Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Wednesday Hodgepodge

Please join Joyce at From This Side of the Pond

1. Summertime is a season of reunions, weddings, and other family celebrations and gatherings...are any of the above on your calendar in the next two months?

Yesirree! Our grandson, Noah, and granddaughter, Kate, will both be celebrating the big "5" this summer! Noah’s birthday party will be on a party boat at the lake! Not quite the size of Noah’s Ark, but it will be big. And, after vacation, later in the summer, all of our family will gather at a rented lake house for our annual family fun.

 2. June is National Iced Tea Month...are you an iced tea drinker? If so, how do you like yours (sweet, flavored, etc)? 

 I would love to have some of my Mama’s sweet tea again. I only drink iced tea occasionally these days, but don’t sweeten it because it just never tastes the same.

 3. When were you last nervous?  Looking back, was the 'event' actually nerve-worthy?

Last Sunday before our Life Group at church. Probably not really nerve-worthy, but it always makes me a little nervous to stand before my peers as “teacher.” Pray, take a deep breath, and once I get started, no problem, but it’s something that usually messes with me beforehand.
 4. The bristle toothbrush was invented in China on June 26, 1498...not sure how that date was pinned down so precisely but, on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being sick to your stomach and 1 being not at all, how nervous do you feel when you're headed to the dentist?  Do you see your dentist twice a year?

Only rate a #1. Definitely see my dentist twice a year and if insurance would allow, would go 4 times a year. I don’t mind the preventative measures because I’ve kind of grown fond of my teeth and don't want to lose them. I’ve only had one bad experience with a dentist.
5. What's making news in your town this week?

Top Golf! They are building one in our town.

 6. Curtains, drapes, blinds...your window treatment of choice? Are there any bare windows in your house? Is that by choice or because you haven't gotten around to covering them? 

I like shutters and sheer curtains. We have custom drapes in our living areas which are only drawn when temperatures are extreme. The bedroom drapes are heavy and dark because DH takes naps during the day.  One bedroom only has blinds because I have never gotten around to covering the window, but it’s fine with me for now.

 7. Summertime is officially here (in the Northern hemisphere anyway)...what one song is a must-have on your summer playlist?

Maybe “Groovin’” on a Sunday afternoon, by the Young Rascals. It always takes me back to warm days and good times.
8.  Insert your own random thought here.  

I had lunch today with my Tuesday morning Bible study group.

Some of our lovely Ladies of Grace
(I see naughty Kaaren with her tongue out!)
After lunch I went over to see my friends and former co-workers and deliver a couple of easels to one of them.
For the past couple of weeks, DH and I have been spending time with our dear friends, Fred and Alice, who are visiting here from Florida, just having fun being together almost every day, eating, and getting together with other mutual friends. It’s so pleasant to be able to relax in their company - wishing they still lived here. Tonight we are staying in to watch a movie together and then will make blueberry waffles. Yum.
(Another summer song (but not a favorite) from the 60’s came to mind this morning as I headed out - Summer in the City ('cause it’s hot in Texas). And Those Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days of Summer by Nat King Cole. Our youth group would stand around the rinky-tink player piano at my girlfriend's house and sing it so enthusiastically, ALWAYS leaving out the word "beer." Not allowed to sing about beer. In looking back, I guess it was okay singing about girls in bikinis!)



  1. I spoke at an event this past weekend, and I definitely know what you mean about the whole 'messing with your head thing' beforehand. I have a newfound admiration for people who speak on a regular basis...I think the devil has a field day trying to throw them off track!

    We had Top Golf near us in the UK and it was so much fun. That's the only place I've ever played.

  2. Those birthday parties sound fabulous along with the family reunion. Looks like your friends were having some fun on Sunday, like the one sticking her tongue out and fooling around :)

    Have a fun Wednesday!
    Lucy from Lucy's Reality

  3. Love that song Groovin, now it will be in my head today, LOL! Good summer song. Hope that you enjoy your time with friends!

  4. Blueberry waffles? Yum! I need to get out my waffle iron and make some waffles - SOON!

    So, what is Top Golf?

  5. I enjoyed getting to read more about you! I know what you mean about the moments before you have to teach adults, and then once it gets going all is well.

    Hmm. I may have to make some blueberry waffles now~

  6. Nonnie - Lots of interesting questions, and it sounds like you are having lots of fun so far this summer, too.

    I do have one bare window - out of choice, because it is the garden window of my kitchen.

    I do go to the dentist twice a year, and I always dread it, because of TMJ, I cannot open my mouth very wide, so having my teeth cleaned always leave me with a headache. But I love the feeling of clean teeth.

    Weird, that specific date on the invention of the toothbrush.

    Blessing on celebrating with your grandchildren on their birthdays. :)

  7. I love waffles of any kind..:)
    Just click oon the giveaway button at the top of my will take you to my giveaway page and there you can leave as many comments as you want. :))

  8. I love waffles, too. I loved reading all the random bits and pieces here- so much fun- xo Diana

  9. Speaking at at event is very nerve racking!! And I do love ice tea. You have had a busy summer there with all your traveling and your family! I love Groovin too! sandie

  10. A fun post to read. I love iced tea in summer! Hope you enjoy the day.

  11. Looks like your summer is off to a great start! I have to say I love any kind of tea:). Have a great weekend!


  12. I like 'In the Good Ole Summertime' by Ren Shields (wikipedia). I'm enjoying watermelon with the grandkids!
