Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Spring Hodgepodge

1. Has spring sprung in your part of the world? Spring seems to have sprung several weeks ago. How can you tell? The signs for me included the first daffodil I saw when stopped at a stop sign, a red bud tree in bloom, and all the pear trees blossoming out in white. Every year those trees are so beautiful and never last long enough. They remind me of Anne of Green Gables re-naming The Avenue the “White Way of Delight.” The sun and the breeze just seem to caress you when you step outside. 

Did March come in like a lion where you live? As I recall, it wasn’t that bad, it’s just had its ups and downs. Going out like a lamb or something more ferocious? The last day of March was sunny, beautiful and very calm.

2. The last thing that caused you to spring to your feet? Jumping up to run to the door to see why the dog was barking so ferociously.

3. Do you have a spring clean to-do list? Not really. What's one chore on the list you've already managed to accomplish? Ever since the “great shut- in” I’ve been cleaning closets. What spring clean chore do you most dread? Maybe windows.

4. Tell us something you've learned about yourself or the wider world as a result of social distancing/the virus crisis. 
People need people. People need Jesus. I see even more how much I appreciate my family and friends and I can’t wait to be up close and personal. I see people on all sides of the spectrum, the greedy ones taking advantage of the situation, the selfish ones who don’t want to cooperate, the fearful hoarders, and the generous who are reaching out to help.

5. Something you love that's the color pink? Azaleas. How I wish I could grow them. The people across the street have some that I can enjoy, but I love seeing them at the Arboretum and in the areas of Dallas where they are in abundance. 

These are in the back yard of a friend's home.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 
I had a fun video chat yesterday with my nephew’s family. A wild and crazy bunch. Here are a few pics I snapped as we talked.

And we've been Zooming our Bible Study Fellowship. It's a great way to get together when you're apart. For now, anyway.

It's nice we have many means of communicating, but I am ready for a real hug and a sit down conversation with a friend.

Not so random:


  1. I love azaleas! So pretty!


  2. Big big grin...thank you for sharing and signs of spring around here yet...smiles.

  3. Wow, the azaleas are lovely.
    Take Care,

  4. Hey, thanks for stopping by my blog. It's been ages since I've blogged or visited blogs, but it feels good to be back.

    We're using Zoom for our Bible Study, as well. It's good to be able to "be" with everybody. I'm thankful for this technology to help keep us connected.

    I'm a fan of azaleas, too. They're not really hard to grow either.

    Until next time, stay safe!

    (Kathy from Reflections)

  5. The red buds are really pretty this year. We have many in the neighborhood but not one in our yard. I told hubs we need to add a couple. Stay well. I'm glad you're able to at least video chat with friends and family. It helps!

  6. Great post and pictures. Love the flowering trees. Our azaleas and other flowering trees seem to have stopped here already. It was such a hot and dry March, and last night we had the first rain in over a month! It was quite a storm, but thankfully no damages here. Today is cool and beautiful! The way spring is supposed to feel! I understand your missing friends, family, hugs...I wish I could give you a hug right now. So I will (((HUG))) Maybe someday it will be the real thing. Praying for you. God is with you...always.

  7. I do pray that God will draw many into His fold during these days!
    Enjoyed your hodgepodge. Stay safe and keep the faith!

  8. I always love seeing your sweet spirit reflected in your blog posts, and leave feeling encouraged. Blessed to call you friend! The FT conversation must have been so much fun and it is so thoughtful of them to do that. Some of our SS classes are using Zoom but we are using FB live stream for our class. It is working well for us. Dick is teaching so we have had to bone up on our technology skills. I don't know why I didn't think about pink azaleas. Probably because mine weren't so pretty this year. Enjoy this wonderful southern weather.

  9. I am thankful for bible studies through Zoom too! Not the same but something to keep us connected during these times. Thanks for sharing the verses :)

  10. I like your collage of blooms. I haven't made a collage in years. I don't have a Spring list. Good for you at doing some closet cleaning. I really need some motivation here! I love pink azaleas. Looks like a fun video chat!

  11. Your neighbor's backyard is gorgeous!! Wow! It is so fun having the Hodgepodge back!

  12. I enjoyed reading your answers. Yes, who know that any of us would be living in these historical AND hysterical times?? Although there is much concern and sorrow for all who are sick and those who have already lost their lives, there is a strange calmness within me...well, it's not really strange because I know where it is coming from. cleaning windows....I hate 'em too! Stay healthy and safe!

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