Sunday, June 30, 2013

Change ... It don't Come Easy

With eyes closed and fingers crossed,
Confessing that I haven't understood this whole Google Reader thing, 
I too have waited until the last minute. 

And here goes. 

It is my hope to be able to follow all the bloggers I have come to know and love. 
I signed up with Feedly. I would really appreciate it if you would sign up
With Feedly or my Email on the sidebar (at the bottom of this page) to continue following. 

Change is not always a fun or easy thing. For me, anyway. Why can't things just stay the same? (Whiney voice.) I know, I know ... most changes are usually for the better. Right?

Ten years ago, we moved to the house we live in now. It was exciting when we were looking around at different homes, but, as it turned out, it was a hard move. (Many sleepless nights crying into my pillow wondering what in the world had we been thinking. It had never occurred to me that I could be so homesick over the house that had been home for 30 years.) But little by little, I finally adapted to the change and am happy to say that I no longer take every opportunity to drive over to look at my old home thinking of it as mine.

Funny, but the same thing had happened when I left Tulsa for San Antonio about 43 years ago. As a newlywed, it was so exciting to move to a different city with adventures awaiting me in my new role as a married woman and being "grown-up." The hard reality of being far, far away from home hit about a week later and I was left wondering what had I done. The mailbox and the telephone became my friends, as I wrote letters to family and friends back home, checking the mail each day for letters and cards with news from loved ones, and always looking forward to the weekly long distance calls (watching the clock since those calls were precious in terms of the cost.)

But, back to this house and changes. The people who lived here prior to us called it home for about 5 years. We had met them when looking at the house, and then once more when they came to pick up items left in the attic. They did a quick look around to see all the changes we had made - and also things I had left the same.

One thing I left "as is" was the décor of the childrens' bedrooms. They had two boys under 3, and a 6 year old little girl. The mom had painted her daughter's room in pastel pink and yellow, stenciled all around with flowers and butterflies and lady bugs. The boys' room sported a border of stars at the top of the walls.

When I saw those rooms, I decided to leave them just as they were. My prayer and hope was that one day there would be a granddaughter(s) and/or grandson(s) who would come to visit us and sleep in those rooms. Thank You Lord, for hearing my prayer, and for the three grandsons and one granddaughter who visit quite often. "Life-changers" ... that's what they are!

Over the years, the stars room has become an eclectic mixture of stars, rustic, and just kind of Texan, including three bluebonnet prints.

The stars do seem fitting for the "little stars" who stay in this room. (Those bloggers who are decorators will not be impressed at all by any of this, as I am not a decorator.)

Dale Evans and Roy Rogers were two of my favorite childhood stars,
so when I saw this print at an antique store (junk shop) in Victoria, Texas,
I thought it would be fun to frame it for this wall, together with pics of
DH and me on horses when we were kids.

I bought this quilt in Canton, Texas.
In the corner is an antique prayer bench,
and this is the only place I really have room for it.
(At least the color fits in)

A few of the "friends" who share this room.

More friends

The pink room
(you can see some of the stencils)

A painting by the kids' Great Gandma June

Sentimental odds and endson the dresser

A doorstop made from a brick by
my sister-in-love about 40 years ago.

Because this bedroom gets so much light and the bed is high, Kate has always slept in the stars'  room knowing that one day she would move into this one. That is, when she would be big enough to sleep on the high bed without rolling off. Also, it would be Jack's turn to graduate from the Pac 'n Play in our room to the stars' room. (When Brady and Noah visit, they are happy to sleep on a pallet or the airbed.)

A couple of weeks ago, Kate let me know she was ready for the move. "Nonnie, I want to sleep in the pink room."

Unfortunately, that happened to be the night she woke up crying and very sick, and wanted to go back to the bed she was used to sleeping in. I carried her there and she promptly threw up all over it. So I quickly transferred her to our room where she slept on top of me with my arms around her. That is, oh dear - until she got sick again! (I was so very thankful that she was sick on me and not our bed. Even more importantly, she felt much better after that and slept through the night.)

