Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Wednesday Medley of Memories of Moms

Wednesday Medley this week is all about Mother's Day! None of us would be here without them! 


Everyone has one or has someone who is like a mother to them.  On the second Sunday of May, we honor those women who are our mothers. Whether we shower her with gifts, take her to a fancy dinner or make her a homemade card, what moms want most is to be surrounded by the love of their family.  Knowing the people they love are safe, sound and healthy is a mom’s number one priority.

Grab the questions from Terri's blog right here and link up tomorrow with your answers.

1. Where did your mom grow up? 

Her first 13 years were spent in Oklahoma City and then the family moved to a small town in Arkansas for country life. Her Dad felt he needed to get his family away from the worldly influences in the city. Momma and her siblings weren't too thrilled about the move, but I am very happy about that decision since she met my Dad in Arkansas.

Mom and her older sister, Doris,
with cousin Merle in the middle in Oklahoma.

2. Tell us about her siblings, if she has/had any. Did you have a favorite aunt or uncle? 

She had a brother and two sisters. I loved all three of them. Aunt Doris, the oldest, lived farther away, but we loved visiting her. She was a sweetheart! Uncle Sonny was fun and a teaser, and Aunt Nancy was closest to me in age and maybe she was/is a favorite? Nancy is now the only one still living at age 79. She reminds me so much of my mom.

3. What is ONE of your favorite memories you can share with us of your mom? 

Terri knows we can't share just one! There are so many things about my sweet Momma to cherish. I thought it was pretty cute that after we kids were gone to school that she pulled out a pair of our roller skates and skated on the driveway and garage! One of my favorite memories was the delight she experienced when my husband and I took her and Daddy on vacation with us to Colorado. Although she was suffering with cancer, she never let it rob her of the happiness in being with her family or the things she could still do. Even sleeping on an air mattress on a camping trip! 

4. Please share a picture or two of your mom with us.

She loved being outdoors working in the yard.

She liked dressing up.

She began working outside the home after we were gone and she loved her job.

She loved her grandbabies!
(Robyn was the first!)

A sweet and loving Momma!

A Mother's Day sometime in the  early 80's!

5. Let's not leave out the grandmothers. Share what you will. 

My maternal grandmother was Granny. She had a big heart and a big laugh. Always sweet, always giving, visited us often, gave good hugs and gifts. My paternal grandmother was not really given to outward affection, but we knew she loved us. 

Granny with my sister and me.

Granny and Momma

Me, Granny and Momma

6. Do you have any special plans for Mother's Day? No clue. 

This I know! My Momma endured many hardships in her brief lifetime and counted it all joy! She has been an inspiration to me over the years, more so as I grow older and think of all she did and sacrificed. The one thing most important to her she shared with her children and that is our Savior's love for us and us a love for Him and His Word!


  1. We were both so blessed to have godly mothers and grandmothers. I do hope you have a most enjoyable Mother's Day. Loved all the pictures.

  2. This was lovely. So happy to hear the stories of your sweet Mama and Granny. You were blessed to have such wonderful people in your life!! Your mother was very pretty...and how wonderful that she loved the Lord and shared that love with you and your family. Have a blessed weekend and Happy Mother's DAy. You are so blessed to have such a beautiful family that God has given you to enjoy and share His love with.

  3. What a great many great photos and memories you shared. I hope your Mother's Day is beyond blessed as well! So...I do have to say that I just can't get that photo of you lying on the bathroom floor from yesterday out of my head...LOL!

  4. What a lovely post and great that you have so many lovely pictures.

  5. What a beautiful tribute to your Mother and Grandmother!!! I loved all the pictures!! HUGS TO YOU!

  6. What a hoot about the roller-skates!
    Your momma sounds like the sort who carpe-'d-the-diem with both hands outstretched. Thanks for allowing us a glimpse!

  7. I think that is a hoot too about the roller skates. Your mom looked so sweet. Did you lose her young? Gee you were taller than all those women. I am glad you have so many great memories. Happy Mother's Day.

  8. Thanks for joining the Medley!! It is so fun seeing wonderful photos, learning about beautiful (and fun!) memories!! xoxox
