Wednesday, October 25, 2017

A Tennessee Hodgepodge

Hodgepodge Fun!

1. What's surprised you most about your life or life in general?


I thought it would be simply ages before I would reach this age! It seemed some faraway and distant place when I was in my 20's. Seriously though, life threw me a curve ball in my mid-30's when my husband died suddenly, leaving me all alone. The even bigger surprise was when DH came into my life and brought with his love two wonderful kids, and now the four precious grandchildren I have been privileged to love.

"He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. ... 
God sets the lonely in families."
Psalm 113:9 and 68:6a NIV

2. Sweet potato fries, sweet potato casserole, a baked sweet potato, a bowl of butternut squash soup, a caramel apple or a slice of pumpkin have to order one thing on this list right now. Which one do you go for?

A baked sweet potato with a big pat of butter melting all over it.

3. What's a famous book set in your home state? Texas
Have you read it? Part of it.
On a scale of 1-5 (5 is fantastic) how many stars does it rate?
For me, it only deserves 3 stars because I got tired of reading it. I used to be able to read James Michener, but these days, I need something shorter. Lonesome Dove would be my absolute favorite and I would give it 5 stars!

4. There are 60 days until Christmas...have you started your shopping? No.
How do you stay organized for the holidays?
I ask the kids for a list from the grandkids and order from Amazon. We give money to the adults.

5. October 26th is National Tennessee Day. Have you ever lived or spent any time in Tennessee?

Our visit to Tennessee was brief. We did manage to go through the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. And thanks to the questions here, I'm reminded that we also visited Chattanooga, rode the train and visited the museum.

Is this a state you'd like to visit one day? I would like to go back someday.

The top rated tourist attractions in Tennessee are-

The Great Smoky Mountain National Park (Gatlinburg area), Elvis's Graceland (Memphis), Birth of the Music Biz (Memphis and Nashville), Dollywood (Pigeon Forge), Tennessee's Military Heritage (many battlefields), The Hermitage (Andrew Jackson's home), The Parthenon (Nashville), Oak Ridge American Museum of Science and Energy, Chattanooga and the Tennessee Valley Railroad, Downtown Knoxville, Lookout Mountain, The Titanic Museum (Pigeon Forge), The Museum of Appalachia (Clinton), and The Lost Sea Adventure (Sweetwater)

How many on this list have you seen?
Only the National Park and Chattanooga. Which one on the list would you most like to see?
Maybe Lookout Mountain. From what I've heard, Cade's Cove is something you shouldn't miss in Tennessee, but it isn't on the list.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

I've said it before, but this seems to be the year of fixing, updating, replacing or making big purchases. Since I am the one making the decisions, sometimes one decision seems to lead to having to do something else, which makes me wonder am I really making good decisions. I want to be a good steward of our money, but it doesn't always feel like I am. Today it's the sprinkler system. But it does seem to never end. Maybe that might be one of life's surprises here in the land of plenty. Home ownership is a blessing, but it comes with lots of maintenance. And at the end of the day, the sprinklers are fixed, but I'm informed we need two new French drains. Just thankful we can cover the costs.

On a lighter and much cuter topic, Kate got her braces on yesterday and Jack lost his first tooth!



These faces never fail to make me smile.

Our son took both kids camping this past weekend. He takes care of everything from teaching them to get away from those iPads and TV, cooking for them, hiking, fishing, it's all about a good time outdoors. They really prefer that anyway to the devices.

Making S'mores.

On Saturday night as they lay snug in their sleeping bags, the park ranger came by around 10 pm to advise them of storm and tornado warnings and that they probably should load up and go home. Jason did just that and I guess Kate helped him, but Jack slept through the entire process. The next morning he woke up in his bed and was quite disoriented wanting to know if they didn't get to go camping. Awwwww. That little story reminded me of how it will be as we close our eyes here on this earth and open them to see the face of Jesus in Heaven. 


  1. I loved the family picture and what a blessing it must have been having everyone together for it. And what a precious thought - We close our eyes and open them in heaven, having been carried there by our loving Father. Finally Home!

  2. You have a beautiful family. Thank God for that park ranger! Enjoy your week.

  3. I did not know you lost your first husband - but God brought you a wonderful family.
    Georgia book - GONE WITH THE WIND!

  4. What a great family picture, Connie. I love family pics like that...they are so fun to look back on in a few years.

    I'm with you- how the heck did we get to be this old? lol Speaking of old- I just took a year off my life when a mouse ran out from under my printer stand where I am working in the workshop of the garage. lol xo Diana

  5. Cades Cove is a wonderful place to visit. I wonder why it wasn't on the list. Your grandkids are adorable and I love the camping story. You are so right, it's going to be so neat when we wake up in heaven. So much more than we can imagine!!

  6. This was full of such sweet things...Your life history and how God placed you in a family and has blessed you with such precious children/grandchildren...Love the camping story and ending... Thinking of home maintenance...we are rapidly rethinking this "retirement Home" thing.... maintenance is a huge thing as we that our one son is moving out...and the other will probably do so soon as well...we may have to rethink our plans...One day at a time. I'd love to go back to Tennessee some day too. Right now in the fall would be lovely.

  7. I so enjoyed reading your comments to this hodgepodge, Connie. Those grands are so special, aren't they? I loved the camping story and poor Jack waking up the next morning at home wondering if he'd gone camping. xx

  8. That is such a good family picture!! Enjoyed your hodgepodge!

  9. Our family stories are so similar. Love the photos you shared and that last story is so precious. Jason made the right decision but Jack's confusion will bring smiles later in life when memories are discussed.

  10. I love the thought of that: That one day we will wake up in heaven and wonder if this world was really a thing.

  11. Getting everyone together for a family photo is something that doesn't happen all that often in my family but it SO wonderful when you can make it happen! I enjoyed reading your answers, Nonnie!

  12. I had no idea that today is National Tennessee Day...and I live in Tennessee!!! ;-) Happy Thursday, sweet Lady.

  13. Your grandchildren are adorable. How did Kate do with the procedure for the braces? I hope it didn't cause her too much discomfort.

    Aren't those mountains just beautiful? It is one of the things that I miss the most about back home(SC)...the beautiful mountain scenery.

    I hope that all goes well with your fixing and repairing.

    Have a blessed week!

  14. Camping, such fun. The poor little fellow, I can imagine that he did wonder what happened. Have a blessed week.

  15. I got all emotional reading your answer to #1. You have been through so much and have been blessed in ways you never expected. My choice would have been exactly like yours but I just couldn't pass up the offer of a slice of pie. I eat sweet potatoes all the time. I asked for lists from my children also. We do a lot of gift cards and of course Amazon is awesome!