Since that night, each time she has come to stay, her desire has been to sleep in the pink room, but just as she gets ready to be tucked in, she has a change of mind and wants to go back to where she is comfortable. I'm guessing that it has to do either with "change" or making the connection of her experience of being sick in that room.

One thing true about life is that it is always changing, and young or old, or in-between, sometimes it's just hard to adapt.

Whatever it is about making the switch, for whatever reason, I'm sure Kate will have a "change of heart" when Jack is ready to sleep alone in the stars' room and she will overcome her aversion to that change. He is getting to be a pretty big boy at 2 years and something tells me that he won't have a problem with changing over. He may just decide to crawl out of that Pac 'n Play one of these nights and force her out of her comfort zone!

:-( Things are constantly changing and these kids are growing up way too fast!

And, like it or not, Google Reader is shutting down and I have to get out of my comfort zone and make a change before midnight!

That's all!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Wednesday Hodgepodge

Please join Joyce at From This Side of the Pond

1. Summertime is a season of reunions, weddings, and other family celebrations and gatherings...are any of the above on your calendar in the next two months?

Yesirree! Our grandson, Noah, and granddaughter, Kate, will both be celebrating the big "5" this summer! Noah’s birthday party will be on a party boat at the lake! Not quite the size of Noah’s Ark, but it will be big. And, after vacation, later in the summer, all of our family will gather at a rented lake house for our annual family fun.

 2. June is National Iced Tea Month...are you an iced tea drinker? If so, how do you like yours (sweet, flavored, etc)? 

 I would love to have some of my Mama’s sweet tea again. I only drink iced tea occasionally these days, but don’t sweeten it because it just never tastes the same.

 3. When were you last nervous?  Looking back, was the 'event' actually nerve-worthy?

Last Sunday before our Life Group at church. Probably not really nerve-worthy, but it always makes me a little nervous to stand before my peers as “teacher.” Pray, take a deep breath, and once I get started, no problem, but it’s something that usually messes with me beforehand.
 4. The bristle toothbrush was invented in China on June 26, 1498...not sure how that date was pinned down so precisely but, on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being sick to your stomach and 1 being not at all, how nervous do you feel when you're headed to the dentist?  Do you see your dentist twice a year?

Only rate a #1. Definitely see my dentist twice a year and if insurance would allow, would go 4 times a year. I don’t mind the preventative measures because I’ve kind of grown fond of my teeth and don't want to lose them. I’ve only had one bad experience with a dentist.
5. What's making news in your town this week?

Top Golf! They are building one in our town.

 6. Curtains, drapes, blinds...your window treatment of choice? Are there any bare windows in your house? Is that by choice or because you haven't gotten around to covering them? 

I like shutters and sheer curtains. We have custom drapes in our living areas which are only drawn when temperatures are extreme. The bedroom drapes are heavy and dark because DH takes naps during the day.  One bedroom only has blinds because I have never gotten around to covering the window, but it’s fine with me for now.

 7. Summertime is officially here (in the Northern hemisphere anyway)...what one song is a must-have on your summer playlist?

Maybe “Groovin’” on a Sunday afternoon, by the Young Rascals. It always takes me back to warm days and good times.
8.  Insert your own random thought here.  

I had lunch today with my Tuesday morning Bible study group.

Some of our lovely Ladies of Grace
(I see naughty Kaaren with her tongue out!)
After lunch I went over to see my friends and former co-workers and deliver a couple of easels to one of them.
For the past couple of weeks, DH and I have been spending time with our dear friends, Fred and Alice, who are visiting here from Florida, just having fun being together almost every day, eating, and getting together with other mutual friends. It’s so pleasant to be able to relax in their company - wishing they still lived here. Tonight we are staying in to watch a movie together and then will make blueberry waffles. Yum.
(Another summer song (but not a favorite) from the 60’s came to mind this morning as I headed out - Summer in the City ('cause it’s hot in Texas). And Those Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days of Summer by Nat King Cole. Our youth group would stand around the rinky-tink player piano at my girlfriend's house and sing it so enthusiastically, ALWAYS leaving out the word "beer." Not allowed to sing about beer. In looking back, I guess it was okay singing about girls in bikinis!)


