Monday, April 22, 2019

A Special Weekend - A Special Day

This Easter weekend was filled with times of celebrating and also rest! Good Friday services at church, Saturday morning services at Beth Sar Shalom, resting Saturday evening, and two Sunday services!! Whew!! It was all good!

A couple of weeks ago, I invited the kids over for dinner on Easter, but we came to the decision we would meet on Monday for Jack's birthday celebration. Well, as life holds many surprises, Amy texted me Saturday evening asking whether they might come to church with us on Sunday and lunch afterward! Well, sure!!! Delighted!!

So, although I was serving in two services, we still managed to connect on Sunday morning and make it to lunch. The kids (Jack especially) were expecting Easter Egg hunts in the backyard, so I was glad to have candy and other surprises on hand along with the Easter baskets from the past few years. It was fun, but somewhat sad as this probably will be the last Easter Egg hunt in our backyard! We had a great lunch, and fun in the afternoon.

I love this pic!
Looks like Bear didn't feel like having his pic made!

Jack's only disappointment yesterday was that he couldn't open birthday presents. But his Daddy was working on Sunday and today is actually Jack's birthday. He is so funny! His special request for birthday celebration is that we eat at the Lazy Dog Restaurant and that I bake a one layer chocolate cake, with chocolate chip cookies in a circle on top and monster vanilla ice cream in the center of the cake!! Pretty specific on what he likes and wants. So, the cake is now ready except for putting on the candles and the ice cream in the center.

And besides all that, it's his day and so it's all about his choices!
Happy Birthday, Jack Jack!!!


  1. I think I'll "order" a cake just like that for MY birthday!! Yum!! Jack has good taste! Happy birthday to your sweetie! Sounds like you had a lovely weekend with family, celebrating Resurrection Day!

  2. Such sweet family times. Glad you were able to be with those you love even if it made a very busy weekend.

  3. Sounds like a wonderful time with your dear family. So great that they are close enough to come and share these special times with you...and that cake sure looks wonderful. Happy Easter to you and yours.

  4. A wonderful Easter. This one was the first I think we ever missed a Good Friday Service and Easter Sunday. But Don is getting stronger and we thank the Lord for his resurrection power in our lives. Great photos.

  5. What a lovely time you had. Happy Birthday to Jack and I love his cake!
