Monday, December 19, 2016

Weekend Fun

No Blue Christmas around here. December has been a very good month to just enjoy Christmas, lots of music, concerts, spending time with family and friends, and ... 

enjoying my Christmas present. Listening to some very old Christmas albums on my new Victrola!!! It has been at least 20 years since I have played these albums. I can also play my old cassette tapes and even record off the cassettes and albums onto a CD!

Kate spent the weekend with us and she is such a joy! We did have a bit of a dilemma involving a mythical character for one of the rites of passage in life, i.e. losing baby teeth. Here is the Facebook rant post from her mother last week. 

"The tooth fairy has forgotten to come 2 nights in a row and we don't have an Elf on the Shelf. #Momfail. Why? Why did anyone ever come up with so many additional imaginary things to make parenting even more difficult. It's hard enough as it is without having to remember to keep up with made up stuff. And then, THEN, I feel guilty about it. What!?! Merica. Rant over."

Sooooo, in the spirit of trying to help Mom out, I asked whether the Tooth Fairy ever visits the grandparents' house. We decided yes, he/she can and since Kate would be with us this weekend, the Tooth Fairy could come for a long, overdue visit. Well, after telling Kate the next morning that maybe she should check under her pillow to see, she informed me that she had NOT brought the tooth with her and if the tooth box was not under her pillow, the tooth fairy would not come. She was very adamant about that and, later, I found this on the floor. This young lady plays by the rules. And I get to keep the $5.

She just isn't buying into that and I guess she
realized we tried to fool her.

Such a sweet boy!

Let's just take Grandpa down in this pic!

On Sunday evening, just before we were to leave for another Christmas concert, the doorbell rang and what to my wondering eyes should appear! My old and dear friend, Bettye, stopped by for a minute to say Merry Christmas and, more importantly, to show off her oldest granddaughter, Shana. Oh, I loved it! I hadn't seen this beautiful girl for so many years and a couple of Christmas memories came to mind that were funny. When she was four years old, she made this precious little Christmas card holder and Bettye brought her to visit. 

She was all dressed up in her Christmas duds carrying my gift. I had a gift for her, too ... a Veggietales video ... and when I presented it to her, she said, "Oh, I hope it's not another video!" Out of the mouths of babes comes brutal honesty sometimes.

She will be off to college next fall.

Some friends from church invited us to attend the Plano Symphony at the St. Andrews United Methodist Church. What a magnificent facility they have and the concert by the orchestra and the Frisco Chorale was excellent. The huge pipe organ!! Oh my goodness! I'm used to a band at church with keyboard, guitars and drums.

Kate and Jack are with their Nana for a couple of days.
It's always a happy and special time for them with her.

Years ago, a co-worker made a styrofoam snowman for everybody in the office. I have held on to it for probably twenty years and set it out with other small decorations every year. It looked something like this, only hers was much better.

Now Jack liked that little snowman so much that he wanted to take it home. We just barely got off our street before the snowman had fallen apart in his little hands. No big loss to me, however, it was to him. So, while he is with his Nana, he decided he wanted to re-create it. Here it is!

This pic just makes me smile really big!

Nana told me he asked for two toothpicks, but when he saw the box full, he got a little carried away with toothpicks in his snowman!

This is Hunter with the doll house we sent to her. 
She was so excited over this and the video they sent of her opening it was adorable. 
She's so pretty - (wish she didn't have that binkie in her mouth though!!)

And, finally, here is a pic of my sweet friend, Liz, who was paralyzed by a stroke almost 11 years ago at the age of 22. She is a darling girl who has the sweetest spirit and attitude. Mickey, Minnie, and others visited our church last week for a hot chocolate party. Love the big smile on her face.


  1. What a great collection of photos!! Lots of memories made and captured! A visit from Mickey and Minnie?! Wow!! I live 40 minutes from their home in Orlando and I don't get to see them unless I pay admission! :)

  2. I have a bunch of albums I could share with you! Have a very Merry Christmas.

  3. Oh I enjoyed all your lovely photos! I still have most of my old albums, though I am not sure I know why I am hanging onto them. Maybe for this? lol

  4. Children can be brutally honest!! Enjoyed all your pictures, grandchildren make Christmas fun!

  5. I love seeing all your photos...I gave all my albums to grands years ago...we are blessed to have the fun of grands at Christmas...

  6. Nonnie, I love all your family pictures and the places you go. I will say that snowman made me laugh and I am still smiling thinking of it. Your grandkids are wonderful. Blessings to all, xoxo, Susie

  7. I love your Victrola!! How exciting!! Such lovely photos of everyone!! how sad about your friend's stroke at only 22 years old... so very young. Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy new year!!


  8. Oh my!! Nonnie! I bought the exact stereo system from QVC last week for myself and I'm enjoying it every day. Love all the photos. You have a lovely family. I wish you all a Blessed Christmas.

  9. Oh wow...this was chock full of goodness and joy and things that made me say "wow", and Oh my dear Lord. Thank you for sharing so many things to smile about. I love the girl at the end...her smile is radiant even in the midst of her "issues" in life. What a blessing to have such a sweet spirit. I do hope the tooth fairy finally found your granddaughter! The poor tooth fairy must be worn out trying to catch up with her. I bet the tooth fairy stays pretty busy all the time...and with Christmas coming...she probably got in the way of Santa and his sleigh on their practice runs...Oh's all a part of life and growing up...happy memories. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Oh I loved the pictures, but especially love the Tooth Fairy story. I remember when my oldest put a tooth under the pillow, and found a note from the Fairy the next morning saying she should brush more, as the fairy loves shinny teeth. She brushed that tooth and put it back under the worked the money was there the next morning. HaHa. What mother's have to do!!!!
