Friday, September 17, 2021

Friday Recap and a Meaningful Anniversary

It’s been a pretty full and interesting week. On Monday I attended a business meeting for the women’s association for the Tulsa boys home.   One of my friends, Kathy, is president of the association and has invited me to join. This is a wonderful organization that helps provide necessities for the boys who live at the home and has fundraisers throughout the year to raise money for them. Every penny raised and given goes directly to the Home for operating. I've made the decision to join and I’m excited to get to be part of this worthy cause. Next month, we will be having a garage sale to raise money, and then in November, there will be another fundraiser. As soon as the lockdown is lifted for visiting the home, I will be going for a tour and there will actually be a barbecue and bingo time with the boys sometime in November. We will get to meet all of them then and hear stories about their lives there. I’ve read a lot of information about them and there are many success stories from adult men who lived at the home in their youth. 

Monday night I played pickle ball again and my brother said I did really well. I’m going to try to continue each week, but still playing it cautious as I don’t want to risk any more falls. On Tuesday, I went to exercise, then over to Susan’s to practice our songs for singing at the assisted living facility on Wednesday. Tuesday night was the first night of Bible study fellowship end it looks like I have a good group again. 

On Wednesday, I had lunch with three other ladies from my church. Our ladies’ ministry at church each quarter has what is called 4 for Fellowship in which we are put together with three others to get a chance to know and make new friends. These ladies were wonderful and we had such a great time together. We plan to meet again soon. 

After lunch, I headed over to Susan‘s house to load up equipment and go to the assisted living facility and sing. It is such a joy to go there because the people love us coming so much. We sing old songs and watching their faces light up and seeing them sing along with us is really fun. There were 45 people attending  to cheer us on and, afterwards, come up to tell us how much they love us and make requests for songs in the future. One of the ladies told me that she was so tired when she came up, but our singing gave her energy back again. That really touched my heart. Wednesday evening Awanas met. Time just flies there while listening and helping these first graders learn their Bible verses and then spending 30 minutes playing active games with them. I think the games are designed to get all their energy out so they’ll be a little quieter while listening to the main Bible story.

On Thursday morning I began physical therapy for my knee and I think that’s going to go well. Then I went to Ace Hardware to buy some timers, get my car washed, and came home to just rest up and do things around the house like filing, dishes, fixing dinner, etc. 

Why am I sharing all this? As I drove around, I was thinking about the fact that life is so different now when I come home. There’s no one here to ask where I’ve been, or how things are going or just to sit down and talk. When Jay was here, it didn’t matter how trivial the things were that I did, I would share them with him. I don’t know about others, but somehow, it just seems like we want to share what we’ve been doing or what you’ve accomplished. I find myself sometimes telling my sister-in-law all these things and then stopping to say, "I’m sorry, I’m not sure why I’m boring you with all this." Haha!

Anyway, today I am planning to go buy two trees for my yard and then on Saturday evening our Sunday school class is going to attend a melodrama that’s been presented here every Saturday since 1953. It’s called The Drunkard and I attended probably in 1968, so it should be fun to see again with a group. It’s the kind of play with audience participation in that we boo the villain and cheer when the hero comes on.

Finally! Today marks a meaningful anniversary in my life when I broke free from my addiction to cigarettes and, more important, the knowledge of true freedom in God's grace. I am so thankful for that day in my life back in 1994. I shared it in the past right here.


  1. I am so glad to see you getting involved in things you enjoy and that give you an outlet. That is always a good thing. I know exactly what you mean about sharing mundane things with people. Sometimes I just even talk to Scruffy. lol. He knows more of my thoughts than anyone, I think.

    Congrats on the smoke-free anniversary. I never smoked but broke a sugar addiction--and it is a daily struggle sometimes.

    Have a wonderful weekend. xo Diana

  2. What a wonderful anniversary to celebrate.

  3. I loved this post so much, so full of joy and the wonderful grace of God in your life. And then when you got to the "anniversary" part, I was a little surprised about this, but so thankful for how God healed you and set you free from smoking so many years ago. Then I went back and read what you wrote a few years about this same anniversary, and Lo! and Behold! I had already written a comment there back then! I was so surprised because I honestly had forgotten about ever reading that! The thing is, when we ask God to heal us of a habit or some other thing we've done and to forgive us...not only does He forgive us, He forgets our sin and our past and remembers it no more! He loves us so much that He never holds our past mistakes or habits against us. Wow! How great is our God!! And I am so happy for you to be able to celebrate this wonderful anniversary! God is with you always!!!

  4. You are so busy with such worthy causes! I try to stay busy too but I am working rather than volunteering so my time is not used as well as yours is. I understand completely about coming home and not having anyone to share things with. I talk to the cats! Ha! I blog about what I do, but again don't get the kind of immediate feedback I would get from Joe. I like to think he would be proud of me though. God is always in control. Peace & hugs!! xo
