Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Come September Hodgepodge

1. The Hodgepodge lands on the second day of a brand new month. Tell us one thing you're looking forward to in September.

Getting this move over with. Next week will find me in another city, a different state, and a new (to me) home. I have been pack, pack, packing away the past couple of weeks, and decluttering my house for more than a year. I’m starting over, folks! My house sold the first day and I found “my house” four days later! I am so thankful for the many ways I have been blessed in this process. 

2. Do you enjoy browsing second-hand shops? Yes. Last thing you bought or 'inherited' second hand? My sister-in-law Susan has been anxious for me to play pickleball with her and friends after I settle in my new home. So my friend Connie came over just yesterday to give a last hug and say good-bye. She brought to me as a parting gift her pickle ball paddle and ball in a nice bag. So sweet of her to pass this on to me.

3. Something you had second thoughts about after committing to, purchasing, or posting/commenting  online? When I have second thoughts about posts, I usually go back and delete. And I always have second thoughts about political posts. 

4. What's a product or service you use that you'd rate as second to none? My Norwex window cleaner cloths.  And also see my random thought.

5. Something you do so often or that comes so naturally to you it's second nature ? The drive from church comes so naturally, that even when I tell myself I’m going to take a different way, I find myself on auto pilot and shaking my head that I made it home safely. 

6. Insert your own random thought here.

I have to give credit here to my dear friends Alice and Fred, especially Fred who has stood by me in his labors and helping me with everything that had to be done around this house to get things ready for me to move. (Alice lends much needed emotional support!) Fred is a handyman and a jack of all trades. I guess I would have to write him as second to none in answer to number four, even though he’s not a product or service, but his services have been done without ever complaining and always with good ideas. When there needed to be a deck renovation at the cost of about $18,000, he looked at it and said just take the stairs down and fill up the gap on the deck. He did it, we painted it, it opened up things and made the view here even better. When the storm winds blew my storm door off kilter and crushed a hole in the wall of the house, he fixed the door and the wall. Countless jobs have been done, strong arms lifting and cleaning and removing just about everything you can think of. He painted my motorcycle trailer, helped me sell it, helped me sell the motorcycle, helped me clean out and get rid of two sheds, clean out three garages and three attics, get a generator out of the garage to sell, move a giant tv, and on and on and on. He refused to take a cent. Oh yeah! Did I happen to mention he is 78? And both Alice and Fred will be going with me to my new destination to help! So grateful for their friendship.

I couldn’t have made this move without all my friends who have loved and supported me throughout. 

Last evening was farewell to some of the BSF Leadership group. I will miss this group of mentors so much! They will always have a special place in my heart.

There is no way to post photos of  all the friends I have here in Texas. Each and every one is so precious to me. The above are only a few. Thank You, God for the heart friends You've bless me with.


  1. I took pickleball in college. Been a long time since I've played.

    I hope everything goes well with your move and you are able to settle into your new place quickly.

    Nice to visit you,

  2. I’m excited for you and your new home and making a big change. It’s hard but God goes before us and I pray you settle in quickly. Will you be near family?

  3. Oh wow! We have moved too! House in SoCal sold, truck packed and stuff moved, staying with daughter while we look for a new place. I'm glad it has all gone so well for you.
    We are looking and looking at houses for sale in this new place.
    Your friends are the BEST!
    I will MISS my Bible Study friends and church friends so much. But the Church is everywhere and we will plug in where God wants us to be.

  4. I am so glad everything fell together so easily and completely for you with selling, buying, and moving. God is good! I'll be praying your transition is a good one filled with new friends and adventures.

    (I've never even heard of pickle ball)

  5. Sometimes things just fall into place so well that you know Jesus is directing it all! I am so happy for you and just know that the friends you are leaving behind will still be friends through visits and social media. It is so good to feel the love. God bless your dear friends, Alice & Fred! Do please keep us posted and share some photos of your new home when you can! xo

  6. It sounds like Alice and Fred are awesome friends and you're so blessed to have many friends. You should have no trouble making new friends in your new location too, especially with a good church. PS. I'd never heard of pickle ball.

  7. I have never heard of pickleball! That is nice that your friend gifted you with her set. I think it takes a lot of courage to make a move, but it looks like you have been blessed. I wish you the best as you start your new adventure!

  8. You are blessed for sure with true friends. Hope all goes well as you settle in your new home. We'd love to put in a pickle ball court on our property but I think it would be over our budget. Happy September to you!

  9. I have never heard of Pickleball but it sounds fun! You are blessed with friends like that for sure. May your move go smoothly.

  10. What lovely women and friends. You look wonderful. I spent many years in BSF when we lived in Santa Barbara, in the 1970's.

  11. Sounds like a lot of changes coming your way - and a lot of nice people have helped you.
    When you have a minute tell me where you are moving - and why. Would love to know without trying to be nosy!
    Love, sandie

  12. I accidentally discovered the Mary's Gone Crackers. Usually I buy them at Sprout's but I've seen them at Target.
    What state are you moving TO?

  13. I wish you so much happiness on your new adventure. True, what's up with that auto pilot we do??? Wow, I awesome Fred it and what a blessing he has been to you. The pictures are lovely. I know it is hard to say goodbye. ((Hugs))

  14. Oh My, Connie...I guess I must have missed something! I knew you were hoping to sell, but I sure didn't know everything happened so quickly, and here you are ready to move out. Did you say you are moving near your sister and family? Please keep us posted as you settle into your new home. How wonderful to have such good friends helping you make this big move. What a blessing. You will miss them! (and they will miss you!) But I know God will bless you with new friends and wonderful new experiences where you are headed. Please just keep us in the loop, ok? Praying for you!

  15. Nonnie, Sending you lots of hugs. I wish you the best in your new area,home. I think of you and your sweet hubby. I know you miss him. I remember feeling sad when he sold his bikes. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  16. You are so blessed with wonderful friends, and I feel sure they will miss you greatly. I am excited about your new life in Tulsa and know that there are friends and ministry awaiting you there as well.
