Wednesday, May 16, 2018

A Mother's Day Hodgepodge

1. What are your ingredients for a perfect Saturday?

If not a cozy wintry day to stay inside and read while something delicious is cooking on the stove, then I will take a spring day with temps in the low 70's, flowers blooming, and a trip to the Arboretum with friends. Lunch on the grounds, then later that day, church! Sounds good to me.

2. What skill do you wish more people took the time to learn?

Spelling. And now that I've written that here, I hope all the words here are spelled correctly!!

3. What's something you ate as a child you can't stand now as an adult?

Spam sandwiches!! So very gross!!!! Blech!

4. Something parenting has taught you? If you're not a parent tell us one important lesson you learned from your own parents.

Be careful what you promise and keep your commitments.

5. Share a favorite quote or saying about mothers or motherhood.

There are so very many! Hard to choose. I like this today.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

I couldn't have asked for more wonderful and loving bonus children in my life and now, blessed tremendously with the grandchildren. Bonus blessings from God!

"He gives the childless woman a family, making her a happy mother. Praise the LORD!"
Psalm 113:9


  1. Enjoyed your answers. Have a great rest of the week.

  2. Beautiful answers. Especially the saying about a blended family.

  3. Both quotes are so beautiful! Have a wonderful week.

  4. You have a beautiful family, Nonnie. I also like a wintry day with something yummy cooking in the crockpot! I was reminded about Spam when I read your answer...I have a confession to make. Although I haven't actually eaten it in years and years, I actually do like it, especially fried. I love your quotes Happy Mother's Day!

  5. Nonnie, You are a blessed with a loving family. :):) Ditto on the spam sandwich girl. LOL...although when I was eating, it was delicious. Here's some of my mom's saying...if you dared to curl up your nose at a meal, it was "take it or leave it",as food was some times scarce. Then if mom had a bit of bad luck she would say , "if it were raining soup, my bowl would be upside down." She was so funny . I love the precious jewels around your neck. Love it. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  6. There have been so many commercials recently for Spam. I haven't had that since I was a child, but I think I liked it. I wonder if I'd feel the same now? You have a lovely family!

  7. You have a beautiful family with children of your own and grands. Lucky woman. I agree with your perfect Saturday. I have to say I am not the worlds greatest speller. Hope you get to sleep late on Saturday too!

  8. I really do like Spam and have used it often, fried and toped with cheese and turned into a nice sandwich. You have a beautiful family.

  9. I LOVE those photos!! I like Spam. Had it as a kid growing up and will still eat it today. Joyce gave us a fun Hodgepodge and I enjoyed reading yours!

  10. Those sound like two perfect days. My mom never gave us Spam and I wouldn't eat it as an adult either. I actually worked for Hormel and have stock in the company! I love your random.
