Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Wednesday's Hodpodge

Please join Joyce at From This Side of the Pond

 1. What do you think makes a good dad?

A dad kids can look up to knowing his love is real and strong and gentle, and that love for them will never change. Someone of whom they can have a healthy respect, and not be afraid.

2.  What's something you learned from your own father?

Faithfulness, loyalty, honesty, forgiveness, a good work ethic, love for family, no matter what comes, to hang in there.

3. It's your birthday-what kind of cake will we be having?
Chocolate, of course. Maybe German chocolate or zucchini chocolate cake. Everybody would know that.

4. When you're faced with a big decision are you more of a go with your gut type of person, or are you someone who reasons it all out, weighing the pros and cons?

I will weigh out the pros and cons, THEN go with my gut.

5. June is National Dairy Month. What's your favorite dairy item? Most often purchased dairy item?

Stonyfield French Vanilla low fat yogurt, I buy a lot of organic milk, and Kefir.

6. Explorer Jacques Cousteau was born on June 11, 1910....what's something you've recently discovered or something you'd like to explore?

I have always wanted to visit Scotland and Ireland. We have traveled to many places, but didn't make it there.

7. Are you typical of your generation?

I'm thinking I am not. And not sure whether I want to explain. But will say I am content with what I have, am blessed in my life, love Jesus, and look forward to spending eternity with Him. I am enjoying the blessings I have in this world, but realize it can change in a moment. I wonder if my generation realizes that.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

I am remembering my Dad and how hard his life was and all the sacrifices he made that we didn't realize or appreciate until we were older, and then, he died suddenly, and I remember the last time I saw him.
Thinking about Dads, and how important they are to the family, and sorry that so many children are growing  up without a dad these days. I am thankful my DH, our son, and our son-in-law are such great fathers to their children. One of the sweetest things I remember about my DH was his eagerness for me to meet his children less than a week after we met. I saw how great his love was for them, and theirs for him.

Me with my new family a couple of years after
DH and I married

Thank you, Joyce, for the good questions.


  1. What terrific pictures! Loved your thoughts on dads. And Scotland and Ireland? They're on our bucket list, too!

  2. My sister just went to Ireland and loved it! I promised my grandson that if he makes good grades and graduates with those grades up there, I will take him to Italy! I've never been anywhere except Mexico so I want to go as much as I want him to!

    Unfortunately, my own son is an addict and has never been there for his children. Our grandson is visiting, almost 17 and I can really see his resentment about his dad. It breaks my heart. I had such a great daddy and my husband is such a great daddy. My dad also died very suddenly!

  3. Thanks for sharing your memories and pictures! Happy Hodgepodge!!

  4. Loving the pictures Nonnie! Thanks for sharing with us!!

  5. What a blessing to have such happy memories!

  6. What great questions and answers! I love that you have such wonderful memories. I really enjoyed the picture of you and your Dad. He was a VERY handsome man!!! xo Diana

  7. I miss something when there's no dad in the home. Sweet picture of you and your dad : )

  8. I loved your random comment and the other comments are similar to what I believe. So where do you get the Stoneyfield French vanilla??? sandie

  9. Thankful for great Dads! Have a wonderful weekend.

  10. I love the picture of you and your Dad! What a handsome man, and you a beautiful little girl! I agree... it is so sad that many grow up today not knowing their father. I will say that I did not know mine really well and he didn't do a lot with us as children, but he was there... teaching us a good work ethic and how important it is to be kind to others. He worked hard and set a good example for us (7) kids. I do believe the insecurities and downfall of todays youth comes largely from fatherless families. I hope you had a beautiful Father's Day Sunday!
