Monday, March 5, 2018

Weekend Recap

It's been a most enjoyable and productive week for us and others in our life.

First off, my praise report is that my brother turned 60 yesterday and that is a praise because 31 years ago, he was so close to leaving this world, it was quite fearful for all of us. However, we serve a God who hears our prayers and heals our bodies and that is exactly what happened. What a blessing to still have both my siblings with me. I've memorialized our story several times, but here is a shorter version from a couple of years back.

My brother and me

On Friday, my girlfriends and I celebrated the birthday of one of my dearest friends, Victoria. Why we didn't take a photo, I just don't know, but we were enjoying watching the little girls next to us eat spaghetti with gusto. Their parents gave us permission to take these pics. Sweet kids. 

My nephew came home from a three month training and was greeted with this sweet thing!   

And he got to see her try real food for the first time!
Apples and sweet potatoes.
Not sure I like this stuff called food.

Our other nephew, Billy, and daughter, Hunter,
did their second Daddy/Daughter dance.

Are they not adorable?

When I discovered our granddaughter Kate has a heart of compassion for children who go hungry, I invited her to come join me in making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in the Feed the City Project at our church. We had such a great time and are hoping it will work out for her to join me each month. This summer, we will find other opportunities to serve together, too.

She made a new friend who also loves Minecraft.

It was a bright, sunshiny day!

Can you believe we put together that many meals on a Saturday morning?
252 people working hard together and having fun at the same time.

Chilling out at the park afterward. I love how our grandkids have a heart of compassion for others and they want to do something to help. This morning at church, the pastor was making the announcements and asking everyone to invite someone to church for Easter services. He mentioned the cards to use listing people we would invite so the church could pray. Jack was down in the floor trying to find a card to write on and when I finally realized what he was doing, I found a card for him. Amy said he wrote six names on the card. Such a sweet thing that a six year old was not only paying attention to what the pastor was saying, but he was trying to do what was being asked! 

And finally, this is funny. Last week I had our carpets cleaned. The young men were very nice and one of them came downstairs to ask me if I had really met the queen! What?? What do you mean? He took me upstairs and pointed to this picture I have on the bookcase. 

What do you think? Would you have been fooled? 


  1. Wow, so much good stuff in this post, Nonnie!! Love the story about you and your brother...I went to the link and posted another comment there...I had never seen that post before...powerful story!! So wonderful to be able to celebrate his 60th birthday!!!! Then, you did have a busy week...lunch to celebrate with a friend for her birthday (I did the same thing 2x last week with my friend)...and that wonderful time with your granddaughter making food for the marvelous is that??? And I love that your grandson wants to invite his friends to church for Easter...that is so sweet...and yes, the fact that he was listening really speaks to me! Now, about that picture with the Queen and family? Pretty impressive! They do look a little "stiff", however. LOL!! Love it. And the girls eating their spaghetti! That is such fun. Thanks for sharing all of this with us. What a great week!!

  2. I am thrilled about your brother - happy birthday to him and your friend too.

    You have so many wonderful grandchildren - so remind me - how many children do you have and how many grands.

    You are blessed.

  3. Nonnie, So you are rubbing elbows with the royals. LOL I love that picture. You look so pretty in the pictures. Love all those precious children. Happy birthday to your brother. So happy you still have him. :) Blessings to you and your family. xoxo, Susie

  4. LOL to that picture of you all with the Royals! Too funny! You had an AMAZING week!! Your grands have servant hearts! How wonderful. Blessings.

  5. That is wonderful news about your brother and Happy Birthday to him! Happy Birthday to Victoria too. Sweet photo of your nephew and baby. Billy and Hunter look like they were having fun. How wonderful making the sandwiches. What a special day for Kate. Love that last photo. Well you certainly were not dressed for the occasion!

  6. Oh Connie, I loved everything about your productive week! That sweet one who went with you to the church to help make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the Feed the City project just melts my heart. What a compassionate heart for such a young lady. And I could have been fooled by the picture with the Royals had the Royals not been made out of cardboard! :) Loved it!

  7. Love the pictures and how wonderful the kids are so involved! Love the picture with the queen too, it does look very realistic! Have a great week

