Thursday, June 13, 2019

Snail Mail? Or Maybe Heaven's Postal Service!

You never know the far-reaching effects of something you do today that will affect tomorrow … or a tomorrow at sometime in the future!!!

The other day I decided it was time to get the kinetic sand out of the office closet and give to the kids because it hasn't been used here for a couple of years. The real motive here was that I could use the bins it was stored in. So setting about to that task, I ended up cleaning out the entire closet and, as always, found something sentimental to occupy the next couple of hours. This time it was a packet of the letters my Dad had written to his parents while he was going through boot camp and on to the Philippines and New Guinea in WWII! 

The letters held a few little tidbits of interesting information shedding some light into his feelings during that time, but, for the most part, they were about missing his family and friends, and asking for news of back home. When I was about halfway through, I began to thumb through more quickly and discovered a couple of love notes between my parents which were so faded I could not make out all that was said. Finally, realizing I needed to move on with my day, but, at the bottom of the stack, I found a letter I had written to my brother back in 1975. He was still in high school and I was a married lady living about 250 miles away. The letter to my brother was meant to encourage him at that point in his life.

After taking a picture of the letter, I sent it last week to my sister-in-law for them to read. This morning I received this message from my brother:

"Good morning Connie!  This is SO cool!  You had no idea this morning, but you were an answer to my prayer this morning (the last several mornings!  I really needed some encouragement, I’m in the middle of a dry spell, and this REALLY lifted my spirits!

I have no memory of this letter.  I have no reason to know why it was saved and you found it with Dad’s things, other than this;  you may have penned that letter on 10/30/75, but God, being the Master Postman that He is, knew that the intended delivery date was 6/13/19!!

How great is our God?  Eph 3:20-21, “to Him who IS able to do exceedingly abundantly above ALL that we ask or can imagine, according to the power that works in us!’

I needed a reminder that God is great, He has my back, even if I fall, He will lift me up!  Thank you Connie for being so faithful to Susan and me.  We love you.  Phil."
His response is important to me because not only did it bless my brother on this day 44 years later, but it blessed me as well! This made my day as I have also been feeling somewhat high and dry these days and you sometimes have the feeling that you need to be doing something or feeling some emotion, but, in your heart, you know the most important thing to do is remember to hold on, press on, it's by faith we live and not by sight. 

Sometimes the road may be rough and seem hard traveling, but, as followers of Christ, we have to keep our destination in mind. And as we travel, the little things we do can make a great difference to someone else as we pass along a smile, an encouraging word or the simplest act of kindness. What we sow, we also reap. And when you cast your bread on the waters, it does come back to you.

When the road is rough and steep,
Fix your eyes upon Jesus,
He alone has power to keep,
Fix your gaze upon Him;
Jesus is a  gracious Friend,
One on whom you can depend,
He is faithful to the end,
Fix your eyes upon Him.
~Norman J. Clayton


  1. Connie, I just find this post amazing. I love it. Even I needed this post today. I am so touched by the sweetness of your brother's words. I am so glad you have each other. Blessings to all, xoxo, Susie

  2. I think this was definitely a God Wink is what I call it - he needed it and you found it exactly when he needed it - God's plan.

  3. This brought tears to my eyes. I love when God shows Himself just when the time is right. Godincidences!!! How wonderful to have all of those letters.

  4. I can only agree with the other comments here and marvel at how faithful our God always is. What a blessing you and your brother are to each other. Thank you so much for sharing this beautifully written reminder that God's outpouring and goodness has no timeline.

  5. Wow, what a wonderful story! I love this. It sounds like the makings of a good book! God knew that letter would need to be found just when it was...your brother may have read it and liked it back then, but now was when he really needed it and understood it and applied it to his heart and life. God wonderful that you listened to that prompting of the Holy Spirit to share it with your brother again all these years later. God is so good. This was so inspiring.

  6. Aren't these "God things" that happen in our lives just the best ever?!! I have tears in my eyes reading this. What a blessing for you all.
