Monday, October 1, 2018

Monday Recap

It's been fairly quiet around here the past few days. The kids were with their other grandma while Jason and Amy attended a wedding of one of the men from his station. They were looking pretty good there, doncha think?!

Just wondering about that smile and "the look"!

Judging from all the pictures posted on Facebook, I think they had an outstanding time at this wedding and reception. Glad for them to have a night out!

My sister and niece came to our neck of the woods to attend the first birthday party for their great nephew and cousin, respectively. He's pretty cute.

He might be a little squirmy.

With his Mom and sisters.

After the party, Roberta and Robyn came to our house for the night and we had a nice dinner together and good visit. 

Annie and Robyn bonded very quickly!

Time just flies by and Sunday morning came very quickly and we had to say good-bye, so, of course, that means taking a few pictures together. DH realized later in the day he had his shirt on inside out! So cute! Nobody noticed, but when I looked at the pics, I do see the tag there by his arm. So what! Who cares.

Just us again!

It rained like crazy here on Saturday and I certainly have no complaints about that. This is kind of a big week for us. Tomorrow is our anniversary, Thursday is DHs birthday, and this weekend, we have a big birthday party to attend. More about that later in the week. October is one of my very favorite months of the year. The season itself is wonderful with the bright, rich colors, the temps are nice with crisp, sunny days, shopped for and purchased my very first home in October, both my marriages were in October … just happy memories of the month.

Last year

Jeb and me on June's front porch

Back a few years.
I loved this Sweet Gum tree in the Fall.


  1. Family photos are always the best! I don't think I would have noticed hubby's shirt if you hadn't have said something. just happens!

  2. So many tags are on the outside of clothing these days, I don't think anyone would have noticed or cared! Great photos and so glad you all had such a good time!!

  3. I would never had known about the tag if you didn't say anything girl! I love that carriage ride - and I want a cake I can eat all by myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What nice family pictures! You always have a lot going on!

  4. What great times with family and friends! That is so funny about the tag! I once wore a dress to work and it was inside out all day!!!! Only when I was heading out to go home did I notice! LOL! It happens to all of us now and then! HA HA Have a great day~! Annster's Domain

  5. Happy Anniversary to you and DH. I loved all the photos. Squirmy is the perfect word for kids that want to run and play and not be held too long. LOL. But oh boy he is cute. Jason and Amy do look so nice. I think the second picture could be captioned with many different sayings, don't you think. Bless their young hearts. Blessings to all, enjoy your special day. xoxo, Susie

  6. Looks like a fun and wonderful weekend with family. So wonderful when you can be together...and who cares if a shirt is inside out or not? That tends to happen here as well...sometimes the inside looks better than the outside...I tend to spill tea on my shirts so often that the spots outnumber the original design...

    Thank you for sharing your weekend with us. It looks like it was a lot of fun.
