Sunday, September 3, 2017

Minnie's Boots on the Ground Project

On Friday, I received an email asking for help in reaching the goal of packing 1,000 grocery bags for Hurricane Harvey recipients! On Saturday morning, I headed over to Minnie's Food Pantry to be a part of reaching this goal. Minnie's is a local non-profit organization whose goal is for a hunger free community. Minnie's stems from a personal experience of a family being in need and wanting to share with those who face the same circumstances. I love volunteering here because of the passion in what they do, their love for people, and the teamwork ethic that exists in this place.

This lady is the daughter of Minnie, the
founder of the food pantry.

This lady has a passion and enthusiasm 
with energy to match!

Race, religion, divisions don't exist here!

The motto here is "If you can't feed 100, feed just one!"

One truck loaded and ready to go!

Loved this day! Giving is what life is about
and where life rewards can be found!

I like the way the Message puts it:

"Give away your life; you’ll find life given back,
but not merely given back—given back with bonus and blessing.
Giving, not getting, is the way.
Generosity begets generosity.”
Luke 6:38

Later on Saturday, I met my dear friend and sister-in-love, RuthAnn, for the annual event Rejuvenate led by our Pastor's wife, Ms. Geni Brooks and her daughter, Kayci. We didn't take any pictures last night, but the memories will remain of the time spent together in the presence of God with about 300 other ladies as we sang, prayed, talk about gratitude and all the ways to express it was truly refreshing. RuthAnn has already committed to returning for Rejuvenate next year! It's a date!

from another good time of fellowship with RuthAnn


  1. That is wonderful what your group was able to do for the people in need. Our church is sending help also. They will need help for a long time.

  2. Nonnie, How wonderful. I loved the saying of "if you can't fed 100, then feed one." You and your Sister -in-love are very pretty sitting for your picture. Blessings to all, hello to DH. xoxo,Susie

  3. How wonderful! Thank you for doing that for the people in need! I know it must feel so good to be able to actually "do" something to help. We are too far away to do anything physical, but have sent our donation to help out. Wish there was more we could do. But God is doing a marvelous work of bringing people together to lift up the fallen. Thank you for sharing this with us. So happy to see the hands of God at work.
