Friday, August 18, 2017

Friday Foto Friends

Friday Foto Friends!

Sharing photos from sunset last evening at the park. We arrived at dusk and watched the sunset as it began a little shy behind the trees and then really showed off good!

It's very hard to tell, but Kate was in one of these last pictures. The sun was so bright, you couldn't see her. I turned the flash on the camera and when I did, the pic then looked like it was daylight. Weird.

And this the rising sun that woke me up this morning!


  1. So beautiful Nonnie! It must have been gorgeous everywhere last night. So many lovely pictures this morning. God really outdid Himself last night.

  2. Beautiful post - your photos capture the sunset so perfectly.

  3. Your sunset/sunrise pictures are beautiful! I am amazed at how everyone had such a glorious sunset last night! God is working in our world...and He is showing us His power and majesty in the heavens. I love these photos!!! I'm thinking we were all outside at the same time last night enjoying this splendor! How cool is that???

  4. So beautiful but the little girl outshines the sunsets by far. Sweet face.
    Thank you for sharing these lovely photos.

  5. The clouds look like cotton candy, smiles. Thank you for sharing your lovely photos. smiles

  6. So many have shared sky fotos today and they're all gorgeous. Isn't it amazing that all of us live in so many areas of the country, but share the same skies? Beautiful! Thanks so much for linking up today! HOPE you have a great weekend.

  7. Those are beautiful sky pictures! Just lovely. Hoping you have a great weekend. xo Diana

  8. Beautiful sun photos! And that Kate just brightened up that photo better than the sun ever could!

  9. This is a lovely sequence of photos.

