Friday, December 16, 2016

Friday Foto Friends From Christmases Past

Oh what fun it is to join in a Friday Foto Friends and bring up memories from the past Christmases.

Say What???!!!

Loving his Thomas the train set!

This little sweetie has my car keys in hand and
to our surprise, started my car with the remote!

Sweet Noah

Kate with her new table and chairs behind her.

He does have somewhat of a white beard ...
but no, that's not the scary Santa.

This is the scary Santa!

Loving his turtle pillow.

Trying out the new swing set
even if it is below freezing outside.

The delight she had in getting this scooter
brought such joy to my heart.

My sister with Jack.

I was so excited to find a little string of LED lights
to light up my Nativity.

From way, way, back yonder in Christmases past!
My sister and brother.

In addition to many other things about these three photos above, 
I just noticed the photo of my Dad which my sister found this past week.


  1. What wonderful memories. Christmases with the little ones are the best! That is one scary Santa! Have a great weekend.

  2. That photo of your dad is such a great find!! Taking a 'walk' down memory lane with old photos is one of the blessings that comes with this special time of year. I think we all get a little nostalgic when Christmas comes. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Wonderful, wonderful photos! Isn't it special to be able to see into the past with photos? I am so grateful for them and the memories they keep alive.
    Thanks for sharing these. :)
    Have a lovely weekend.

  4. Wow- Your dad was a handsome man!! I love all your photos. Jack has those chubby cheeks like my youngest son had. The kids used to call him "jug jaws" when he was a baby. lol Great post, Connie. xo Diana

  5. this post, Connie...thank you for sharing...have a beautiful rest of the day, friend.

  6. Oh, I LOVE those pictures. Your grandchildren are so precious. You are truly blessed...and I love the pics of you and your siblings...and your father...what a handsome man! Thank you for sharing these "precious moments" with us!

  7. LOVE this post and walk down memory lane with you. Grandkids are soo precious. And I agree! Your dad....very handsome! Enjoy your week-end!

  8. Nonnie, I loved your pictures. Especially the older ones. So fun to see them. You father looks nice in his photo. The Santa for 2011 looks so much like Emma's Santa in her pictures. LOL. Blessings, be safe this weekend. xoxo, Susie

  9. What sweet pictures. I especially like the B&W ones. They remind me of my own Christmas memories. Thanks so much for sharing. Hope you have a great weekend!

  10. Oh I loved your photos. How they remind me of many of our own. Especially the black and white.
    Pictures truly are the stories of our lives.

  11. Lots of happiness and smiles in those photos through the years. Enjoy your family and have a merry Christmas.

  12. How fun to walk down memory lane now and then. My son was always terrified of Santa for reasons unknown.

  13. Wonderful photos! I enjoyed each one of them..Merry Christmas!
