Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Wednesday Medley

1.  National Ding-a-Ling Day is observed across the United States each year on December 12.  Ding-a-Lings on this day call the people they haven’t heard from in a while.  It may be an old classmate, co-worker or neighbor from years ago.  Or perhaps a call will go out to the child who used to mow the grass during the summer.  How about that couple who carpooled for soccer. There are all sorts of people in our lives who manage to slip out of our lives who would love to hear the ding-a-ling of a call from you or me.  So tell us who you want to call today!

I think I want to call my old classmate, Becky. I haven't seen her for years and at our age, you wonder sometimes if they are still around and in good health and what is going on in their life. 

2.  Each year on the 12th day of December, people across the United States recognize National Poinsettia Day.  I am including this "National Day" too because my neighbor's poinsettia from last year is blooming beside their house!!  Have you ever tried to plant a poinsettia outside?

No, I don't know if it would survive our heat, however, Florida is pretty hot. But also very humid. I bought a poinsettia today. Maybe I might try to plant it outside. I also bought a Christmas cactus. Both are beautiful. 

3.  Do you believe in Bigfoot? No.
What size shoe do you wear and do you have trouble shoe shopping?
I used to be embarrassed by my "Bigfoot", but not anymore. These feet have been my friends for a very long time now. Size ten and I pretty much end up buying the same styles over and over. Whatever is comfortable. I don't wear heels or cute flats. I need a shoe with a bit of an incline for my back. I like slip on casual. 

4.  What is one thing you refuse to share?
A few secrets from my past. 

5.  Are you finding that this Christmas is stressful? Not so much. Since I gave up trying to make things the way I think they should be.  
More or less than last year? Maybe less.  

6. Tell us something random about your week so far.

We attended Kate's Christmas choir performance last night. Driving over to the school was a fairly stressful ordeal. It's 35 miles one way, driving in the dark on the freeway and highway at rush hour on roads that are under construction and people driving crazy at speeds of 70 and over. We arrived just in time for the performance and I had to park out in the boonies because of the crowd. It was a sweet time seeing Kate sing. She is in the honors choir and they did a great job singing Carol of the Bells and another song that sounded African, with drumbeats and lots of hand-clapping. Seeing and hearing them made the stress of it all worth it. My pictures aren't that good and the kids were so serious as they sang. 

Kate is the cutest girl on the far right!

Last Friday, I had a little brunch time with my friend, RuthAnn before I went for a haircut. She had said to come by for a cup of coffee with danish, but I  should have known better. She had coffee with different creamers, apple danish, yogurt and fruit, biscotti, a cozy fire and a lovely table set. Sweet!

Tuesday evening we met up with RuthAnn and her dad for dinner, Wednesday is breakfast with the guys and Thursday we are joining our friends to attend a performance called Chasing Lights at Gateway Church. I’ve heard it’s quite spectacular! According to a news article, it is a "must see" and it will not disappoint! I have high hopes for it!

Speaking of hope, I loved the graphic Deb at Breathing in Grace posted last Friday and I used it on Facebook. Hope has a Name, and it is Jesus. Today in one of my readings, I discovered (why didn't I know this before?) that in the story of Joshua concerning Rahab, that the  Hebrew word for the scarlet rope hanging out her window is Tikvah! Tikvah means hope! The rope was her guarantee that she and her family would be saved! And, of course, the scarlet thread of redemption runs throughout the Bible. Hope! Coming in the person of Jesus Christ, our Savior! And I love this:

Tikvah is translated as "Hope" in the English, but it has a much deeper meaning in the Hebrew. Tikvah is defined as "a cord, a rope, a line, meaning to bind." Tikvah is a rope that we can hang on to Yahweh with when things are good and bad. It is a cord from heaven, it is a rescue line and a life preserver!

I love it!!! And I'm holding on!

For thou art my hope (tikvah), O Lord GOD: 
thou art my trust from my youth.
(Psalm 71:5)


  1. Kate really is adorable and how nice you made it to her performance - that probably meant so very much to her!!! It is amazing how fast people drive these days, is it not? WOW! What a beautiful table your hostess set for your luncheon! Lovely!

  2. Ha, I didn't think about not sharing secrets. Good one.

  3. As much as I hate heavy rush hour traffic I would have done the same to see one of my grandchildren. She is precious!! I did plant a poinsettia one year and it grew tall and full but never made a flower. Probably because I really didn't know how to properly care for the plant. It didn't make it through the next winter..but it was a fun adventure for a while.

  4. Hey...I have a few dark secrets of my own...LOL! Your poinsettia and cactus are gorgeous. I have three different cacti at my office at work and one of them has been blooming off and one since the end of September! Enjoy the rest of your week!

  5. What an awesome answer to #4! I wish I'd thought to say that! Hey, I'm right there with you about travelling after dark in those sorts of road conditions. Neither Tom or I can see so well after 5PM!
    I knew none of the story of Joshua, and love the story of Hope you shared. Thank you!

  6. Love your answer to #4. Oh boy somethings are better left buried. Waiting for our blessed Hope. Kate is a cutie! Hope the rest of your week is merry and bright.

  7. Awwww, I bet the concert was so much fun! I loved your answers. Have a nice week.

  8. I wondered about the secret thing too - lol

    Never heard of Ding a Ling day. lol

    And I do not believe in BIg Foot either.


  9. Oh my sweet friend, I needed that spiritual lesson and reminder of the Hope that can only be found in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I did not know the significance of the rope either so thank you for that. Love you and thankful for you!

  10. I loved reading about Tikvah and I love the meaning! Praise God!! Thanks for joining the Medley this week! I am late getting to everyone who joined in but am enjoying your answers!

  11. Nonnie, So good to see your pictures. I do not have lots of time to blog these days. But I am home and wanted to see my blog family and friends. Blessings to you and yours, Wishing you great Christmas joy. xoxo, Susie

  12. The Christmas cactus and poinsettia are so nice!

  13. So glad you were able to attend Kate's concert! I can imagine what a trip that was. We don't do well driving at night either, and especially if there is a lot of traffic. Things we used to do as a matter of course are not so easy any more. You sound like me with the shoes...I am a size 9, sometimes 9W, depending on the shoe, and I do not wear anything fancy or "unsensible". Since I am retired I mostly live in casual "gowalk Skechers". They seem to be the best for me. On Sunday I wear a low heel shoe, but can't wait to get it off, and usually keep my skechers in the car to change! Your friend RuthAnn is so sweet. I know that was a precious time together. Her table was lovely. Love the story about Tikvah, etc. That is news to me as well. Love it. HOPE...I am also holding on to hope these days! Oh, I love your flowers too...I have planted my poinsettias, but they are very cold sensitive and have to be covered if there is a frost, so they usually don't survive the winters here. I only cover the plants that REALLY mean something to me when we get frost!! LOL. Love the cactus too. Mine are getting ready to bloom. Merry Christmas!!

  14. I love your Christmas cactus. I had one for years, but had to give it away when we moved overseas. I intended to get another this year, but time has gotten away from me, so we'll see if that happens. So glad you made it to your granddaughter's performance. These are the things I enjoy at the holidays. A little busy here as always, but I'm trying to keep my focus on the meaning of the season and not get swept away by all the 'doing'. Merry Christmas!
