Thursday, October 11, 2018

Happy Birthday Tenley!!! You're so Big!!

Our trip to Virginia this weekend was short on the quantity of time, but very sweet on the quality of that time spent with family and celebrating Tenley's first birthday! So, this post is mostly a pictorial post and in hindsight, I might have been better off to make a few collages!

This weekend was our first chance to see the home of my nephew and his family and what a wonderful house it was. I loved everything about it, especially the back yard and decks. Trees!! I love trees!!!

So comfortable for just lounging around.

Grandpa and Omi with Tenley

She woke up happy and ready to celebrate!

Proud Mom and Dad

Dig in!

And she did dig in with a gusto!
(Rocco and Samson were so ready!)

Grandpa with Tenley

Her first Mercedes

Lucky little girl with all these cool gifts

Hunter loves Tenley and if you were looking for one of them,
you could bet on finding the other, too
We all had a wonderful time and the trip was definitely worth it!

Londyn found a real friend in Tenley's Grandpa!


Lincoln with Daddy

Londyn doing some exploring.

Aunt Crystal and Uncle Billy

DH and me with Hunter and Tenley
There were plenty of kids to go around for everybody!

Happy Birthday, sweet Tenley. We love you!

So we came home, rested up a couple of days, went to the hospital yesterday and praise to God, the surgery for DH went perfectly, was successful and we learned the damage was much worse than previously thought, so the timing of this was perfect! Thanks be to God, He makes all things beautiful in His time! DH is to rest for a few days and see the doctor next week for a follow-up!


  1. So glad everything went well in surgery!!!! That little girl is adorable!!!!! The dogs are super cute also!!!! What a nice and welcoming home they have.

  2. I didn't realize you had made such a long trip! Wow! But what a wonderful time it looks like you had. I know you all enjoyed being together, and those children are precious. Happy Birthday, Tenley! Such fun. And so thankful that DH's surgery was a success. Praying for his full recovery.
    Blessings to you both. You must be tired after all of that traveling and then surgery too. Wow.

  3. Nonnie, I feel tears of joy for you and DH. I am thankful it all went well. Maybe some of that baby hugging and holding helped too. What a fun group of young ones. I am glad to see others houses look like a toy mart too. Blessings to all. Give DH a hug from us. xoxo,Susie

  4. So he had the surgery already and is home??????? Wow that is impressive.

    Looks like you had a wonderful party there - and she is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute. Adorable.

    Hugs and prayers.

  5. Praise God that the surgery went so well! What a fun trip you had for that sweet girl's birthday! All those kids... I could almost hear the noise and happy chaos by looking at the photos! Love that Ohio State t-shirt! :)

  6. I'm happy to hear that the surgery went well. Thank you God!
    Looks like you had a great time. She is so precious and her birthday cake is so beautiful. Happy 1st Birthday Tenley!!

  7. Happy Birthday Tenley, you are precious! My goodness, it looks like Christmas around there. :) So good to hear the surgery went well.

  8. First of all- I am so glad the surgery was successful and hubby is recovering. I will be anxious to hear how the follow up goes.

    Your family is just beautiful and that baby girl is just adorable. One year old already!!!! Seems like last week she was a newborn.

    I hope you have a blessed and wonderful Sunday- xo Diana

  9. Oh Connie, I've been out of the blog loop and didn't know about DH's surgery this week. I thank God that it went well and they caught it at the right time. Loved seeing all the pictures and know you had a wonderful time with the family and those precious children. We will be going your way on Thursday for Grandparent's Day PCA on Friday. It will be short turn around trip for us.
