Sunday, June 9, 2019

Wednesday Medley Starring Oreos!

I'm enjoying the Wednesday medley of questions from Terri, Your Friend from Florida and invite you to join in right here!!  It might will be fun!! 

This Wednesday it's all about those Oreo cookies you've always loved. I didn't realize they have been around for so long! That says a lot for them. Funny thing, when Oreo comes to mind, the song from Wizard of Oz enters my brain! You know, the one the mean old witch's soldiers sing: or-E-o, e-O-o!! 

Terri has provided us with fun facts about the Oreos!

The National Biscuit Company (today known as Nabisco) first developed and produced the “Oreo Biscuit” in 1912 at its Chelsea factory in New York City. Today, the block on which the factory was located is known as “Oreo Way”. 
The name “Oreo” was first trademarked on March 14, 1912. 
The first Oreo cookies in the United States sold for 25 cents a pound in clear glass topped novelty cans.
In 1912, the Oreo Biscuit was renamed to “Oreo Sandwich”.
In 1948, the Oreo Sandwich was renamed to “Oreo Creme Sandwich”.
William A. Turnier developed the modern-day Oreo design in 1952 to include the Nabisco logo.
Nabisco’s principal food scientist, Sam Porcello, developed the modern Oreo cookie filling.

I always thoughts Oreos were best known for this:

1. Are you able to pass by a plate of cookies and not take one or are you a bit of a 'Cookie Monster'?

If it is a fresh out of the oven cookie, I must have one ... or two … whatever it takes to satisfy. Then off they go to the freezer so I can have a fresh one whenever I like

2. Tell us about your favorite cookie. Have your tastes changed since you were a kid?

Warm chocolate chip with walnuts have always been my favorite! Oatmeal-raisin-walnut runs a close second and you can add chocolate chips to that as well. Momma used to make a no-bake chocolate peanut butter oatmeal cookie that you cooked on the stove and dropped on wax paper. They were kind of a cookie candy. 

3. Enquiring minds want to know if you are a dunker and, if so, do you dunk in milk, coffee, or tea? 

A Great Big No! I watch those preschoolers dunk animal crackers in their small cups of water and just shake my head. Soggy animal crackers are pretty disgusting, but the kids seem to think that is the best way to eat them. 

4. It is that time of year and they are selling them on every corner and in front of every store! Do you buy Girl Scout cookies and if you do, which is your favorite?

Not any more, but the chocolate thin mints were my favorite. 

5. Raw cookie dough. Yay or Nay? Yay!
She has the right idea!

Have eaten raw cookie dough and cake batter all my life with nary a problem except to end up with less cookies and flatter cakes!
6. Please tell us something random about your week!!

Pretty quiet on the home-front. We got our taxes done! I’m very irritated that one of our smoke detectors has a low battery and is chirping, but I can’t seem to get to the right one. I had lunch with a friend yesterday and breakfast this morning with the guys. Chile and cornbread last evening with Alice and Fred. I’m getting a much needed haircut today and Annie is having her teeth cleaned on Friday. Yes, that was probably all too much information.

The first meeting of the new book club was last Friday and, while I attended with doubts of whether I will make the commitment, I found that all the members there have similar tastes in books. Several of the books I read last year were also enjoyed by a few others. Therefore, I will read our first book, go next month for discussion, and then see what happens from there on. It was a nice group of ladies.

A plus is that as I began to read the first book selected, I saw immediately that DH would enjoy as well; so I purchased the audio version also, and he likes it so far! Wonderful!

How’s that for exciting? (I don't know what's up with all the different fonts!!)

(I'll try to do better next week!!!)


  1. Hi Nonnie, Oh yes, kids liking that crème filling is the best. I never really like oreos...but I have seen that my girls have them in their homes. :) Cookies are weakness for I rarely make them.LOL Blessings to all , xoxo, Susie

  2. I loved reading about Oreos and cookies in general. I used to love Oreos, but really can't eat chocolate anymore so I rarely eat them. I do love to bake cookies...mostly Oatmeal/raisin/walnut or peanut butter or my mother's famous Orange cookies. Yes I eat cookie dough and have all my life, and it has never yet made me sick. I don't buy Girl Scout cookies anymore either, but I used to sell them back in the day. Sounds like you've had a great and busy week. Enjoy your book club. Sounds interesting. I'll be anxious to hear how it all turns out. I don't think I could wait a month to get together to discuss the book...I can't retain information that long! LOL.

  3. Ohhhh.... no bake cookies...yum! I will have to make a small batch! Have great Wednesday!

  4. We used to make the oatmeal candy/cookie all the time. I think they and mother's peanut butter cookies were my favorites. It appears the Thin Mint GS cookies was the favorite for several of us. I'm glad you enjoyed the Book Club meeting and I will have to look into that book. I'm heading to Dallas today and wish we could have time for lunch but it will be a quicky trip. I look forward to having more time to see you another time.

  5. Aren't audible books the best??? Been there, done that with the chirping smoke detector. Most annoying noise in the world. Enjoy your week.

  6. Yum to cookies!! Thanks for joining the Medley today and sharing your cookie stories! I love those no-bake chocolate/peanut butter cookies. Oh my goodness, my BFF and I would make an entire batch and eat them all. Those were the days. Enjoy your week!!

  7. Oh ick!!! I have never heard r seen kids dunking animal crackers in water! UGH! That is the perfect way to make an animal cracker inedible! ICKY...
    I am so happy that you think you may enjoy the book club! I would love to find one near me but as of yet, have not succeeded :-( Annster's Domain

  8. Very mother was born in 1912...the year of the Oreo...haha.

  9. Oh my goodness cookies one of my favorite things I hate to admit.

    I can't pass a cookie. I like warm chocolate chips like you but NO nuts. lol I also like thin mints.

    No dunking and raw dough is good.

    Sounds like you might be enjoying the new book club - I hope so.

    Hope you are keeping warm!


  10. Oh, good grief, those crazy chirping alarms. It has taken us a couple of days to identify which one before. Drives me bonkers! Enjoyable questions and answers.

  11. I am loving reading about all of the cookies! I am not a dunker either and yes preschoolers will dunk everything, it is so gross. hahahaha Loved your answers! Have a nice day!

  12. I hope you enjoy the book club. I love the idea of a book club, but I'm not sure I'd last...I read all the time, but for some reason I struggle with reading on a club schedule. Getting together with others to discuss books, though, is wonderful!
