Thursday, June 22, 2017

Thankful Thursday!

So many things to be thankful for. As I pulled out loads of weeds early this morning and then took a walk around the neighborhood, I was especially thankful that the past few mornings have been fairly cool. Everything looks fresh and green as we've had some good rain and may have some the next few days, too. I am thankful for good health and simply being able to work, walk and enjoy this day.

I thought this would never bloom! Yay!

The marigolds probably deserve a prettier pot
and location, but I think they are doing all right here.

I like this multi-color Lantana.

Our nephew Billy with his sweet kids.

This rubber snake wouldn't fool you, would it?
It certainly fooled the Critter Control guys when they went into our shed.
I find it humorous that the "Critter Control" guys were scared of a little snake!
We had a good laugh.

We had an even better laugh when the lawn guys came earlier this week. I happened to look out the window and saw one of them chasing the other around the yard with the snake in hand. It was awfully hot out there, but they were running to beat the band. The one finally threw the snake at the other and when he realized it was fake, he began to chase his teaser!! Too funny! The snake had originally been out in the garden to scare away birds from the tomatoes.

It never ceases to amaze me how much they enjoy our hot tub.
Amy came over to clean it out and these kids stood in the tub as it filled up with
fresh, clean, cold water!!

They still try to sneak up on and catch the bunnies.

I've been walking these past few days and hoping I can make it my habit again. The neighborhood was quiet and I'm not sure what the cats below are waiting for in the still of the morning. Mice in the drain maybe?

He seems to be keeping a lookout.

I just like this. Very patriotic.

Noah is having a great time at camp.

The lawn guys are here today and I hope to have before and after pics of their work next week. And next week, we will hopefully be having new AC and furnace units in and working! Gettin' things done and checking them off the list!


  1. Great summertime fun for the kids and pets. I am envious of your crepe myrtle! The ones here have not bloomed yet.

  2. Love your crepe myrtle. Ours are really blooming too. So lovely. Fun times with your family and "pet snake". Always good to have a good laugh. Praise the Lord for all His blessings on us!!

  3. Summer time is always good for the kids. Looks like they are having fun. I love your crape myrtle.

  4. All the fun photos! The flowers are lovely and yes I do think that rubber snake would fool me.
