Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Sum Sum Summertime Hodgepodge

Hodgepodge Fun!

1. The first day of summer rolls in later this week. What are ten things you'd put on your list of quintessential summer activities?

Why am I having such difficulty thinking of ten things?
Fun at the lake
The annual Big Boat party
Eat watermelon (everybody else that is, not me)
Watch fireworks
Take the kids to the waterpark/pool
A road trip
A baseball game
An outdoor concert
Eat ice cream
Have a picnic
Watch a summer movie
Listen to songs of summer like Lazy Hazy Crazy Days of Summer, Summer in the City, Summer Place, Everybody's Gone Surfin', A Summer Song, and any other you might like.

Will you try to manage all ten this summer?
Most on my list will be done. I'm not sure about the baseball game or outdoor concert (it's sooooooo hot ... whiny voice).

2. Do you collect seashells when you're at the beach? I never have.
What do you do with them once you get them home? What's your favorite place to comb for seashells? How many of these 'best beaches for hunting seashells' have you visited?
We've been to Galveston Island, the Bahamas and other beaches not on the "best list". Which one would you most like to visit? I would have to choose Hawaii. It was so beautiful, I would love to go again.

Calvert Cliffs State Park (Maryland), Jeffrey's Bay (South Africa), Sanibel Island (Florida), Shipwreck Beach (Lanai Hawaii), Ocracoke Island (North Carolina), Galveston Island (Texas) and The Bahamas

3. At a snail's pace, shell out money, come out of your shell, go back into your shell, drop a bombshell, happy as a clam, clam up...which 'shell' phrase could most recently be applied to some event or circumstance in your life? Explain.

We are shelling out money. It seems 2017 is the year when everything decided to quit on us: my computer, the AC, landscaping issues, the hot tub is broken, both cars needed new tires, the sprinkler system broke, the garage door opener! Need I go on? It is depressing and yet ... how thankful I am that we are able to get these problems resolved.

4. What summer activity do you dislike? Yardwork.
Why? It is way too hot in Texas to be working in the yard. I feel enormous sympathy for the guys who do our lawns, roofers, construction workers, people working on the roads, firefighters, and everybody else outside. Oh yes, and the AC guys who will be in our attic next week replacing the units. Ugh! It reminds me of my Dad who worked so hard in the heat. 

5. What's something you see as quickly becoming obsolete? The first thing that comes to mind would be the checkers at the infamous Walmart. Does that bother you? Yes. I feel for the people who maybe lost their jobs and I also miss passing the time of day with them as they checked out my groceries. It is also very annoying when an item doesn't register and someone has to come over to reset the thing!

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Our grandson Noah is at a very cool camp this week. Our grandson Brady got to go to Spain in May. All the grandkids got to visit the Grand Canyon and Hoover Dam, raft down the Colorado River, and stay at a big hotel in Las Vegas. Lucky kids!!

So, lucky us! We get to see the pics of them having a great time! And for Father's Day, we did one of the things on the quintessential summer list. Jason took us out on the lake! It was a fun time!

Being with these two and watching them
knee boarding ...

Made his day!


  1. Beautiful pictures of the Grand Canyon! I hope you get to everything on your summer to-do list, and you manage to stay cool too : )

  2. Hi,
    I was just sharing 'working in the heat' with my boys. We have a lot of work being done in our community after the tornado. Our first weeks of June gave us 90 degree days. All the tree clean up, roofing and building. Those men are up on the roofs working away. Lots of WATER!

    I love your last photo in your random. :-) A Happy Man for sure.
    xx oo

  3. Nonnie, Summertime with you looks and sounds so fun. I already did the lake fun with my girls...only I wasn't so much fun.( sore ankle) I hope we all get a break with the heat this summer. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  4. Those kids will always remember all the fun they had on their trip! Lucky, indeed!

  5. That's a great list, enjoy each one! I agree, 2017 is the year of shelling out money. Love your random, looks like they had a great time.

  6. Oh I use the whiny voice too describing the heat! lol I just really can't take it these days...Looks like such a great trip! Don't ya just love getting all the pics while they are somewhere? It's almost like being along. Have a good week!

  7. That's a great summer list! The pictures of your "grands" are great, too. What an experience for them!
    I don't care for "self checkout". I prefer to deal with a person.
    Kathy (Reflections)

  8. Looks like a great trip!
    We are shelling out here too. My husband said everything he touches breaks, I said to stop touching!!!

  9. What a fun summer for your grandkids! I like your list of things to do this summer and the songs you listed. I don't like the idea of no cashiers either.

  10. Lucky kids is right! Sounds like great times for all of them. I didn't get out of the country until I was nineteen. I hate to think of so many people losing jobs due to automation too. Very sad.

  11. What a fun vacation for the grandkids! And a fun summer list. Hope you can find some cool days to enjoy the outside activities you mentioned. I don't handle heat and humidity well either.
