Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Wednesday Medley

It's Wednesday Medley from Your Friend Terri from Florida. I like your questions today, Terri and hope I get a chance to read everybody's answers. I will be at the hospital all day waiting for DH procedure! 

1. This week is County Fair Week in my old stomping grounds. The Fairfield County (Ohio) Fair holds fond memories for me, especially of the marching band show on the race track, in front of the grandstand, and of 4-H sewing projects. Do you have a memory to share of a county or state fair!! 

My memories of the State Fairs in Tulsa and here in Texas are few. The first time I attended with friends, I was 15 years old and Daddy gave me $5 to spend. My mistake was trying to win a stuffed animal and losing all my money! A lesson on gambling learned early in life! A memory from the State Fair of Texas was the year DH and I had moved into our new-to-us house and we went a little wild at the fair signing up for home improvements!!!

There seems to be something magical about the fair at night with all the lights and the sounds and smells … funnel cakes, corn dogs, cotton candy, candy apples, turkey legs and fried whatever! This year's offering of fried foods include fried Oreo and fried Snickers. Here are our kids enjoying the State Fair this year.

2. If animals could talk, which would be the rudest? The black grackles!

3. What mythical creature would improve the world most if it existed?

Maybe a unicorn! Little girls are so entranced by them that maybe it would be able to win over even the grumpiest!

4. What is something that everyone looks stupid doing? Eating tacos and it doesn't all make it in your mouth? It's funny when somebody else stumbles in their own clumsiness and then turns around as if to see what caused it! I know it always makes me feel pretty stupid. Or pushing hard on a door when it plainly says PULL!

5. Is intelligence or wisdom more useful? Wisdom

6. Tell us something random about the rest of your week! The rest of my week will include meeting our Monday friends on Tuesday, seeing DH through Wednesday's surgery, BSF on Thursday and who knows what Friday will bring? Saturday we will finally see Jack play flag football and that evening we have another concert to attend. 


  1. As usual I'm behind in my reading but I will add your hubs surgery to my prayers this morning. We haven't been to the fair in SC, but we went many years in NJ. I agree with your thoughts on the lights, sounds, and smells. Something thrilling about it all.

  2. Oh yes...the yummy food at the fair is the best, although not the healthiest but I can hardly picture myself walking around eating a big ol' turkey leg! LOL! Have you ever heard of deep fried butter? That's what they have here at NC Sate Fair! I'm praying that all goes well with your hubby's surgery today. This kind of waiting is never fun. Blessings!

  3. Ive never been to a fair that I can recall.
    I hope the surgery goes well. Prayers going your way.
    You have a full week going on!

  4. Good luck on surgery!!! I also love the fair food! LOL!

  5. I've not many regrets, but one is having missed the Texas State Fair. (You think in 20 years I might have made time? lol.)

    Prayers for your hubby's surgery … and swift recovery!

  6. Hope all went well today for your hubby. Praying for him and you. Glad to see your kiddos went to the fair. We used to take our grandson Noah to the Fryeburg Fair in Maine every year when we would go up to visit them for his Oct. 6th birthday. The fair always coincided with his birthday week, so it was a great birthday tradition. He just turned 19, and we haven't been with him to the fair in a few years. I miss it. We may have to do that again someday, if he would go with us "old folks". Loved your answers. Have a good week, and let us know how things are going.

  7. Did your husband go through surgery today or next Wednesday? I will say a prayer - God knows. Wisdom is what I would have picked too. And fairs and funnel cakes! lol Sandie