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

She'll have fun, fun, fun

Daddy, take her iPad away!

I've been hesitant to tell about this, but since one of my favorite blogger friends has not been shy to share some of her experiences with the strange side effects from the sleeping pill, Ambien, I decided it might be all right. It always gives me a good chuckle to know I'm not the ONLY one and perhaps it will give her a smile, laugh or warning as well.

All pill bottles carry some of the warnings
about whatever is in the container.

There may be other problems attendant thereto that can be costly.
It may cause some of us to do very weird things,
and now that we have learned still yet another lesson the hard way,
the iPad can no longer be used when under the influence.
In our case at our house, it has had some strange effects on both DH and me for the past few months, but especially in the past few weeks, they've increased.

He dreams up schemes, and I make plans.

He talks, and I take action! :0(

He gets ideas and I call people and volunteer to do things. He says, what about this? and I immediately grab the iPad to proceed with all kinds of searches ... order stuff ... plan vacations ... SPEND money!

The morning after
sometimes brings surprises. As it did just one morning about 10 weeks ago ... I know exactly how many weeks because I am still receiving an email each week reminding me - this is week 8, week 9, week 10.

For several weeks, my side and back had really been hurting. I came to the conclusion it just might have something to do with that extra 10 pounds and that my jeans are way too tight.
But our bedtime conversation that fateful night about 10 weeks ago (after each of us taking our Ambien) went somewhat like this:
DH: I'm really concerned about you, and your side hurting. I think maybe you need to do something.
ME: Okay, I'll go see the doctor about it.
DH: Well, and I am noticing you're putting on a little weight. Looks like your derriere butt might be getting a little bit bigger.

He said what?????
ME: You think???
DH: There's some football player on TV who advertises some kind of diet plan where you eat 5 times a day. Maybe you ought to try it.
ME: Hmmmmmm. Let me see. Googling. (Not giggling, at all.)
(After some time spent trying to figure out who the football player is, the team he played for, a phone call to our son to ask, we figure out it is Terry Bradshaw and -----systems.)
DH: Why don't you send off for that?
ME: Okay.
Good-nights are said.
Next morning, I check my email. What?? A confirmation email from -----systems? Did I really do that? Yes. (Another surprise to me is that I entered the credit card number and information accurately while in la-la land.)
The first large box of food was delivered a few days later by our friendly Fed Ex man, and the second box of food packed in dry ice was placed on our front porch shortly thereafter. And the next day, still yet ANOTHER box identical in contents to the first box!

Stop it! Stop! How can I possibly eat all this food (and where will I store it)?? If you remember the sitcom, Everybody Loves Raymond, you will remember Marie and the infamous "Fruit of the Month" club. That's what I'm feeling. Fear! Cutting back on my intake was the original idea of a diet.

Something else DH didn't realize was that my eating special foods would affect him as well: When the cook isn't cooking or able to eat out, he's eating light, and there are no bites left over for Trudy, as well.

So, long story short, I had a few very lengthy conversations with -----systems, trying to work this all out and Stop it! Which they did (with a monetary penalty to us aaaaannnnnddd, I'm still trying to eat up what's left of the food while DH continues to eat burgers and fries! LOL!

Many lessons have been learned through this experience, chief of which is that once the sleeping pill has been swallowed, iPad is put away, and any conversation that follows is simply that! We talk, we plan, we figure out solutions to whatever situation we may be facing ... but any action or follow-through is NOT to take place until the next morning, or whenever it might be appropriate!

(That is - if we can remember what it was we decided.) 
When will we ever learn?

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Wednesday's Hodpodge

Please join Joyce at From This Side of the Pond

 1. What do you think makes a good dad?

A dad kids can look up to knowing his love is real and strong and gentle, and that love for them will never change. Someone of whom they can have a healthy respect, and not be afraid.

2.  What's something you learned from your own father?

Faithfulness, loyalty, honesty, forgiveness, a good work ethic, love for family, no matter what comes, to hang in there.

