Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Wednesday Medley Flying High

It's time to meddle again! Terri has the medley of questions for the Wednesday Medley right hereNo rules and there is no obligation. Join in and link up with other ‘Meddlers’!! 

I am adding to Terri's information a bit of trivia about gyro-copters from the past. A movie with Clark Gable and Claudette Colbert, "It Happened One Night," includes a landing by a Pitcairn autogyro as a stunt by an alleged "famed aviator" at his intended wedding. The included footage is great shot of a landing on the lawn of a mansion with a close-up of the deplaning, right out of the Pitcairn advertisements of the day (1936). Goofy!

This one looks more like a small plane.

1. Tell us about the first airplane ride you took and do you like to fly?

My first flight was from Tulsa, Oklahoma to Orlando, Florida in a 6 passenger prop jet owned by the insurance company I worked for. The company pilot flew my boss, me and another employee to audit a new company they had purchased. It was so exciting to me and I was totally unaware of the danger that night!! Before we even left Tulsa, one of the plane's generators had to be repaired, and we later learned that mid-flight the other one went down, leaving us with one generator!! We flew through a storm with lightning flashing across the plane's windshield. There was no potty on the plane, and although we made one quick stop in Mississippi, it wasn't enough. I will spare the details. When we landed in Orlando, my boss informed me that the pilot would be fine by Monday when we left. You see, the pilot loved to drink! He promised to be sober by the time our departure arrived. I am living proof of God's protection throughout my life!

Although we have taken countless plane trips, I am not crazy about flying anymore. 

The plane, the plane!!! 
On a glass bottom boat at Silver Springs.

2. Have you ever gone hang gliding and was it on the beach with boat power, or from a mountain with only the wind and your body? No, I'm a little surprised that we haven't done that.

3. Have you ever gone kite flying and with whom? Do you mean fly a kite or kite flying? I think there is a guy in our town who does this. About once or twice a week he flies past our window and over the lake in something that looks like a kite or parachute.

4. Experimental aircraft is quite popular as a hobby where Terri lives. Have you or anyone you know ever constructed a flying machine and did you ride in it?
Oh yes, indeed! My DH constructed such a flying machine! After he got his pilot's license, we did several trips in single engine planes, however, that is not my cup of tea. So he researched and convinced me that gyro-copters were the safest way to go. So he built a one-seater plane (which he later crashed), and I took a ride with one of his instructors in a two-seater gyro-copter. It was quite exhilarating to be up in the sky with nothing but open air around you. He told me when he was up in the sky flying, it brought tears to his eyes it was so beautiful. (Still, I was very thankful when this hobby was done.)
A gyro-copter

His dream: a tri-cycle that would convert to a flying cycle
when he encountered traffic. 

I have shared before that DH has always been the adventurer! His dream was to be able to drive or fly the tri-cycle copter to work and just be over the traffic!

5. Another big hobby around Lakeland is Radio Controlled Airplanes. Have you ever seen them flying or tried your hand at it? No.

6. Please tell us something about your week.
Monday was quite busy with an annual doctor appointment, birthday lunch with old friends, and a visit to the Apple store to get the new battery for my phone. Tuesday I attended Ladies of Grace and Tuesday evening our Monday friends will be over for food and fun! Wednesday is breakfast with the guys, Wednesday night serving in Gracekids, and Thursday lunch with friends. The countdown is on for BSF and I will be in Ft. Worth all day Saturday for training! Looking forward to all that each day brings!

Hunter off to school! What will Mommy do all day?
Keep the younger three! Lol!!!

My brother with his family!
My Christmas cactus! Look at all the leaves on it! 
Hope it blooms like crazy!


  1. Your DH was quite the adventurer and the engineer. Having been on the North Dallas Toll Road mid afternoon last week, I'm sure there are a lot of folks who would have loved to see his tri-cycle flyer fully operable. My what a busy week you have ahead, but I know you wouldn't have it any other way. Enjoyed the story of your first flight and agree that without God's protection and intervention, we might be here to tell about it.

  2. Your Christmas Cactus is wonderful. Gee your husband was quite the engineer in his time. I agree about flying - I just have no interest anymore. Your family photos are precious as usual. Love, sandie♥

  3. Girl! You seemed to be more daring than even I! Whoa...that is SOME airplane story...glory be to God...whew! And you are just too cute in that fur trimmed coat! Sounds like you have a busy week!

  4. Girl, you're certainly braver than me. That first flight would surely have been my last! Your hubby's tricycle copter sounds like something right out of the Jetsons!

  5. Your cactus is gorgeous! You are quite the adventurer!! Who knew!! Thanks for joining the Medley today and telling us your flying stories!! How exciting! That little girl is beautiful! She looks excited!

  6. Oh my, I might not enjoy flying if that had been my first experience. I'm glad you went on to have lots of fun adventures with your husband. What memories, huh?

  7. I had NO idea that you and DH had done so much flying and interesting adventures. I can agree with DH into wishing I could fly up and over traffic. I think the Jetsons had the right idea! Sounds like you are pretty busy with all of your activities, but all good. And so happy for little Hunter going to pre-k! I know that will be an adjustment for all.
    Your Christmas cactus is very pretty...seems early to have so many blossoms. I had to leave mine behind when we moved. I will start over with new flowers and plants a little at a time when we get settled. Have a blessed weekend. We will be moving!
