Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Spring: A Welcome Time of Year

1. It's like my mama always said, "_________________".

My Mama said it many times. “Pretty is as pretty does. She was right. She said many things that were right.

2. May 11th is National Eat What You Want Day. What will you be having by way of celebration? 

I wish I had known, because I would’ve made something special for my dinner. Since I was going to BSF Tuesday evening, I just had a quick burger. Otherwise, I think it would have been nice to have some fried chicken with mashed potatoes and gravy, corn on the cob, rolls, and brownies with ice cream. 

This past Saturday our Sunday School class had a little going away cookout for one of the couples in our class. There was so much deliciousness there with grilled burgers and chicken, macaroni salad, pea salad, and potatoes au gratin. Since my sister-in-law cannot eat what she wants due to celiac, I made a flourless chocolate cake and served it with fresh strawberries and ice cream. It makes an 8 inch cake, but is very rich and everybody enjoyed it.

 3. Describe your idea of a perfect spring day. 

Perfect spring day to me is sunny, light breeze, just a feeling of well being, the day feels like a warm caress. There are trees in bloom, a variety of color from all the flowers blossoming, and maybe enjoying a meal outdoors with friends. Oh wait! We did that Saturday afternoon at our SS party!

 4. Success, fulfillment, growth, achievement...pick one and tell us how it relates to your life in some way, either currently or in days gone by. 

Maybe achievement. This past year has been a lot of work to make possible my move to another state, taking care of the business attendant thereto, and bringing up to date a lot of my affairs in order in case of any emergency. In general, my moving on in life.

 5. I saw this going around on various social media sites and thought it would be fun to answer here. The last thing you bought on Amazon is your weapon in battle. How will you wield it?  (if you're not an Amazon shopper, then the last thing you bought online anywhere) 

That would be an athletic workout shirt to wear with my yoga pants on Tuesday and Thursday when I attend what is known as Move 1 and Move 2, exercise programs at my church. Wouldn’t it be fantastic if wearing that top would enable me to wield extraordinary feats in my exercise routine? It truly would because of my current limitations with my right arm still healing from the broken wrist.

 6. Insert your own random thought here.

I’m going to go here with your “what’s happening on Tuesday” blog. A little bit of catch-up. I had a nice Mother’s Day in spite of the fact that I was not with the kids or grandkids. However, I served in children’s church, and my brother and sister-in-law and I had a nice dinner after church. After dinner, I had a nap and then pulled out a couple of my old blog books to look at the photos and what I had written in the past about the kids; kind of a sentimental journey.   Jason and Amy sent beautiful roses for Mother’s Day, and I received many cards and phone calls for my birthday and Mother’s Day.

This one is my favorite!

I’ve begun volunteering on Mondays at a thrift shop which raises money for children at a local hospital and so Monday was filled with working with a group of wonderful ladies. We take a 30 minute morning break, which is nice as I’m getting to know all the other volunteers.

Tuesday was another kind of perfect spring day in which it was cloudy and cool with thunderstorms which I really enjoy, especially when I don’t have to get out in it. It was nice of the rain to stop before I had to go to BSF.  

You can't tell by this pic, but t's very wet out there.

The snow storms this past February ruined many of the shrubs in my yard (and everybody else's). That was all right with me, because I was already planning to get rid of some of the landscaping here. One of the problems is that this misfortune happened to many people and so landscape companies are overwhelmed with work backlogs. One of my old high school classmates offered the use of a couple of the guys who do work for him and a lady from my church who is a “master gardener” offered her help. What blessings these offers of help are turning out to be. This job will get done! Today I will be shopping at the nursery for more shrubs and flowers for my front yard.

Thursday our ukulele group will meet for practice. It is possible that this Sunday we may get to play and sing before an audience. And this Friday I will be meeting with my Texas book club group on Zoom. Last Wednesday three friends from my past life here in Tulsa came over after lunch for snacks and a little girl talk … they stayed until 8:00 pm! I promise you, during that entire time, there was never a lull in the conversation. We all had a lot of catching up to do. 

A little funny here: On Sunday in children's church, one of the little boys had a watch which he fiddled with the entire time. It was never on his wrist. At one point, he had it dangling from his mouth between his teeth and the lead teacher asked him to take it out of his mouth as that is not where we wear a watch. It struck me funny as I told the teacher it was a picture of a verse we all need to pay attention to:

“Set a watch, O LORD, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips.”




  1. At least in athletic wear you might stand a chance of escaping : ) Those roses are gorgeous!! Your celebratory dinner sounds so good. I have not had fried chicken in a long while. Enjoy your day!

  2. It sounds like your life is so full and happy! Just reading about the things you are doing made me smile.

  3. I love the verse you quoted at the end about the watch! So perfect for the situation! And you do sound more happy and content than I've heard before (in this past year, that is). I am so glad to know you are settling in and that God is blessing you in your new home and church and family. That is such an answer to prayer! This was all so positive and uplifting...I am rejoicing for you! Thank you for sharing with us. It is so good to get caught up on what's been happening in your life. God is good.

  4. Yum to fried chicken and corn on the cob! I enjoyed your answers and am glad you are busy and enjoying new and old friends! Volunteering is a great way to meet people and make a difference in lives. Kudos to you! You picked the perfect scripture for the watch story! Made me chuckle!! xo

  5. I enjoyed all your thoughts. I think it would be fun to work in a thrift shop. I love your answer about the weapon...that would be nice if it worked that way wouldn't it. So sorry about your broken wrist.
