Saturday, September 9, 2017

A Pink Saturday Recap

Me and my shadow on the trail today!

Unlike so many other places, right now we are enjoying beautiful weather.

Some of the sunflowers are still holding up.
Most of the others are a little bedraggled.

First neighbor with the pumpkins out!

Another neighbor really gets the orange on. I love this fire bush.

We were FREEZING the other night at the Olive Garden.
Fortunately, Alice had two sweaters in their car for DH and me.
I thought he looked kinda cute in her sweater.

Bill is probably one of the smartest guys I know! Really!  He speaks way above the rest of us when it comes to science and here he is explaining with the coffee cup why the evolutionists can't explain the lower strata. (Or something like that!)

Senior moments are getting to be the norm around here for both of us. After breakfast, DH took his plate to the kitchen sink and says, "What are these eggs for?"  I had forgotten to put them on his plate!!!!

A friend of mine from Oregon posted this pic from
the local TV station. I love it because I love firefighters
and they are heroes in my book!

This weekend is Patriot's Day at our church and the military, veterans, police officers, firefighters and first responders will be honored. It is always a great service and our pastor's goal in this service is for the next generation to see the people who serve be honored and respected. My heart is always full of pride and gratitude for those who have served. The replica of the Viet Nam memorial and desert boots representing Texans who gave their all are on display in our church parking lot.

All gave some, but some gave all.

Linking up today with Bev at How Sweet the Sound for Pink Saturday.


  1. I laughed out loud over your forgotten eggs! That reminds me to go down and collect some for our breakfast tomorrow. I love smart people! I admire their brains and mind and how they actually understand things way over my head. I have a creative and practical mind but I can't remember the things that are involved and complicated. I guess I'm what they call 'simple minded' and that's okay with me. I do admire brilliant people, though!

  2. Cute post! I can identify with the forgotten eggs! I forgot a whole tray of garlic bread in the oven last night...

  3. Nonnie, I think smart people are that from having a crush on my science teacher in 8th grade? Who knows . LOL When I cook any more, which is way more than I want too, I am spinning in circles to get it cooked and on the table. LOL. Your DH is wearing his sweater well. :):) Blessings to all of you, xoxo, Susie

  4. What a hoot Nonnie, yes senior moments are part of my life too right now.

  5. Had to laugh at your forgotten many senior moments over here too. Sometimes it's a little scary, but you have to see the humor too I think. Oh, and your right...pretty cute in that sweater! Have a good week!
