Friday, October 26, 2018

Weekend Blessing

I love the posts on Facebook from Susie Larson. This weekend's post spoke to me and I want to save it in my blog. Having just finished the Books of Joshua and Ruth in Bible Study Fellowship, this goes with it. The same God who led Joshua and cared for Ruth and Naomi leads, loves and provides for us now. He will always make a way. 

Weekend Blessing: 

May you refuse to compare and despair. Here’s what’s true: Nobody’s life is as perfect as you think it is. Everyone is battling in some way. Everyone has a broken heart. Everyone has losses, hurts, and disappointments. 

And here’s what’s also true: God knows what He’s doing with your story. He’s uniquely positioned you to fight and win your battles. He’s put people in your life who need what He’s taught you. Comparison will distract you from your calling. You have more important things to do, like engage your faith, pray for fresh vision, and stand firmly on His promises. Jealousy doesn’t look good on you and it doesn’t belong in you. Your life story is epic. May you walk it out with holy confidence and humble dependence. Live like the heir of God you are! 

Blessings on your weekend.
Susie Larson 10/26/18


  1. I love her blessings! This one is SO true and an important lesson for us all.

  2. Terri is right - this is one of the most critical things we can learn.

  3. Nonnie, We humans can be control freaks...we need to pray on our woes and turn them over to God. I am thankful He is in our lives. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  4. This is really good. It confirms what God has been trying to show me: not to compare myself with others or even with how things used to be. Thank you. God bless you.
