Friday, December 7, 2018

Friday Foto Friends

Happy Friday with Friday Foto Friends!

This is the print on my calendar this month, and is such a cheerful painting of Christmas colors. I love the red pickup with the dogs and the snow and the trees and the packages. One of my friends said this was featured in a Hallmark Christmas movie called Christmas in Evergreen.

Our streets are pretty well lit these days with everybody in the Christmas spirit. I kind of am. I enjoy looking at the lights, but have never tried putting them up by myself and DH is definitely not inclined to do so these days. He used to put lights all around and would climb to the very top of our old sycamore tree to place a huge lighted star he had made that everybody could see. But that's okay. This house in particular I always enjoy each year.

I love its simplicity with the nativity, the star and the angels. No blown up balloon figures,
which I think kids love these days. (I did set up our little nativity set like this one. I treasure it because Amy made it for me several years ago.)

This is cute, but I prefer the other.

My new pantry doorknob!
I bet you don't know anybody else who gets so excited over a new doorknob, huh? The doorknob on the pantry door has been driving me crazy as every time I turn it, it comes out of the door. It's one of those things you just put up with until you realize fixing it would relieve you of the pain you're putting yourself through, right? I had to keep saying, "don't shut the door!" because it was too hard to fix and get open again. Jack actually hid the knob inside the pantry and one day as I was shutting the door, Kate was saying, "don't shut the door, Nonnie!" But I was too fast! So, DH came to the rescue with the screw driver. I then made a trip to Home Depot and, voila! Little by little, little things do get done.

And look at what I found on sale at Bed Bath and Beyond!! I love it! It's the plaid similar to my lunchbox from elementary school days!

Now I can take a hot dish to the brunch next week! 

It doesn't take much to get me excited!

This is what gets DH excited! When I take him out to breakfast at Norma's Cafe.

Our server! Her shirt says "Kiss My Grits!"
And, of course, she has those reindeer antlers on her head.

Speaking of shirts, here is my sis-in-love modeling the tee-shirt I sent her for her birthday. She has four grandchildren and she goes by Omi!

The shirt not only fit her to a "t", but the wording fits her to a "t" as well.
A very cool grandmother, who loves unconditionally … teaches, motivates and encourages, … gives big warm hugs, tells great stories and bakes cookies.

I'm not sure where that expression comes from, so I may have to look it up. Susan looks too young to be a grandma, doesn't she? 

Speaking of cookies I baked a bunch of chocolate chip and peanut butter cookies yesterday to take to the kids on our street and invite them to our church's special event, SnowFest! SnowFest is promising an ice rink, snow, hot chocolate, treats and all kinds of other surprises! It will be fun to see how they pull this off. In our neck of the woods, it might be freezing … then again, they might be wearing shorts and flip-flops that day. Whatever, as they say.

Happy Weekend! 


  1. So many neat things going on here. I love the house decorated with the white angels and nativity. I am wanting a nativity set like that for our yard so much, but guess we will wait until we move to get anything else. I am not crazy about the blown up decorations either, but I guess if you have kids they are fun. I always feel sad when I see them deflated, laying on the ground in a heap during the day! But I guess even inflated Santas and elves need to rest sometime! LOL. Love the T shirt...yes, she definitely is too young to be a grandma! I know how happy a doorknob can make one be. I love little things like that, especially when it has been a trial to endure for a while! Happy for you!!! I hope your neighborhood kiddos come to the Snowfest. That sounds like a lot of fun. Praying for cold enough weather to make it happen!! Have fun, and enjoy your times out with hubby. That sounds like a fun place..."Kiss my grits". Love it.

  2. Christmas is really the best time of year! Love all your great happy moments.

  3. We must have the same calendar because that's my December picture too! We used to put up outside lights every year but not anymore. It's too much for Mr D to be up on a ladder these days, we do put a lighted garland around the front door, but that's it for outside lights. The doorknob picture made me laugh, it's amazing how much the simple things can make us so happy.

  4. I love going out and looking at Christmas lights. We went last Friday and plan to go again tonight after work. I love that red pick-up and hope to get the Hallmark ornament for it this year. The movie it is from is very good.

  5. Beautiful photos of Christmas lights.
    I like all the decorations. That Tee shirt is so sweet too.

  6. That house you shared really is classic and beautiful! I much prefer it, or something like it, to those blow-ups. We see them everywhere here, too. That is a cute t-shirt with Omi on it. Of course we should eat dessert first!! Your casserole cozy is very cute!! Good find!

  7. I love your calendar picture. I buy Suzy's Zoo each year but your's looks awesome. I'm working on getting into the spirit. Going to do my tree (finally) today. I'm so late! Hooray for the new doorknob. Love the lunchbox. Love the t-shirt too. Have a nice weekend.

  8. I'm loving all the decorations I see of old red pickup trucks with a Christmas tree in the bed! Don't you enjoy so much driving around looking at lights. That's something we used to do when I was a little girl and I still can remember those cold nights in the car and Daddy driving all over the place to show us lights. Precious Memories! And, I completely understand about the "little things" like a new doorknob. It doesn't take much to make us happy sometimes! <3 HOPE you're having a great weekend!

  9. Christmas is coming! Enjoy every moment.

  10. What a fun post that I am just now getting around to seeing. We haven't had a chance to get out and look at lights yet, but I'm thinking tonight may be a good time to do that. We got a new garage door handle and I really do like it. It is an ergonomic handle instead of the old knob and so easy to use. My bad wrist is grateful.