3. It's your birthday-what kind of cake will we be having?
Chocolate, of course. Maybe German chocolate or zucchini chocolate cake. Everybody would know that.

4. When you're faced with a big decision are you more of a go with your gut type of person, or are you someone who reasons it all out, weighing the pros and cons?

I will weigh out the pros and cons, THEN go with my gut.

5. June is National Dairy Month. What's your favorite dairy item? Most often purchased dairy item?

Stonyfield French Vanilla low fat yogurt, I buy a lot of organic milk, and Kefir.

6. Explorer Jacques Cousteau was born on June 11, 1910....what's something you've recently discovered or something you'd like to explore?

I have always wanted to visit Scotland and Ireland. We have traveled to many places, but didn't make it there.

7. Are you typical of your generation?

I'm thinking I am not. And not sure whether I want to explain. But will say I am content with what I have, am blessed in my life, love Jesus, and look forward to spending eternity with Him. I am enjoying the blessings I have in this world, but realize it can change in a moment. I wonder if my generation realizes that.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

I am remembering my Dad and how hard his life was and all the sacrifices he made that we didn't realize or appreciate until we were older, and then, he died suddenly, and I remember the last time I saw him.
Thinking about Dads, and how important they are to the family, and sorry that so many children are growing  up without a dad these days. I am thankful my DH, our son, and our son-in-law are such great fathers to their children. One of the sweetest things I remember about my DH was his eagerness for me to meet his children less than a week after we met. I saw how great his love was for them, and theirs for him.

Me with my new family a couple of years after
DH and I married

Thank you, Joyce, for the good questions.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Grapevine Fun Train

Last Friday, Kate, DH and I went over to Grapevine
to ride the Grapevine Fun Train!
And we did have fun! 
Grapevine Fun Train
As is our habit, we were there early with time to spare.
 Wearing the special hat (long enough for the pic),
 loving the whistle.

The conductor was a sweet and friendly guy.
Easy to see why he has the job.


Pineapple princess! :-)

Blowing that whistle was great fun for Kate.

Grandpa and Kate

Although we arrived early to get seats in the enclosed train cars with AC,
the perfect weather just had to be enjoyed that day:
blue skies, fluffy white clouds, cool temps,
and a breeze flowing through the open air cars.
Great fun!

Headed for home again.
Jiggity jig.



Thursday, June 6, 2013

Wednesday's Hodgepodge

Here are my answers to this week's Hodgepodge from From this Side of the Pond.

And I'm late! But I will not sweat the small stuff!!

1. Have you learned more from success or failure? Explain.

In my failures, I have learned what not to do. My successes encourage me to keep on doing what I’m doing.

2. What did you call your grandparents when you were growing up?

On my Mother’s side, it was Granny and Grandad. On my Dad’s side, it was Grandma and Grandpa. My great grandmother was called Grandma Sanders.

If you have children, what did they call your parents?

Grandma June, Grandma Millie.

 If you have grandchildren, what do they call you?

To Brady and Noah, we are Papa and Nonnie.
To Kate and Jack, we are Nonnie and Grandpa.

3. You're invited to a luau. In keeping with that theme, what dish will you bring to share?

Hot pineapple salad.

4. Besides Jesus, what one person's life story do you think everyone should know about?

Joni Eareckson Tada comes to mind. She has been a great example of perseverance, patience, gentleness, compassion, and has grasped the knowledge of God’s sovereignty in our lives and made it real to others.  Joni also has made a HUGE  difference in our society for the handicapped, much more than people ARE AWARE.

5. "Don't sweat the small stuff." Agree or Disagree?

Agree for the most part, and it depends on what the small stuff is.

If you sweat it, sometimes the small stuff can become the big stuff. But sometimes the small stuff is big stuff.

6. June is National Rivers Month. When were you last on a river?
About 4 years ago - rafting on the Colorado river.

What's the prettiest river you've ever seen?  
I think it was the Rhein, but I did love the Yellowstone River.

What's a river you'd like to see?  

I think I would like to see the Potomac because I would like to go to Washington, D.C.

