Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Wednesday Medley and Nylons

Our Friend from Florida has another great medley of questions for us today! 

Head over to Terri's to get the scoop on panty hose! It's National Nylon Stocking Day! Who woulda thunk it? Will you be celebrating the stockings or celebrating that you are free at last from those hose! LOL!

1. Do you (men don't have to answer) ever wear stockings today? 

I sometimes wear panty hose. I haven’t worn stockings, as in garter belt and clip on stockings, since junior high. Ugh! Hated those things. I attended an event at ORU as a senior in high school and remember constantly having to tug down on my skirt and pull up on the stockings because my skirt was too short and so were the stockings! It was very embarrassing.  I could have used some of the hold ups Terri mentioned! 

2. Terri can remember her mom wearing hose with the seam in the back. Do you have any memories of those? No. Only from articles or books I’ve read.

During the war, when stockings were scarce, women would draw a line on their legs to simulate wearing stockings! How far would you go to superficially fake something today?

I remember when I was in junior high, the fad was to use an eyebrow pencil to make a fake beauty mark on the face. I would never have been able to draw a straight line on the back of my legs. Creepy.

3. Women actually rioted after WWII because Dupont couldn't keep up with the demand for nylon stockings! Is there anything today you would riot for if the supply dried up (other than basic food and water needs)? 

I don’t think I would riot, but I would try to make sure my closet was stocked up with stretchy pants and tee shirts and a good hair dryer. Lol!

4. Pantyhose were first called Panty Legs. I'm sure we all have worn pantyhose at one time or another (again, men don't have to answer). Do you still have a pair or three in a drawer? Yes.
Do you wear them? 

Only when I wear a dress or, if I am wearing dressier shoes, I want some kind of stocking such as panty hose or knee highs with slacks. I don’t like to wear shoes without socks, unless it is flip flops or sandals. 

5. This is also National Chocolate Chip Day. Perhaps chocolate is something to riot for if we ran out? Definitely! Joe's favorite cookie is chocolate chip. What is yours? 

Chocolate chip and I made a batch on Sunday. Yummy good right out of the oven!
 6. Please share something with us about your week.

Today was the last Tuesday Ladies of Grace Bible study meeting. Next week is our brunch. Today our leader was ill, our worship leader was out, and the other two singers. Guess who was left in charge? Me ... so I led us in song, in praise, in reading some of my favorite scripture and then asked the ladies to do just that: Share!

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.”
Colossians‬ ‭3:16‬ ‭ESV‬‬

It was wonderful and I had good feedback from the ladies about our “share day”!

It’s been an interesting week. On Friday our book club met to discuss the book Seabiscuit. While the general consensus was that the book was well written and interesting ... we learned plenty about jockeys and horse racing, it was not a book we would ever read again. I love our book club. Very enjoyable with very insightful ladies. 

On Saturday as I got in the car to go to church, I noticed the tire indicator warning a tire was extremely low. It was pouring rain, but I headed over to Discount Tire for them to check it out. A huge nail was in the tire, so they fixed me up with a new tire and off I went.  So thankful that I hadn’t gotten caught out on the freeway with that bad tire. 

On Monday I went out to our Sequoia to see if I had any more cases of bottled water in the back and, of all things, the handle on the back door jammed! I seem to find myself in jams lately. So, off to Toyota and spend some more dollars! They had to run a diagnostic and take off the whole back door to fix the handle!

If you decide to join other Meddlers this week, come back Wednesday and link up right here so we can all visit each other!


  1. Haha. Those of us who want to make sure we've got a good hair dryer better hope the grid never goes down. Two essentials: hair dryer and flat iron. Phew! Lol

  2. Yes, could not do without the hair dryer. Without the heated fluff, I could be mistaken for something that came close to drowning. So sorry for your car issues, and hope the adage that trouble comes in 3's doesn't hold true for you. Your time of worship and sharing sounds like it was needed and definitely blessed by the One who probably ordained it to begin with.

  3. sorry about the tire. I'm with you on the stretchy pants.

  4. Thanks to my curls, I haven't used a hair dryer in years! Joe uses one every day, though, so we would probably be stock-piling them for him! Thanks for joining the Medley today!! I had no idea what I could do with nylon stocking day, but it did bring out some chuckles and some memories here and there! Glad your tire and the door were taken care of in good time. We had a back tire patched a few weeks ago... we had a nail too. Sigh.

  5. Ha(!) on the garter belt dilemma! My parents would never have let me out of the house wearing a mini skirt; and oh, if they could only see what today's teens are wearing.
    Only recently have I discovered stretchy pants … love 'em!

  6. Oh, my goodness, garters and stockings. Haven't thought about those in years. I probably wore them through high school. Pantyhose was a great invention for sure! Good answers!

  7. Cookies are best right out of the oven!!! Have a great Wednesday!

  8. Stretchy pants or leggings are a must so I'd probably join you in rioting for those. Sorry about the car troubles, but glad they weren't anything more serious.

  9. I do not like to wear shoes without socks either. Sorry about yoru tire! Glad you caught that! Loved your answers! Have a great day!!!

  10. I think you would be a great bible study teacher!!!
    My favorite cookie is chocolate chip too.
    It would be hard to draw that line on a leg - mine would look more like a zipper!
    And I do NOT like pantyhose - they are too hot and too tight for me.
    Have a good night.
