Wednesday, March 16, 2016

A Hodgepodge of St. Patty's Day and Luck!

I always like a Wednesday when I have opportunity to join in with the Hodgepodge. Happy St. Patrick's Day! Here are the questions to this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge. Answer the questions on your own blog, then march back over to Joyce's tomorrow to share answers with the whole wide world. Our little corner of it anyway.

I think this cartoon is sooooo funny!

1. What do you think about luck?

I don't believe in luck.

2. Not counting your own backyard, what's a favorite green space in your town, city, or state?

How about the Dallas Arboretum?

Green with splashes of color!

3. How do you make your life more complex than it needs to be?

Over-analyzing, jumping to conclusions, caring too much about what others think. I am a continual work in progress.

4. I read here the three places you should visit with friends. They are-New York City, Hawaii, and Amsterdam (rent a bike, walk along the canal, visit one of their world class museums). I felt the need to expound on that one. Moving on...Of the three places listed which would you most like to visit with friends? What's one place not on the list you think should be visited with friends?

I've been to NYC with family members whom I also consider to be my best friends. I haven't been to Amsterdam. What a dream it would be to visit with friends and enjoy the tulips, visit Anne Frank's house, and go over to ride a bike along the streets that Carrie ten boom rode in Haarlem.

Israel is a wonderful place to visit and I can't think of a better place to spend time with friends. So many wonderful sites to see and all the history to learn about and discuss. 

5. What's the last live performance you saw? On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being best) how would you rate it?

The last performance we saw was the Gaither Homecoming concerts on our cruise. Concerts every day and every one of them I believe deserved a 10.

6. March 14th is National Potato Chip Day. Are you a fan? Your favorite flavor? Besides potato, what's your favorite chip type of snack?

I like Lay's classic potato chips, would love to have a bag full of the chips that are folded over. They are the best. Second to that would be peppered potato chips. However, these are not good for me to snack on. I have discovered that Beanitos are very tasty!

7. What rule is most important in your home?

Kindness. Or did you mean something like, "turn off the lights when you leave a room," "put the toilet seat down," or "don't leave dirty dishes in the sink or on the counter?"

8. Insert your own random thought here.

Sitting in my favorite chair upstairs by the window, I am "lucky" enough to see some beautiful sights: sunsets and other interesting things happening occasionally, such as a bobcat jumping the fence, coyotes behind the fence, and other little critters. Today I saw three of the biggest Hawks I have ever seen flying over our yard and the neighbor's yard. Beautiful birds with huge wing spans soaring and dipping and I was so excited. I grabbed my phone and ran outside to take a video. All three landed on the back fence observing what, I have no idea. Moments like this give me a thrill! (They also make me more aware of being careful when I let Trudy out. I believe those Hawks could carry off a good size animal.)

Awww, rats. Of all the luck! :-) The video I took was a fail because I was trying to take the photo into the sun and the record button was off the whole time they were doing their lovely thing. What I did capture was me walking away saying to DH, "I can't tell whether I got them or not. The sun was in my eyes." 


  1. Lots of pretty garden spots mentioned in the Hodgepodge today. I've never heard of the folded chips? I try to skip the chip row when I'm shopping though : ) I take similar videos-ha!

  2. Love the Gaithers...that must have been quite an experience seeing them perform. I've never heard of Beanitos, but I'll have to be on the lookout for them...they sound tasty.

  3. The arboretum looks beautiful. Good answer on how you make your life more complex. I haven't tried the Beanitos yet. Will have to buy some. Enjoy the rest of your week.

  4. I like that cartoon too! Enjoyed your answers and those lovely photos of Arboretum. Wow. I haven't seen Beanitos in our store...will have to look for them. I actually like black beans!

  5. I think Israel would be a great place to visit with friends too. The arboretum looks like the perfect place to spend a day :)

  6. Always enjoy reading your answers, cute link up. I did manage to do one, lol but haven't had much time for anything lately.
    Have a great evening!


  7. That cartoon is hilarious!!!!!! I'd love to visit Israel!! Happy Hodgepodge!
