Friday, June 8, 2018

Friday Foto Friends

I can't figure out the dark shadows on these pictures from the other morning.

We've had two unexpected cool fronts this week which brought some much needed rain … and along with the first rain, some fierce hail. After getting a recommendation from a trusted friend, we called a roofer out to check our house and yes!!! No damage says he! So very thankful. Last night's rain brought only heavy rains.


  1. I see you guys have had some beautiful skies this week too.

    Hope you have a great day!

  2. Gorgeous skies! You took some spectacular photos.
    It has been cold here on the New Jersey shore as well. Heat has kicked on a few times.
    Have a lovely weekend.

  3. Those clouds are magnificent!! So thankful you didn't have any roof damage! Praise God!! We had a humdinger of a thunder storm last night, but no damage that we can see...however some in our area had a small twister/waterspout come in off the lake. That was scary!

  4. Amazing sky photos. Thankful you don't have roof damage. Have a pleasant weekend.

  5. Fantastic sky photos Nonnie. Have an awesome weekend.

  6. I am loving your skies! They have some amazing beauty if we remember to look up :)
