Monday, March 14, 2016

I can see clearly now!

And there's just so much to see! I'm sure DH is tired of hearing me say, "I can see!!!" But it's such a wonderful gift.

Laser procedure worked!
No more glasses!

We had plenty of rain last week, but it was still a great fun-filled spring break.

On Friday we met Amy and her Mom, along with Kate and Jack to see Zootopia! What fun!! 

And afterwards, guess who got her ears pierced with a little bling??

She's looking too grown up for me.

You've come a long way, baby!

Sunday was sunny and bright. What a gorgeous day. I put Trudy out and I promise you, she just stood in the same spot for almost ten minutes. I think she was simply enjoying and absorbing the warmth of the sun. I went out to move her and just let her be and enjoy her little life.


  1. woo hoo, congrats on being able to see clearly.

  2. Hooray for seeing clearly. I heard that Zootopia was a good movie. Getting your ears pierced is a fun time in a young girls life!

  3. So happy your surgery went well!! Glad you had such a great time with that precious growing-up-too-fast young lady with bling in her ears!! Adorable photos!
