Friday, August 24, 2018

Friday Foto Friends

I'm running late today and will be gone most of the day, but wanted to put in my two cents worth of fotos! Joining Deb at Breathing in Grace for Friday Foto Friends.

This was another beautiful sky from the other night. 
I can never resist them.

This plant finally decided to bloom. It was supposed to be a plant that loves sun, but it has been dry all summer. I won't buy one next year as it doesn't seem to be able to take the heat! You know what they say! If you can't take the heat, stay off the patio. 

Trailer for sale or rent?
No rooms to let for 50 cents though.
Just trying to get rid of some unnecessary items these days.

And after our visit with the doctor for a CT scan for DH and follow-up visit, we will be saying good-bye to this last cycle.

So long. I'm really sorry, but you really must go!

He loved his toys and I'm glad he got to enjoy so many of them over the years, but now it's time for somebody else enjoy. The unusual cycle/scooter is like brand new, with very few miles on it and looks beautiful. However, because it has been sitting in the garage for the past six years, it is ready for a makeover and the guy at the motor scooter place is willing to take it on and sell it. So thankful.


  1. I need to start thinning out and getting rid of things too. Like my bike, etc.

    Hope you have a great weekend.

  2. Wow...that sky was magnificent...and your flower is very pretty in spite of being dry and hot. Oh, I know it is hard to let go of things that were so special and fun...especially realizing that it means that part of life is done...but thankfully God always has good and beautiful things waiting for us to enjoy if we just trust Him. I am happy that you already have someone willing to take care of the bike for you. I pray it will sell soon for a good price! that little trailer is nice. Too bad you are too far away for me to buy it. Have a blessed and wonderful weekend.

  3. Beautiful sky. Hard to let go of stuff but its always a good idea to lighten the load. Its great you have someone to help sell the bike!
    Hope the rest goes easily.
    Have a lovely weekend.

  4. Oh, I wish we lived closer; my DH would kill for that little trailer! I hope your hubby's bike sells quickly. Would you believe, I've never been on one in my life.

  5. Hahaha...I loved these words of yours..."if you can't take the heat stay off the patio!" The flowers have turned out lovely though...thanks to your kind heart and watering can. :-)

    Glad that you are being able to get some things out of the way now, Connie.

    I've been praying this afternoon for Jay's appointments today. xx

  6. Your plant doesn't look too bad. Pretty color, anyway. It is hard to get rid of the things we have enjoyed and just can't anymore. At least your hubby seems to be okay with it. Happy weekend!

  7. Beautiful sky!! Awww it’s sad when we have to give up the things we love... but time marches on and I’m sure someone will go on to enjoy. Hope you’re having a great weekend.

  8. Nonnie, I love sunsets, sunrises, and sky shots too. I felt my tummy do a little flip-flop, to read that DH will no longer get to ride his bikes. It is good he loved them and had fun...but kind of sad why they have to go. Change is inevitable , but sometimes sad. Prayers for you and LD. Give him a big hug from me...I used to ride motorcycles with my husband. Blessings to you, xoxo, Susie

  9. Happy Friday Nonnie, Love the photos especially the sunset sky photo. Sad no more bike riding for your DH. I felt the same way when I had to give up my car and no longer drive. Haven't driven since 2005. I wish you both a blessed evening.

  10. That sky foto is awesome... don't ever stop sharing because they're probably my favorite! Oh, I wish we loved near enough to take the yard trailer. I need one! Happy weekend to you. 💜