7. Speaking of rivers-paddling, fishing, swimming, or bird watching safely from the shore? Which activity would you choose? Yes-you have to choose.

If it is a river surrounded by mountains in Colorado, Montana or Wyoming, I would choose fishing.

8. It’s a rainy, beautiful day here today and I’m wondering what choices I will make with the things I have to do on this day. Trying not to sweat the small stuff. Still feeling bad about the incident that happened a couple of days ago with one of our neighbor’s little dogs, which was killed by a bobcat. This family is from another culture and doesn’t understand that you don’t leave family pets outside ALL the time. They must be cared for in the hot weather, the freezing temperatures, and loved, not ignored. And, in our neighborhood, which backs up to the corps of engineers property and the lake, there are wild animals, such as bobcats, coyotes, hawks, and other creatures out there to be aware of. In a conversation with them, I explained that I never let Trudy out after dark or early morning, and if I do, I am there with her. Trying not to be Mrs. Kravitz!

And, I’m glad this isn’t a test, because I’m not that pleased with my answers! ;-) But I do enjoy reading other people’s answers. J

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Kate the Detective

We had just made the last of many trips upstairs for the day and were getting ready for bed. Kate was brushing her teeth and told me she needed a cup of water to rinse with. I said "How 'bout I get you a bottle of water from Grandpa's stash?" No problem. She took a couple of sips, rinsed, spit and then left the bottle on the counter by the sink!

The next morning when she brushed her teeth, she faced the same dilemma. No cup. I pointed out to her, "Kate, here is the bottle you drank from last night."

She looked at the bottle, frowned, and said, "Nonnie, more water is missing from that bottle than I drank last night."

(She's right. Looks like Grandpa took a few swigs from
it in the middle of the night.)

Kate: "Nonnie, I can't drink that. Grandpa has the sniffles and I don't want to catch anything."

Soooooo, what are you gonna do with that comeback? Stifle your laughs and give the girl a fresh bottle of water.

And put her cup back in the bathroom.


Monday, June 3, 2013

Go Rangers!

Ranger Cookies, that is! ;-) They were disappearing just about as quickly as I could bake and pull them out of the oven. The trick was to make sure DH would leave enough for the kids' tea party. They were on the way over to spend the day, and I knew that would be the first thing on their little agenda. I was sure of that ...
Kids. Don't. Forget. ... anything!
Jack recently found the tea party set in the toy box and
now he likes taking tea with Kate and me.
(So far, he is happy to let Kate be "in control" and do the pouring!)
What he really likes is drinking "tea" from a cup with no lid!

Last week's cookies were lemon wedges from Maggiano's!
Perfect for our little party.
(chips on the side make that sweet/salty mix!)

Sweet Kate had a run-in with
the BBQ grill when visiting her cousins. Smack right into it!
(Thank You, God that it was on the side of her eye and not in it!)

Jack also discovered the viewmaster!

Since baby brothers somehow manage to get in the middle of things,
Kate and I wait until he is napping to enjoy some other activities.
Like painting!
I found this giant coloring book at Mardel which has big pictures
and color guide dots within the pictures. She loves this.

While cleaning out a drawer in one of the extra bedrooms,
I came across this paper doll set from many years ago.
The interesting thing to me about this find is that the dolls
are named Kate and Charles. (Charles is Jack's middle name.)
Kate likes that, and so do I.

So many clothes for these dolls, it's hard to decide which they will wear.

 It's always fun to have Kate and Jack stay with us,
and we love it they get to come quite often.
Grandpa and I drop everything to just stop and enjoy these kids
who can turn an ordinary day into an extraordinary day.
Whether it's coloring, chalk drawing on the driveway,
going to the park, playing tag in the yard, blowing bubbles, or kickball,
it's simply one of the best pleasures life has to offer.
(Funny thing though, when Mommy came to pick them up at the end of this particular day,
the question was not the ordinary: "How were the kids today?"
It was: "Did Jack have a poop?"
"Was there a yellow balloon in it?"

Sunday, June 2, 2013


Great word for Sunday.
