Thursday, April 5, 2018

A Thankful Throwback Thursday

Four years ago, we flew to Ohio for the wedding of my nephew, Chase and his bride, Julie.

Even more exciting is to have watched the progression of things and see now the sweet little family they have become.

In the space of that four years, four new additions have been made to my brother's family. Congratulations to Phil and Susan, now known as Omi and Poppie. So far, they have Hunter, Lincoln, Tenley and Londyn. Since I think the plan is to continue expanding in the next year or so, my brother and Susan were prompted to buy a bigger house. So congratulations on that one! I rejoice with them. 

I've spent the past three weeks or so studying to teach our Ladies of Grace in the couple of weeks before Easter about the connection between Passover, Easter and Communion. 

It was a very good study and while I knew many things about these topics before, I learned even more in my study. Although I love to study and I really enjoy discipling one on one, it isn't my favorite thing to stand up before a group of ladies and teach. Actually, I don't call it teaching for me, but rather "sharing." One of my best friends and encouragers sent this to me the night before I was to "share".

I have to say His grace was more than sufficient to me throughout this time. I don't take teaching lightly, but it went very well and several people told me they had never known those things before! In sharing about the Passover, a good part of the time was spent leading the group in a Seder which everyone really enjoyed participating in. That was a blessing and made it quite worthwhile. Only regret I have is: why didn't I think to take a picture of the table I had prepared for them to see! It was really very authentic. Maybe next year.

We got to see Kate and Jack play in their sports.

He came off the field smiling even though he didn't score this game.

Kate hit a line drive with the bases loaded and came in home. Since the limit is five scores per inning, Kate's coming home point didn't count, but hey, she brought in three others, so that was pretty exciting!!

Then, all of a sudden Easter was upon us and with all the services at our church, there were plenty of opportunities to serve.

RuthAnn and her Dad invited us to brunch at his retirement community. While I was expecting something a little better than nursing home food, it was a very pleasant surprise to see he lives in a high end retirement facility, offering all kinds of amenities. The brunch was equivalent to being on a nice cruise ship with a very extensive menu. It was a lovely day with them as he proudly gave us the grand tour afterwards.

They scored!

This dog is not happy if she isn't on your lap or in your face!!!!

Our time has been spent over the last couple of weeks with routine doctor visits, friends, church, Bible study, and pretty much just taking care of life's business. It's more than okay that life isn't greatly exciting, but more than just enjoyable. So thankful to be able to have occupation each day, family and friends, plenty to eat, our home, community, not too many health concerns, ... the list just goes on and on, doesn't it? To be content, no matter what circumstance we're in.

We've been studying Heaven since last September and this week's discussion seemed to be centered around the people we will see there and will we know everybody and I was reminded of an old song my mother used to sing and I enjoyed singing with her. Not one lady in our group had ever heard this song before.

The chorus is:

I’ll meet you in the morning
With a how do you do
And we’ll sit down by the river
And with rapture old acquaintance renew
You’ll know me in the morning
By the smile that I wear
When I meet you in the morning
In that city that is built four square.

That thrills me!!


  1. Nonnie, I loved all the pictures. Your grandchildren are growing. Now your brother will have to catch up . I am glad you enjoyed your have reached others with God's love. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  2. Such fun photos of your littles who are getting bigger! I've never heard that song either but it is beautiful.

  3. Oh Nonnie, I so enjoyed reading this. I wish I could have been part of your group to hear this teaching. There is no doubt the Lord honored your desire to be a blessing.

    I must tell you that the song is a classic Southern Gospel hymn sung in so many of our country churches. I can still hear the quartets singing this and the joining of harmonies throughout the congregational singing. But, I hadn't thought about this song in so many years. Thank you for sharing it.

  4. Oh Nonnie, I love that old song! Thank you for sharing it...seems like I can hear The Happy Goodman's singing that song.."Vestal Goodman" in particular... and I love the devotional you shared...that really spoke to me. I would have loved to see the Seder table you prepared...I know that took a lot of work and study to do it right...I've never attempted to do that, but I have attended one actually at a Jewish' family's home. It was very interesting...but sad in a way, because they did not recognize Jesus as their Messiah. Still praying for them...Love all the pictures you happy to have you "back" again! I've missed you!! Have a blessed and wonderful spring time.

    1. Actually, the one the Goodman's sang was "I will meet you in the morning just inside the eastern gate..." not the same song, but I love the one you posted precious.

    2. Here's the Gaither old quartet singing the song you posted.

  5. Such a cute little baby. Kate and Jack look cute at their games. Wow, that's a lot of eggs!

  6. I love to see babies - and pets - really makes you feel good.

  7. Haha, love the shocked Dad look!

    What is that bible study?
