Sunday, March 24, 2019

Learning Lessons

Going just a little bit further with things related to Purim, I acted on a couple of them today with peace, kindness and patience. It was very interesting the way things dovetailed together because the pastor/rabbi suggested that we find a way this week to offer kindness, turn somebody’s frown to a smile, give coins, send a gift, or offer the olive branch to someone with whom a relationship has been broken. And then this morning, in life group, the whole lesson was pointing to restoration and our pastor suggested the same thing and maybe having a little more patience when tested with an irritation. 

Now really, this is the way I try to live my life always, but it just so happens that a long time friend was recently offended by something I said. It shocked me greatly as we have always had great communication with each other and laughed over many things we shared. I can’t tell you how much my heart has been hurt over her refusal to accept my apology and my asking for forgiveness or even speak with me. My apologies and asking forgiveness had to be left in voicemail. 

Sooooooo, today I decided to extend the olive branch by sending her a gift and a note which will be delivered on Tuesday and I will be anxious to see how it is received and whether she will contact me. It is my hope that she will and we will resume our long time friendship. (And, in pondering some of the conversations we’ve had over the years, I can recall several times she had been insensitive, but I never addressed it in any way because I didn’t want to show my hurt. But I now find it sad that this would cause me to bring up things like that from the past.)

The other thing was today as I was to pick up my online grocery order at Wal-Mart, it was not ready at the time it was supposed to be. In fact, it was 2 1/2 hours late and it was greatly annoying to have to be tied down waiting for an email letting me know my order was ready for pick-up.  They have always been on time previously and I have been so pleased with the service.  Until today! 

I hate to admit how upset I was, but finally, when it was ready and I sat outside waiting, I felt bad for the employees who were bringing out orders and loading them in cars. As we waited, my heart softened because I knew it wasn’t their fault it had taken so long. The young man who loaded my car explained what was going on and why the delay and said they had been dealing with angry customers all day. So I helped him load the groceries and reached out my fist full of quarters and he gave me a fist bump. Oh? He was surprised my fist held a tip for him as I apologized for not having ones, but did have lots of quarters. We smiled at each other and I hope he was encouraged that not everyone was gonna gripe at him today!

Done! Kindness. Patience. Peace. Restoration. Praying the olive branch works.

If possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men. 
Romans 12:18


  1. Thank you for this lesson today. I appreciate you sharing these personal thoughts with us, and how God is prompting you to respond with love. I, too, am going through a similar situation with a loved one, and have reached out with love and asking far only through a private messenger message, and although I know she read it, she has not yet responded. But I pray that God will soften her heart (she is not a Believer) and help her to see my true heart. She has been offended by things I have said on Facebook that she does not agree with politically, and I am working on that because I must realize that sometimes standing up for what I believe is not as important as showing Christ's love for those who do not know Him or understand our point of view. So please pray with me and I will pray with you concerning these dear ones.

  2. You know what came to mind as I was reading this? How was God going to give you the opportunity to learn and put into practice those lessons He's "bombarded" you with this weekend without the need for patience or forgiveness or lovingkindness? I remember praying for patience when my children were little and prayed against the opportunities to learn and practice it. Thankfully God is ever patient with His wayward children. Thank you so much for sharing your heart today and I trust that God will restore your friendship. Then again, He gives us exit doors as well as those to enter. Blessings on you my friend.

  3. You have shared your heart with us, yesterday and today, with these beautiful posts. Hoping your friend responds with love. Do please keep us posted. Hugs!

  4. What a WONDERFUL lesson from them and what WONDERFUL examples you gave. I must say that I am in a quandary over what you - the sweetest person - could ever have said to hurt someone. I pray that olive branch you send her works. Let us know.
    Sorry I haven't read emails recently - got Andy off to Guatemala for a mission trip and then my son and his family came from Ohio and left today. Thought I'd start all new. Needed to have my patience going too. lol

