a little careless with them. One day the corn snake got loose. It couldn’t be found anywhere and everybody was in a panic about the snake’s whereabouts. Grandma and Grandpa had just been for a visit and when they got home, Grandma opened her suitcase to find a big surprise!! She slammed it shut, called to say the snake had been found and took it to the nearest vet. So glad she had a strong heart and a quick mind!
6.  Please tell us something random about your week so far...
We attended the memorial service for cousin Lawrence who was killed last Friday in the motorcycle accident. It was a wonderful tribute to a very fine man. He had retired many years ago as a battalion chief with the Dallas Fire Department and about 15 Dallas firefighters traveled from Dallas to  be there to do the “last bell” tribute to Lawrence. (In the "last alarm" ceremony, the bell tones rang out, symbolizing the end of his good works and the collective honor bestowed on him by his fellow firefighters.)

One of the firefighters, dressed in his Scottish attire, played Amazing Grace on the bagpipes and all of the group saluted his casket! It was very moving and was a wonderful service. He was truly an amazing man. After his retirement from the fire department, he went on to work in other places retiring from each of them after long tenure. How many people do that? He loved to work. I loved how his pastor summed up all the wonderful things about him ... a man who loved God, his family, his work, and took great joy in just enjoying life and the days given him!!! I know they all will miss him.
Driving back home was nerve-wracking as it was pouring rain all the way. I was thanking God for the prayers of my friends and that we made it home safely. The interstate was crowded with the big trucks and I just have to say, I'm glad to be home! That's not my idea of how to enjoy a rainy day.
The rest of the week! Breakfast with the guys, preschool, Bible study, and Saturday we are going to see one of my old (younger) friends be Marian the Librarian in a community production of The Music Man. I’m excited to hear her sing as we used to sing together on the praise and worship team at church. 
Sweet Jennifer!

Please, pretty please! Can we walk today?

She has it made!


  1. You have my condolences for your cousin, Lawrence. He sounds like he was a wonderful guy.

  2. What a wonderful and moving tribute to your cousin. Those are always so meaningful. Yes, I think your doggies may have always had it made at your house. Enjoy the rest of your busy week.

  3. We were at one tribute to a fireman when they rang that "last bell". I don't think there was a dry eye anywhere. Your guy sounds like a wonderful man- one that will be missed. I am sorry he was in a motorcycle accident and didn't just die peacefully.

    Loved all your dog stories. We, too, had only barn dogs when I was a kid--and while they were pets they were never inside the house. We did have house cats and "barn cats" though....Two separate categories. xo Diana

  4. Oh, thank goodness for your meeting Max so long ago! I don't know that I'd have had 'Grandma's' fortitude upon seeing that snake. Lord knows, I can't even look at them on television or the movies. Thank you for sharing this sweet tribute to Lawrence.

    PS - I LOVE the name Liesl

  5. I agree that dogs do not have to be outside. My mom made my dog stay out when I was young and I realize now he was just put in a cage and ignored. You had to walk all the way around the house to get to him. I feel bad for him though, his life was not great. I as an adult have always said I would never allow that to happen to an animal again that I own. Loved your answers!! Enjoy the rest of the week.

  6. My growing up pets all had to be outside too. We started on a farm, and that's where animals are supposed to be...outside, according to my mother. So I never got that attached to pets. We've tried to have pets through the years, but we moved too often and it just became too much for us. Now we have two granddogs, and they get all excited to see us just like little kids would. I would prefer little "kids"...but since our big kids are in their 40's, I will just have to be thankful for the pups! They are sweet.
    Still so sad for your family about the loss of your cousin's husband. Sounds like a wonderful man. So glad you were able to attend the funeral. It sounds like it was very moving. Love that you have such a sweet doggie now. He does look very content.

  7. It seems your dear cousin had a wonderful tribute during his services. He left behind a great legacy. I'm so sorry for you all at his loss, much too soon.

    Thank you for joining the Medley today! I so enjoyed the pictures and the stories!!

  8. What a sweet tribute to your cousin and yes, sounds like your pets have always had it "made in the shade." Happy rest of the week!

  9. My mom has had three schnauzers over the years. The first one was one of the best dogs I've ever known. The second was not too bad, but the one she has now.... She is a runner. Every chance she gets to slip out she is GONE! We have spent hours trying to catch her.

  10. I am so sorry to hear about your cousin...what a wonderful tribute to him. Any time I hear Amazing Grace on the bagpipes, I get chills. Oh believe me, I know all about those doxies getting loose. It doesn't happen often but we have had a couple of episodes with Tasha that were awful...she absolute goes ballistic over cats and one day she got out an chased that cat all around, the neighborhood, crossed a busy road into a field, running from one side of the pond to the other. Luckily Jim was home but it happened when I came home for lunch from work. I spent nearly 30 minutes traipsing through brambles going from one side of the pond to the other and that dog was determined to not let me get her. I went back to work and this went on for another hour or two. Jim drove his car over near where she was to keep an eye on her if she got near the road (he could hear her barking and barking at the cat) and finally she must have just exhausted herself and she walked right up to Jim in the car as if to say "OK, I'm done now, let's go home." LOL!

  11. I enjoyed reading about your pets.
    Your friend looks like a perfect Marian the Librarian!
    What a great tribute to your cousin. I am so sorry for your loss.

  12. You've had so much to go through this past week. I appreciate you taking the time to give me your words of encouragement at lavender dreams too. I have it back and hope the crisis is over! And I hope you all got out for that walk! Thanks again! Have a good day! Hugs, Diane
